W&R NDP Basic Conditions Statement.docx

Whiteshill and Ruscombe
Neighbourhood Development Plan – Issued December 2015
Basic Conditions Statement
Neighbourhood Development Plan – Designated Area ......................................... 3
Designation Area Certificate ............................................................................ 4
Introduction .................................................................................................. 5
Qualifying Body ............................................................................................. 5
Proposal of Whiteshill and Ruscombe Neighbourhood Development Plan ............... 5
Proposed effect period .................................................................................... 5
Excluded development: .................................................................................. 6
Regard to National Policy ................................................................................ 6
Table A – Brief summary of Whiteshill and Ruscombe policies in
conformity with the NPPF.................................................................. 8
10. Table B – Brief summary of Whiteshill and Ruscombe policies in
conformity with the Stroud District Local Plan (2015) ......................... 14
11. Be Compatible with EU Obligations ................................................................. 20
12. Strategic Environment Assessment & Habitats Regulations Assessment .............. 20
12. 1
Introduction ........................................................................................... 20
12. 2
Consultation Period ................................................................................. 20
12. 3
Stroud District Council – SEA and HRA Determination ................................. 21
12. 4
Consultation Response from Natural England ............................................. 23
12. 5
Consultation Response from Historic England ............................................. 26
12. 6
Consultation Response from Environment Agency ....................................... 27
12. 7
SEA / HRA Screening Report .................................................................... 28
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Whiteshill and Ruscombe
Neighbourhood Development Plan – Issued December 2015
Basic Conditions Statement
Neighbourhood Development Plan – Designated Area
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Whiteshill and Ruscombe
Neighbourhood Development Plan – Issued December 2015
Basic Conditions Statement
Designation Area Certificate
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Whiteshill and Ruscombe
Neighbourhood Development Plan – Issued December 2015
Basic Conditions Statement
This Basic Conditions Statement has been prepared for the Whiteshill and Ruscombe
Neighbourhood Development Plan. Paragraph 8 of Schedule 4B to the Town and Country
Planning Act 1990 requires that Neighbourhood Development Plans (NDP) must meet
the following basic conditions:
 The draft NDP must have appropriate regard to national policies and advice
contained in the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF);
 The draft NDP must contribute to the achievement of sustainable development;
 The draft NDP must be in general conformity with the strategic policies contained in
the development plan for the area of the local planning authority, Stroud Local
 The draft NDP must meet the relevant EU obligations.
This Basic Conditions Statement addresses these requirements in four sections:
 Section 1 - demonstrates the conformity of Whiteshill and Ruscombe NDP with
the NPPF;
 Section 2 - shows how the Whiteshill and Ruscombe NDP will contribute to
sustainable development;
 Section 3 - demonstrates the conformity of Whiteshill and Ruscombe NDP with
the Stroud Local Plan; and
 Section 4 - demonstrates compliance with the appropriate EU obligations
Qualifying Body
Whiteshill and Ruscombe Neighbourhood Development Plan is submitted by Whiteshill
and Ruscombe Parish Council, which is a qualifying body as defined by the Localism Act
Proposal of Whiteshill and Ruscombe Neighbourhood Development Plan
The Whiteshill and Ruscombe Neighbourhood Development Plan proposal relates to
planning matters (the use and development of land) and has been prepared in
accordance with the statutory requirements and processes set out in the Town and
Country Planning Act 1990 (as amended by the Localism Act 2011) and the
Neighbourhood Planning Regulations 2012.
Proposed effect period
The proposed Whiteshill and Ruscombe Neighbourhood Development Plan period for
which it is in effect will be from 2015 – 2031.
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Whiteshill and Ruscombe
Neighbourhood Development Plan – Issued December 2015
Basic Conditions Statement
Excluded development:
The policies do not relate to excluded development.
The Whiteshill and Ruscombe Neighbourhood Development Plan proposal does not deal
with county matters (mineral extraction and waste development), nationally significant
infrastructure or any other matters set out in Section 61K of the Town and Country
Planning Act 1990.
