Assessment resource unit standard 27657

Assessment resource unit standard 27657
Level 2
Demonstrate knowledge of the development of music technology equipment and techniques
Unit Standard: 27657
Credits: 4
Assessment schedule: The ChronTech Blog
Evidence/Judgements for achievement
Evidence/Judgements for achievement
with merit
Evidence/Judgements for achievement
with excellence
Three examples of equipment used for
sequencing or sampling are selected from
different time periods, one of which is analogue.
Three examples of equipment used for
sequencing or sampling are selected from
different time periods, one of which is analogue.
Three examples of equipment used for
sequencing or sampling are selected from
different time periods, one of which is analogue.
The blog identifies and describes:
 the factors that influenced the design which
may include but is not limited to
- limitations of technology
- sociological factors
- artistic factors
 the function and features of the equipment
 the application of technique(s).
The blog discusses:
 the factors that influenced the development
of the design and,
 the function, features and technique(s) using
accurate technical language.
The blog makes links between
 the factors that influenced the development
of the design and the function(s) of the
equipment and application of technique(s).
 New Zealand Qualifications Authority 2016