Psyc 2314 Exam 4 Review

Psych 2314
Exam 4 Review
Mrs. Hutchinson
Adolescence vs. Puberty: know the difference between the two
Physical changes in puberty
Primary and Secondary sexual characteristics
Sexual maturation
Secular trend- definition
Pubertal change: emotion and social behavior
Pubertal timing- Boys vs. girls and early maturing vs. later maturing
Eating Disorders- What are the major symptoms/requirements for anorexia and bulimia?
Sexual activity and STDs
Adolescent pregnancy and parenthood
Imaginary audience- define and identify an example
Personal fable- define and identify an example
Identity vs. Identity confusion
Marcia’s paths to identity- know the characteristics of the 4 stages
Supporting health identity development
Kohlberg’s theory of moral development
Three stages of romantic relationships in adolescence
Factors linked to early, sexual behavior in girls
Teen Pregnancy- rate of teen births in recent years
Cliques vs. Crowds- definitions and differences between the two
Teenage depression and suicide: male vs. female frequency
Symptoms of major depression
Teenage delinquency: What factors lead to higher incidence?
Young Adulthood
Emerging adulthood
Biological aging/ senescence: what is the definition? Examples?
What is the leading cause of death in young adulthood?
Reproductive capacity: When is the ideal reproductive period?
Masculinity at work
Social clock
Sexually Transmitted Infections- what is the most common STI?
Rape and Sexual Harassment- What do statistics say about the perpetrator? How frequently are rapes
unreported? What is the definition of sexual harassment?
Selecting a mate- qualities men seek in women and women seek in men (according to research)
Components of love and the triangular theory of love- identify and define the 3 components
Marital roles: traditional vs. egalitarian marriages- define and identify differences
Marital satisfaction: US marital rates in recent years; average age of first marriage; What is the average
length/duration of an American marriage
Parenthood: what is the trend with first births for women over 30?
Singlehood: frequency/trends in recent years?
Cohabitation: frequency/trends in recent years? Impact on marriage/divorce?