The Whiteshill and Ruscombe Neighbourhood Development Plan proposal relates to the
Whiteshill and Ruscombe Neighbourhood Area and to no other area. There are no other
neighbourhood plans relating to that neighbourhood area.
A map of the designated area and the official designation letter from Stroud District
Council is included in this document above.
Whiteshill and Ruscombe is designated as Tier 3 in the Stroud Local Plan indicating that
“these villages possess a limited level of facilities and services that, together with
improved local employment, provide the best opportunities outside the Local Service
Centres for greater self-containment. They will provide for lesser levels of development
in order to safeguard their role and to provide through any Neighbourhood Plans some
opportunities for growth and to deliver affordable housing.” (Stroud Local Plan)
Regard to National Policy
Whiteshill and Ruscombe NDP must have appropriate regard to national policy. The
following section demonstrates how the NDP proposal relates to the National Planning
Policy Framework (NPPF) (March 2012).
The NPPF has the main purpose of providing sustainable development, describing this in
the ministerial foreword as:
‘Sustainable means ensuring that better lives for ourselves don’t mean worse lives for
future generations’
‘Development means growth…’
This is broken down into three dimensions – Social, Economic and Environmental: (NPPF
Social – supporting strong, vibrant and healthy communities, by providing the supply of
housing required to meet the needs of the present and future generations; and by
creating a high quality built environment, with accessible local services that reflect the
community’s needs and support its health, social and cultural wellbeing.
Economic – contributing to building a strong, responsive and competitive economy, by
ensuring that sufficient land of the right type is available in the right places and at the
right time to support growth and innovation; and by identifying and co-ordinating
development requirements, including the provision of infrastructure.
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Whiteshill and Ruscombe
Neighbourhood Development Plan – Issued December 2015
Basic Conditions Statement
Environmental – contributing to protecting and enhancing our natural, built and
historic environment; and as part of this, helping to improve biodiversity, use natural
resources prudently, minimise waste and pollution, and mitigate and adapt to climate
change including moving to a low carbon economy.
Set out in Table A below, is a brief summary of how each policy within the Whiteshill and
Ruscombe NDP conforms to the NPPF. The particular paragraphs referred to in the table
are those considered the most relevant to each policy but are not intended to be an
exhaustive list of all possible relevant paragraphs.
Table B demonstrates how the Whiteshill and Ruscombe NDP policies conform to the
Stroud Local Plan. These tables should be read in conjunction with each other.
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Whiteshill and Ruscombe
Neighbourhood Development Plan – Issued December 2015
Basic Conditions Statement
Table A – Brief summary of Whiteshill and Ruscombe policies in
conformity with the NPPF
Whiteshill &
NDP Policy
W&R – BE1 Built
Open Spaces
Policy number and
1. Development on brownfield (previously developed)
or in-fill sites within existing
settled areas will generally
be supported.
2. Proposals to convert /
demolish and re-build
existing under-utilised or
disused buildings including
the on-site recycling of
demolished material will be
supported subject to the
conditions set out in this
3. The parcel of land
identified as Area A on the
Potterton Associates
Landscape Appraisal Map,
“The Plain”, performs an
important role providing
separation between
Whiteshill & Ruscombe and
the remainder of Stroud and
as such development in this
area of open countryside
should conserve the role and
function of this locally valued
4. The parcel of land
identified as Area D on the
Potterton Associates
Landscape Appraisal Map,
“Ruscombe Valley”, is an
area that also performs the
important role of separating
Whiteshill & Ruscombe and
the remainder of Stroud. In
this location the following
uses are considered to
enhance the area without
compromising its important
role and function:
The NDP supports the use of brown
field land and is therefore in
conformity with the NPPF
The NDP supports the reuse of
redundant buildings to enhance the
settings of the Parish and is
therefore in conformity with the
The NDP recognises the intrinsic
beauty of open countryside and
identifies the role and function of
locally valued areas of open
countryside that contribute to the
Character of Whiteshill &
The NDP is supportive of
sustainable development in rural
areas and seeks to avoid new
isolated homes in the countryside
unless there are special
The NDP recognises the intrinsic
beauty of open countryside and
identifies the role and function of
locally valued areas of open
countryside that contribute to the
Character of Whiteshill &
The NDP is supportive of
sustainable development in rural
areas and seeks to avoid new
isolated homes in the countryside
unless there are special
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Whiteshill and Ruscombe
Neighbourhood Development Plan – Issued December 2015
Basic Conditions Statement
W&R – BE2 Built
Standards and
sustainable farming
 recreation
 and necessary
community facilities.
