
January 2012
PMD 604
Practice Test
Name _________________
Multiple Choice
1. The cells that produce plasma cells (from clonal expansion) in AMI:
a) T4 lymphocytes b) T8 lymphocytes c) NK lymphocytes
d) B lymphocytes
2. Hypersensitivity that features response by sensitized mast cells:
a) type I b) type II c) type III d) type IV
3. Liver tissue that is damaged is the most likely to display (adaptive response):
a) hydropic change b) fatty change c) hypertrophy
d) gangrene
4. In normal tissue fluid exchange, the predominant pressure promoting filtration
(outward flow) at the arterial end of the capillary:
a) blood osmotic P b) tissue fluid osmotic P
c) blood hydrostatic P d) tissue fluid hydrostatic P
5. Tissue cells that represent first wave of phagocytic response in inflammations:
a) macrophages b) neutrophils c) mast cells
d) NK cells e) dendritic cells
6. synthesis is inhibited by cyclooxygenase
(COX) inhibitors:
7. produces membrane attack complex (MAC):
8. Among the lymphokines secreted by
activated T lymphocytes:
a) interleukins
b) prostaglandins
c) histamine
d) bradykinin
e) complement
f) antibodies
PMD 604 Practice
page 2
List: Point values are indicated to the left of each question.
9. two events that cause traumatic (physical) injury to cells:
10. two primary lymphoid organs:
Definitions: One point each
11. immunoglobulin that typically exists as a pentamer of antibodies:
12. brain center responsible for maintaining body temperature according to a ‘set
13. eicosanoids, including prostaglandins, are derived from what membrane