
Dr. Debbie Budd, President BCC
Dr. Joi Lin, President COA
Dr. Elnora Webb, President Laney College
Dr. Norma Ambriz-Galaviz, President Merritt College
Cc: Vice Presidents of Instruction and Vice Presidents of Student Services
From: Planning and Budgeting Council (PBC)
Date: January 19, 2016
Lists of all Positions Hired in 2014-2015 with Restricted Funds and Lists of Positions
Planned to be Filled with Restricted Funds in 2015-2016.
At the November 20, 2015 Planning and Budgeting Council meeting the PBC discussed the
uncertainly regarding positions created and filled through the use of restricted funds, such as Equity,
SSSP, and grants funds. After discussion, the PBC passed the following motion.
“The PBC requests that each college President provide a list of positions that were filled through
use of restricted funds, including Equity funds, SSSP funds, and grant funds in 2014-2015. Further
the PBC requests that the college Presidents provide a list of planned positions for 2015-2016 that
will use restricted funds, such as Equity funds, SSSP funds or grant funds”.
Originally, this topic was on the December 2015 PBC agenda. However, due to the non-receipt of
the requested information, the topic has been rescheduled for the January 29,2016 of the PBC.
The PBC looks forward to reviewing this information at the January 29, 2016 PBC meeting. Please
forward your spreadsheets to Linda Sanford prior to the meeting for distribution and duplication.