1. New development must
conform to the criteria
defined in any district wide
Design Guidance or Building
Standards Policies contained
within the Stroud District
Council Local Plan and should
contribute positively to the
character of the two villages,
maintaining the overall shape
of the villages and their
sense of place
2. Developments consisting
of more than one property
should have those properties
individually designed so that
the richness of the varied
architectural character of
existing property continues
and is extended into the
3. Design of new build,
conversions and extensions
shall reflect the character of
nearby buildings and their
setting, including scale of
development and choice of
4. Sustainable construction
and design features which
complement the character of
the area will be supported.
5. All ‘spoil’ generated as a
result of new build,
conversions and extensions
shall be retained on site and
used for landscaping where
physically possible.
6. The inclusion of bin and
recycling storage facilities
will be encouraged in all new
The NDP promotes sustainable
designs that complement the
landscape and character of the
Parish. The Parish has a diverse
range of buildings and these are
The Parish has a diverse range of
housing design and this should be
continued and promoted.
The NDP promotes high standards
in architecture, enhancing the
settings and being sensitive to the
local characteristics of the parish
The NDP recognises that the design
of buildings can improve the lives
of people and communities by
complementing the area and
providing / using sustainable
resources. Recycling facilities and
sustainable drainage are
encouraged and will be supported
in developments.
The NDP promotes sustainable reuse of materials and this is in
conformity with the NPPF
The NDP promotes sustainable reuse of materials. Recycling facilities
and sustainable drainage are
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Whiteshill and Ruscombe
Neighbourhood Development Plan – Issued December 2015
Basic Conditions Statement
W&R – BE3 Built
Heritage and
W&R – LF1 Local
build properties to stimulate
sustainable waste
management within the
1. Designated heritage
assets including listed
buildings, monuments and
conservation areas will be
preserved and enhanced
where possible in accordance
with their significance and
their importance to local
distinctiveness, character
and sense of place.
2. Non-designated local
heritage assets will be
defined against the criteria
set out in Appendix C.
Planning applications for
demolition, development or
substantial alterations of
buildings or structures
defined as local heritage
assets will be expected to
show what consideration has
been given to retaining:
a) The asset itself
b) Its most distinctive and
important features
c) The positive elements of
its setting and immediate
d) The contribution of the
asset and its setting makes
to the character of the local
2. Developments that deliver
at least 30% of affordable
accommodation that also
conform to the above policies
will be supported
1. Developments that
enhance the vibrancy and
vitality of the parish will be
2. Development should
safeguard local facilities,
amenities or services and
encouraged and will be supported
in developments.
The NDP promotes conserving
heritage assets to be enjoyed by
future generations, in conformity
with the NPPF
The NDP demonstrates its
acknowledgement of nondesignated heritage assets and
their importance within the parish,
wishing to conserve them in a
manner appropriate to their
significance. This is in conformity
with the NPPF
In line with the Stroud Local Plan
and to meet the needs of types of
housing. This is dependent on the
viability of any land that may be
identified and the impact on the
area. As part of the NDP a Housing
Needs Assessment was undertaken
to identify the housing need.
