eec minutes november 2014

Minutes of Meeting___November 10, 2014_ Approved by Committee ___December 8. 2014_ Exec.Comm.__________________ Approved by Exec.Comm.____________________ Acad.Senate__________________ Approved by Acad.Senate____________________
POLICY ITEMS____________________________
Members Present: Frankie Augustin, Jody, Dunlap, Nathan Durdella, Kim Henige, Paul
Lazarony, Debra Malmberg, Boris Ricks (Chair), Dianah Wynter, Jose Luis Vargas (Secretary)
Members Excused: Tracy Buenavista, Nhut Tan Ho,
Guest(s): Sheila Grant
I. Meeting was called to Order at 11:33am
II. Minutes of October 13, 2014 were approved with the changes submitted by
S. Grant.
III. Review of Last Faculty Hiring Workshops
A. Appreciated the diminished time lines and the narrative that the student
panel provided.
B. Advantages/disadvantage of providing automated training was
Advantages of providing a workshop in the late spring was discussed.
IV. Updates
A. It was discussed that EEC continue to manage its efforts via working
groups. This is in consideration of committee members’ time constraints
while ensuring the committee stays on task with established goals. A Motion
was made for the working groups of the EEC to meet as needed; providing
the full committee with regular updates at the EEC monthly meetings to
brief the committee on the work in progress; discuss issues and challenges
and make recommendations on working groups next steps. The full EEC
committee is to make the final decision(s) to be carried out by the working
groups. Motion passed.
Campus Climate Taskforce
IRB Approval: Will work on a single IRB application,
combining both qualitative and quantitative components so the
working groups can be ready to implement by February 2015.
EEC Will ask the Provost for funds to incentivize survey
Who has access to data: EEC had an extensive conversation on
who should own the data generated by the EEC working groups.
Sheila Grant is in the process of hiring a new graduate
assistance. She will try to get the profiles done over the winter break.
EEC will plan to meet with the College of Business in the Spring to
discuss the colleges climate survey findings. T. Buenavista will be
asked if she will be able to provide the individual one-page summary
graphics for each college profile report provided by S. Grant before she
goes on sabbatical.
D. Malmberg discussed the Sexual Assault Survey which will
go out to 10,000 students sometime in the Spring. The Plan is to use a
stratified sample using the schedule of classes. Issues still to be
No double counting.
Terminology to be used.
Discussed the specific areas in the survey
V. Diversity plan that the university should pursue:
A. The University has received the charge from Provost with a directive
from the President to diversifying the faculty and teaching methodology, to
meet the demands of a diverse university.
B. The charge is a strategy to tie the issue of faculty diversity to the
diversity of the student body.
C. The committee discussed the need to look at the retention of diverse
faculty as well as the hiring of diverse faculty
D. Discussed having a diversity and inclusion summit in the spring to
figure out best approach to working with issues important to the university
that can be address more fully in the fall during the different workshops
offered by EEC in partnership with Faculty Affairs and the Office of Equity
and Diversity.
IV. Reflective Comments from the EEC committee members
A. Enjoy getting together with like-minded folks.
B. Very grateful for being a part of this committee.
C. It was noted that attempts to discuss “adding diversity to assessment”
via workshop facilitated by EEC at the next Faculty Retreat was denied.
VI. Meeting Adjourned at 1:22pm