10/16/2015 Meeting Minutes

Minutes of the Adjunct Faculty Council (AFC)
October 16, 2015
ASC 238
Members In Attendance: Steve Albers, Kelly Donahue, Kathy Jenson, Laura Medwetz, Anne Ramage, Lucy Saliger,
Dave Schuelke, Kim Sovell, Marguerite Spencer, Mary Tinucci, Loddy Tolzman, Kristin Towle and Mary Twite.
Members in Abstenia: Al Aspengren, Sheila Dickinson, Ken Kalamaha, Kelly Leiker and Bethany Timmerman.
The meeting was called to order by AFC Chair, Mary Twite at 3:05 p.m.
Amended Agenda approved.
Meeting Notes for September 24, 2015 approved with changes.
a. Compensation and Benefits
i. Laid out goals for the year.
 Create survey for adjuncts utilizing Kathy Jenson’s draft. Ask that each committee add
to/change questions that related to that committee.
 Follow up on survey of the Deans. Council suggested that Rob Reilly be involved.
 Gathering information for the Deans regarding adjunct faculty titles, rankings,
responsibilities and compensation is ongoing.
 Follow up on 1-year contracts.
b. Elections and Nominations
i. Working with Lynn Hamerlind to determine the proper process to obtain an adjunct faculty
ii. Rob Riley is attempting to get us Faculty Senate Blackboard access.
c. Governance – nothing to report.
d. Officers
i. Chair Mary Twite – Written report submitted
 Dr. Rob Riley will be joining the AFC in November; Dr. Plumb in December.
 Spring Forum must be set in consultation with both the President and Provost.
 Meeting monthly with Dr. Riley to inform him of our work and hear from him
regarding issues we should be aware of and/or possibly address.
ii. Vice-Chair Ken Kalamala – unable to attend.
iii. Secretary Marguerite Spencer – nothing to report.
e. Faculty Senate
i. Administration is going to launch its new branding in early winter.
ii. The possibility of creating a 2-year college for students unable to enroll in a traditional 4year college is being studied.
Bylaw Changes
a. Officers
i. Communications Chair Duties: Proposed changes were approved.
ii. Now reads: “(1) Coordinate communications to the constituency through email, news
releases and the website; (2) Ensure access to Blackboard, or any Learning Management
System, for AFC members; and (3) Perform other duties as assigned.
iii. Proposal for the creation of a Communications Committee: Ann Ramage provided possible
language. Discussion ensued. Decision was tabled.
Amendment to ARTICLE VI. COMMITTEES - Standing and Ad Hoc Committees of the AFC
i. Proposed changes approved:
 The following language was stricken: “The Chair of the Governance Committee
shall be a Council representative to the Faculty Senate.”
c. Amendment to ARTICLE VIII – Proxy Voting
i. Discussion ensued. Decided that Loddy would provide the Council language at the next
Presentation of a visual flowchart of how the AFC is positioned in the Administrative chain.
a. Mary will provide the Council with a link to the University’s organizational chart.
The Meeting was adjourned at 4:30.