The NDP supports sustainable
development that enhances the
vibrancy of the community, this is
in conformity with the NPPF
The NDP supports development
that looks to providing and / or
continuing facilities to the local
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Whiteshill and Ruscombe
Neighbourhood Development Plan – Issued December 2015
Basic Conditions Statement
W&R – LE1 Local
W&R – TC1
Transport and
further development should
not have an adverse impact
or restrict access the these
3. Development, where it
maintains and enhances
existing facilities and their
usage, to support an
inclusive and healthy
community in Whiteshill and
Ruscombe, will be
4. Developments that
provide additional local
facilities in line with local
need will be encouraged.
community. This is in conformity
with the NPPF
The NDP supports development
that looks to providing and / or
continuing facilities to the local
community. This is in conformity
with the NPPF
1. Enterprise development
which is of a size and scale
that does not demonstrably
have a significant and
adverse effect upon the
character, infrastructure and
environment of the villages
will be encouraged.
1. Future developments will
mitigate any identified
significant impacts on the
transport network
The NDP supports developments
that include looking at what the
community requires and looks to
provide these facilities. This is in
conformity with the NPPF
The NDP, in conformity with the
NPPF, encourages business
development to support the
economy of the local parish that
also meets the need of the area
without any adverse impact on the
2. Developments
a) should not have a severe
impact on the existing road
b) that are likely to
significantly increase traffic
movements should
contribute towards the
provision of turning points
and passing places on the
parish’s narrow lanes
c) should promote
sustainable transport by
providing access to public
transport facilities and
services, where it is practical
to do so
d) should provide adequate
provision of off-road parking
e) should promote
sustainable transport by
providing ready access to
The NDP supports development
that improve the highway
infrastructure in the parish making
it safer and more accessible for all
The NDP supports development
where it enhances the access for
pedestrians to public transport and
cycle lanes and footpaths. This is in
conformity with the NPPF
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Whiteshill and Ruscombe
Neighbourhood Development Plan – Issued December 2015
Basic Conditions Statement
W&R – LC1
W&R – NE1
local facilities by foot and by
bicycle where it is practical to
do so
3. Opportunities will be
sought to improve pedestrian
safety, particularly on the
Main Road north of the
crossroads with Kitesnest
and Ruscombe Road.
1. New development will be
in keeping with existing
settlement patterns,
maintaining the shape of the
villages within the landscape
and protecting their
distinctive identity and
landscape character
2. Development will be
supported where it:
a) conserves the landscape
and scenic beauty of the
parish and the key
characteristics of this part of
the Cotswold’s AONB
b) safeguards open
countryside and cherished
public views from inside and
outside the parish as defined
in the Landscape Character
c) does not adversely impact
on existing green horizons
3. Development needs to
retain the fields and farmland
to the south and west of the
parish that serve as a
genuine gateway into the
Cotswold AONB
4. Development should seek
to conserve landscape
features such as hedgerows,
dry stone walls, fields,
woodlands and water
1. Development shall
conserve the integrity of
designated sites and areas of
identified priority habitats
The NDP encourages that
development takes into account the
safety of users for safe and suitable
access to developments, in
conformity with the NPPF
The NDP supports development
that will enhance and maintain the
villages to promote sustainability,
in conformity with the NPPF
The NDP cherishes the fact the
villages are within an AONB and
promote the conserving of the
landscape and scenic beauty of the
area, this is in conformity with the
The NDP cherishes the fact the
villages are wholly within an AONB
and promote and support the
conserving of the landscape,
natural environment and scenic
beauty of the area, this is in
conformity with the NPPF.
The NDP supports the conservation
of biodiversity features of the
landscape and minimising impact in
the parish and is therefore in
conformity with the NPPF
The NDP supports the conservation
of biodiversity features of the
landscape in the parish and is
therefore in conformity with the
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Whiteshill and Ruscombe
Neighbourhood Development Plan – Issued December 2015
Basic Conditions Statement
2. Development shall
conserve features of
ecological connectivity such
as hedgerows, field margins
and roadside verges, and
encourage the transit of flora
and fauna between areas
3. Development shall avoid
or mitigate any adverse
impacts on protected or
priority species.
The NDP supports the conservation
of biodiversity features of the
landscape in the parish and is
therefore in conformity with the
4. Development shall
promote the restoration,
enhancement or creation of
priority habitat where
5. Development shall adopt
best practice in Sustainable
Drainage Systems (SuDS)
and water quality.
