Minutes: 5/11/09

Meeting Notes
Monday, May 11 2009
5 - 7 PM
Present: Trustees Bill Withrow and Cy Gulassa, Sadiq Ikharo, Wise Allen, Joseph
Bielanski, Karolyn Van Putten.
Review status of the implementation of the Campus-wide Strategic Planning
Process (Dr. Wise Allen)
Ed Services will carry out the strategic planning responsibilities. The planning and
ongoing accreditation process are continuing, and to sustain the efforts. All of the data
and follow-up are being placed in the system to be readily available to become
institutionalized. Areas in which we have problems will be reviewed. One example is
verification of fixed assets will occur in the future through general services. Consistent
systems will be established. We are now back to having an Ed Master Plan as our
foundation, so that we can now regularly review this, with frequent unit plans. Costs of
ongoing maintenance also have to be taken into consideration.
Review status of the IT Master Plan. (Tom Smith)
It was asked how much input is being sought from Ed and General Services into this.
We don’t have WiFi on all of our campuses due to the amount of concrete in our
buildings. Voiceover IP and wireless are a goal for IT infrastructure, but need to be
included in an IT master plan. The plan is dependent upon Measure A funds. Listing of
all future Measure A expenditures was provided to Sadiq. Clickers are used with large
classes, that gives the percentage of “votes” and options in class. Broadcasts on
YouTube help community colleges to present material for future discussion. We have
started the process to explore how IT will benefit the educational process. How do
improve the educational process and keep students? The colleges don’t have a
technology committee, but it is a component of the new structure being considered.
Smart card can have access to different building locations, as well. We have some access
cards in some high security spaces. There are some issues that are seen to be District
issues, and others as college issues. CIO and technology committee need to look at these
issues for security and access cards. A visit to Maricopa, Alamo, and Los Rios would be
helpful as models. Alamo will be examined as an example of Financial Aid, as well.
Discuss issues related to the high cost of text books, including the status of a
pilot project action plan. Discuss status of the consortium for OER as a
source for textbooks and progress achieved to date at The Peralta Colleges.
(Dr. Wise Allen and DAS Representative)
CNN story on textbook today listed online alternative sources.
Someone has to show the way, which takes time to learn the way, and to consult with
faculty on how to use the resources. Staff development needs to highlight successful
examples. CIPD had an ESL presentation on textbooks that was impressive, and they use
the same books for their subjects. Follett also needs to be part of this equation, to be able
to get the same textbooks for all classes, and to ensure a certain edition will be
guaranteed. Committee needs to be established to follow-up on textbook issues going
into the future. Kerry Compton is on a state textbook committee, as well. Students wait
until the first day of class before they buy their textbooks, or beyond, as well as shopping
for classes until the last minute.
Discuss issues surrounding the concept of building our Website using open
domain material and techniques.
Word press was shown to DAS, and they were very excited about it, and it was very easy
to use. Web task force of user’s group at the District was suggested to vet all of the ideas
and hear college ideas and concerns. Faculty on release time could be possible web
masters. Multiuser based word press gives a single structure to remove concerns if it’s a
good system for everyone involved. DeAnza foothill IT strategic plan preamble was
Discuss a strategic plan and business plan for Contract/Customized Education.
(Dr. Wise Allen)
This area hasn’t been explored significantly. The union needs to be contacted to make a
flexible plan, and the faculty consulted. City college of SF is our model. St. Mary’s
model in Marin is another model to review. Colorado minds program model is where one
take one class at a time. This could be done on a trial basis. Online evaluations were
very successful. Fall will be a trial for online evaluations.
Discuss Board Resolution to convey priority of Student Learning Outcomes
and establish a goal of 2011 to achieve State Mandated objectives.
This was an accreditation recommendation. A DAS resolution was requested on this
topic. Assessing SLOs is very time consuming and costly. The assessment doesn’t need
to be perfect, but does need to commence.
Upcoming meetings in the Chancellor’s Conference Room:
May 28 12 – 2 p.m.
June 25 4 – 6 p.m.
August 27 4 – 6 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Roxanne Epstein
Assistant to the Chancellor