6. Development shall
minimise light pollution upon
the natural environment in
accordance with the Institute
of Lighting Engineers advice.
The NDP supports the conservation
of biodiversity features of the
landscape in the parish and is
therefore in conformity with the
The NDP supports the conservation
of biodiversity features of the
landscape in the parish and is
therefore in conformity with the
The NDP supports the usage of
SuDS and is in conformity with the
The NDP encourages good design
to minimise light pollution within
the area in line with the NPPF
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Whiteshill and Ruscombe
Neighbourhood Development Plan – Issued December 2015
Basic Conditions Statement
10. Table B – Brief summary of Whiteshill and Ruscombe policies in
conformity with the Stroud District Local Plan (2015)
Whiteshill &
Ruscombe NDP
W&R – BE1 Built
Environment: Open
Policy number and
1. Development on
brown-field (previously
developed) or in-fill sites
within existing settled
areas will generally be
2. Proposals to convert /
demolish and re-build
existing under-utilised or
disused buildings
including the on-site
recycling of demolished
material will be supported
subject to the conditions
set out in this plan.
SO5, SO6 The NDP supports the use of
brown field land and is therefore
in conformity with the Stroud
Local Plan, whilst noting the local
plan aims to minimise impact of
development within the AONB
with regards to wildlife and
CP14 (6),
The NDP supports the re-use of
redundant buildings and this is in
conformity with the Local Plan
promoting restoring buildings,
lessening the effects of building
on green spaces and positively
contributing to the site and
3. The parcel of land
ES7, CP15
identified as Area A on the
Potterton Associates
Landscape Appraisal Map,
“The Plain”, performs an
important role providing
separation between
Whiteshill & Ruscombe
and the remainder of
Stroud and as such
development in this area
of open countryside
should conserve the role
and function of this locally
valued area.
4. The parcel of land
ES7, CP15
identified as Area D on the
Potterton Associates
Landscape Appraisal Map,
“Ruscombe Valley”, is an
area that also performs
the important role of
separating Whiteshill &
Ruscombe and the
remainder of Stroud. In
The NDP backed by a Landscape
Character Assessment identifies a
number of open countryside
spaces that are valuable to the
The NDP promotes the
conservation of the role and
function of identified areas in
order to protect the separate
identity of settlements and the
quality of the countryside.
This is in conformity with the
Local Plan 2015
The NDP backed by a Landscape
Character Assessment identifies a
number of open countryside
spaces that are valuable to the
The NDP promotes the
conservation of the role and
function of identified areas in
order to protect the separate
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Whiteshill and Ruscombe
Neighbourhood Development Plan – Issued December 2015
Basic Conditions Statement
W&R – BE2 Built
Building Standards
and Design
this location the following
uses are considered to
enhance the area without
compromising its
important role and
 sustainable farming
 recreation
 and necessary
community facilities.
1. New development
should conform to the
criteria defined in any
district wide Design
Guidance or Building
Standards Policies
contained within the
Stroud District Local Plan
and should contribute
positively to the character
of the two villages,
maintaining the overall
shape of the villages and
their sense of place
2. Developments
consisting of more than
one property should have
those properties
individually designed so
that the richness of the
various architectural
character of existing
property continues and is
extended into the future
3. Design of new build,
conversions and
extensions shall reflect
the character of nearby
buildings and their
setting, including scale of
development and choice
of materials
4. Sustainable
construction and design
features which
complement the character
of the area will be
5. All ‘spoil’ generated as
a result of new build,
identity of settlements and the
quality of the countryside This is
in conformity with the Local Plan
CP14, HC1 The NDP supports good design of
development that will maintain
and integrate to the sense of
place within the two villages. This
is in conformity with the Stroud
Local Plan
CP4, ES12
Whiteshill and Ruscombe have a
wide variety of styles in housing
design. The NDP promotes
development with individual
locally distinctive architectural
designs and character, in
conformity with the Stroud Local
CP14, HC1 The NDP supports development
that demonstrates appropriate
scale, density, layout and design
that is compatible with the
character of the area. This is in
conformity with the Stroud Local
CP4, CP5,
CP14, ES1
The NDP supports development
using sustainable construction
methods including waste and
water recycling
SO5, CP4,
CP5, ES1
The NDP encourages and supports
the reuse of materials including
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Whiteshill and Ruscombe
Neighbourhood Development Plan – Issued December 2015
Basic Conditions Statement
W&R – BE3 Built
Heritage and Social
conversions and
extensions shall be
retained on site and used
for landscaping where
physically possible.
6. The inclusion of bin and
recycling storage facilities
will be encouraged in all
new build properties to
stimulate sustainable
waste management within
the parish
1. Designated heritage
assets including listed
buildings, monuments and
conservation areas will be
preserved and enhanced
where possible in
accordance with their
significance and their
importance to local
distinctiveness, character
and sense of place.
2. Non-designated local
heritage assets will be
defined against the
criteria set out in
Appendix C. Planning
applications for
demolition, development
or substantial alterations
of buildings or structures
defined as local heritage
assets will be expected to
show what consideration
has been given to
a) The asset itself
b) Its most distinctive and
important features
c) The positive elements
of its setting and
immediate surroundings
d) The contribution of the
asset and its setting
makes to the character of
the local area
3. Developments that
deliver at least 30% of
affordable accommodation
that also conform to the
‘spoil’ for new development. This
is in conformity with Stroud Local
Plan ‘minimising waste and
maximising recycling’.
CP4, CP5
The NDP supports the use of
recycling and the requirement for
having this for every new build.
This is in conformity with the
Stroud Local Plan
CP14, ES7
The NDP supports development
which conserves and enhances
heritage assets such as St Pauls
Church and other listed buildings
(along with those that have
heritage within the parish such as
the Village Hall). It will support
development that is in keeping
with the heritage aspects of the
AONB. This is in conformity with
the Stroud Local Plan
Undesignated heritage assets such
as the Village hall
The NDP support development
that provides affordable housing
in line with the need required in
the Housing Need Assessment.
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Neighbourhood Development Plan – Issued December 2015
Basic Conditions Statement
W&R – LF1 Local
W&R – LE1 Local
W&R – TC1
Transport and
above policies will be
1. Developments that
enhance the vibrancy and
vitality of the parish will
be supported
2. Development should
safeguard local facilities,
amenities or services and
further development
should not have an
adverse impact or restrict
access the these
3. Development, where it
maintains and enhances
existing facilities and their
usage, to support an
inclusive and healthy
community in Whiteshill
and Ruscombe, will be
4. Developments that
provide additional local
facilities in line with local
need will be encouraged.
Ch 5.46,
CP3, CP14
This is in conformity with the
Stroud Local Plan
THE NDP promotes the continued
vitality and vibrancy of the parish,
in conformity with the Stroud
Local Plan
Whiteshill and Ruscombe value
their community facilities and
encourage development not to
have any adverse effects on this
CP3, CP6,
CP14, EI6
Whiteshill and Ruscombe value
their community facilities and
encourage development to
maintain and enhance the
facilities for future generations.
This is in conformity with Stroud
Local Plan
CP3, CP6,
The NDP supports developments
that provide or enhance facilities
through S106 monies or
Community Infrastructure Levy.
This is in conformity with the
Stroud Local Plan
The NDP supports new business
development in line with the
character of the parish. This is in
conformity with the Stroud Local
1. Enterprise development
which is of a size and
scale that does not
demonstrably have a
significant and adverse
effect upon the character,
infrastructure and
environment of the local
villages will be
1. Future developments
will mitigate any identified
significant impacts on the
transport network
2. Developments
a) should not have a
severe impact on the
existing road
b) that are likely to
significantly increase
traffic movements should
contribute towards the
EI12, ES3
EI12, ES3
The NDP supports development
that improves the Highways and
reduces risk within the parish.
This is in conformity with the
Stroud Local Plan
The NDP supports development
that caters for the needs of the
parish’s infrastructure as identified
in the NDP, such as improved
pavements on the Main Road. This
is in conformity with the Stroud
Local Plan
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Neighbourhood Development Plan – Issued December 2015
Basic Conditions Statement
W&R – LC1
provision of turning points
and passing places on the
parish’s narrow lanes
c) should promote
sustainable transport by
providing access to public
transport facilities and
services, where it is
practical to do so
d) should provide
adequate provision of offroad parking
e) should promote
sustainable transport by
providing ready access to
local facilities by foot and
by bicycle where it is
practical to do so
3. Opportunities will be
sought to improve
pedestrian safety,
particularly on the Main
Road north of the
crossroads with Kitesnest
and Ruscombe Road.
1. New development will
be in keeping with
existing settlement
patterns, maintaining the
shape of the villages
within the landscape and
protecting their distinctive
identity and landscape
2. Development will be
supported where it:
a) conserves the
landscape and scenic
beauty of the parish and
the key characteristics of
this part of the Cotswold’s
b) safeguards open
countryside and cherished
public views from inside
and outside of the parish
as identified in Landscape
Character Assessment
c) does not adversely
impact on existing green
The NDP supports development
that improves areas that have
been identified in the NDP for
improved safety usage.
ES7, SO1,
The NDP encourages development
to remain within the settlement
patterns protecting the identity
and character of the area and
AONB. This is in conformity with
the Stroud Local Plan
The NDP supports development
which meets the criteria of
development within the AONB.
This is in conformity with the
Stroud Local Plan
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Neighbourhood Development Plan – Issued December 2015
Basic Conditions Statement
W&R – NE1 Natural
3. Development needs to
retain the fields and
farmland to the south and
west of the parish that
serve as a genuine
gateway into the Cotswold
4. Development should
seek to conserve
landscape features such
as hedgerows, dry stone
walls, fields, woodlands
and water courses.
1. Development shall
conserve the integrity of
designated sites and areas
of identified priority
2. Development shall
conserve features of
ecological connectivity
such as hedgerows, field
margins and roadside
verges, and encourage
the transit of flora and
fauna between areas
3. Development shall
avoid or mitigate any
adverse impacts on
protected or priority
4. Development shall
promote the restoration,
enhancement or creation
of priority habitat where
5. Development shall
adopt best practice in
Sustainable Drainage
Systems (SuDS) and
water quality.
6. Development shall
minimise light pollution
upon the natural
environment in
accordance with the
Institute of Lighting
Engineers advice.
ES7, HC1
The NDP will support development
where it enhances the natural
open countryside and conserves
them to ensure the parish keeps
its identity. This is in conformity
with the Stroud Local Plan
ES7, HC1,
ES8, CP14
The NDP supports development
that promotes the conservation of
biodiversity within the parish. This
is in conformity with the Stroud
Local Plan
The NDP encourages development
to conserve the biodiversity of the
parish. This is in conformity with
the Stroud Local Plan
The NDP encourages development
to conserve the biodiversity of the
parish. This is in conformity with
the Stroud Local Plan
The NDP encourages development
to conserve the biodiversity of the
parish. This is in conformity with
the Stroud Local Plan
ES6, ES8
The NDP encourages development
to conserve the biodiversity of the
parish. This is in conformity with
the Stroud Local Plan
SO5, CP4,
CP5, ES4
The NDP supports the use of
SuDS within new development.
This is in conformity with the
Stroud local Plan
CP14, ES3
The NDP supports development
that minimises light pollution. This
is in conformity with the Stroud
Local Plan
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Whiteshill and Ruscombe
Neighbourhood Development Plan – Issued December 2015
Basic Conditions Statement
11. Be Compatible with EU Obligations
Whiteshill and Ruscombe Neighbourhood Development Plan does not breach, and is
otherwise compatible with all EU regulations. The below statement provides evidence
that the Whiteshill and Ruscombe Neighbourhood development Plan does not require a
12. Strategic Environment Assessment & Habitats Regulations Assessment
12. 1 Introduction
During July and August 2015 Stroud District Council undertook a Strategic
Environmental Assessment screening exercise. This was to determine whether or
not the Whiteshill and Ruscombe Neighbourhood Development Plan (NDP) would
require a Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) and/or a Habitats
Regulations Assessment (HRA).
The result of this screening exercise concluded that in the opinion of Stroud
District Council the Whiteshill and Ruscombe NDP did not require an SEA or HRA
to be carried out.
As required by the relevant regulations this screening opinion was circulated to
the following organisations so that a determination could be achieved in
consultation with the relevant statutory bodies. The statutory bodies concerned
were as follows:
Natural England
Historic England
Environment Agency.
The following documents were supplied to the above statutory bodies:
Stroud District Council – SEA and HRA Screening Opinion,
A copy of the Whiteshill and Ruscombe NDP,
Assessment of the contribution of the Whiteshill and Ruscombe NDP to the
achievement of sustainable development,
SEA/HRA Screening Flowchart prepared by Ecological Planning & Research
(EPR) Consultancy.
12. 2 Consultation Period
The consultation period on the Stroud District Council – SEA and HRA Screening
Opinion was from 2nd September 2015 until 7th October 2015.
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Neighbourhood Development Plan – Issued December 2015
Basic Conditions Statement
12. 3 Stroud District Council – SEA and HRA Determination
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Neighbourhood Development Plan – Issued December 2015
Basic Conditions Statement
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Neighbourhood Development Plan – Issued December 2015
Basic Conditions Statement
12. 4 Consultation Response from Natural England
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Neighbourhood Development Plan – Issued December 2015
Basic Conditions Statement
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Neighbourhood Development Plan – Issued December 2015
Basic Conditions Statement
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Whiteshill and Ruscombe
Neighbourhood Development Plan – Issued December 2015
Basic Conditions Statement
12. 5 Consultation Response from Historic England
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Whiteshill and Ruscombe
Neighbourhood Development Plan – Issued December 2015
Basic Conditions Statement
12. 6 Consultation Response from Environment Agency
Strategic Planning Policy
Stroud District Council
Ebley Mill Council Offices
Westward Road
Our ref:
Your ref:
07 October 2015
Dear Sir/Madam
Thank you for forwarding the above consultation received on 2 September 2015.
We have reviewed the SEA and HRA Screening Opinion document, and
would offer the following opinion at this time:
Strategic Environmental Assessment:
Once adopted, the NDP will have the status of being part of the statutory
development plan for the area. We therefore acknowledge that screening is
required to be undertaken by the Environmental Assessment of Plans and
Programmes Regulations 2004, Regulation 9, for certain types of plans and
programmes that could have ‘significant’ environmental effect(s). To assist
your Council’s determination of the SEA Screening opinion, we advise that
based on the Screening Report submitted (dated 2 September 2015), and
in consideration of those matters within our remit, we feel the NDP is
considered unlikely to have significant environmental impacts.
We therefore agree with your councils conclusions presented within the
report that following the analysis undertaken, that a Strategic
Environmental Assessment and/or Habitats Regulations Assessment of the
Whiteshill & Ruscombe Neighbourhood Development Plan is not required.
We have also received a further consultation direct from Helen Dunn, the
Clerk to Whiteshill and Ruscombe Parish Council on the Draft
Neighbourhood Development Plan, and we will provide detailed comment in
response to their consultation, by the deadline of 25 October 2015.
Yours sincerely
Mrs Anita Bolton
Planning Advisor
Direct dial 01684 864529
Direct e-mail anita.bolton@environment-agency.gov.uk
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Whiteshill and Ruscombe
Neighbourhood Development Plan – Issued December 2015
Basic Conditions Statement
12. 7 SEA / HRA Screening Report
The full Screening Report can be accessed via the online version of the NDP at
wr-neighbourhood-plan.co.uk under the Associated Documents Heading
alternatively it can be accessed from the Stroud District Council web site.
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