EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MINUTES – ___________Faculty Senate Office

___________Faculty Senate Office
(818) 677-3263
March 1, 2007
University Hall, Room 277
Members Present: Alfano, Lien, Macune, Matos (Chair), Schwartz, Spector, Stepanek,
Swerkes, Wolfbauer (Recording Secretary), Zvi
Excused: Hellenbrand, Reagan
Guests: C. Donahue, P. Nwosu, C. Okazaki, C. Rawitch, B. Reynolds,
President Matos called the meeting to order at 1:02 p.m.
Approval of Minutes
MSP to approve the minutes of February 22, 2007 as amended.
a. President Koester will be hosting a Faculty Governance Leadership Social and asked
the Executive Committee to select from two possible dates. The Committee selected
Thursday, May 24 at 3:30 p.m. as their first choice.
b. President Koester approved the three policies that were recently passed by the Senate:
Endowed Chairs and Professorships Policy, Associate Dean Section 600 Searches
Policy, and the Class Visit Policy.
c. Faculty and Senate election ballots will be sent out on Tuesday, March 13 and will be
due on March 29 at 1:00 pm.
d. Cynthia Rawitch announced that the Chancellor’s Office recently approved the new
bachelor’s degree in Central American Studies. It is a five year pilot and there will be
a program review after the five year period.
Recruitment and Retention Report
Representatives from the Educational Equity Committee (Bronte Reynolds, Peter Nwosu
and Carolyn Okazaki) attended the meeting to present their draft report on the
Recruitment and Retention of Underrepresented Faculty at CSU, Northridge: 1995-2005.
The Committee was charged with the following: 1) to review campus efforts on faculty
recruitment and retention from 1995-2005, 2) to identify factors that may impact faculty
recruitment and retention, 3) to recommend viable strategies and 4) to identify
appropriate campus units that would ensure implementation of recommended strategies.
Peter Nwosu briefly summarized the methodology, data, and recommendations as written
in the Report. After some discussion and questions, the Executive Committee suggested
that Educational Equity Committee also work with the Personnel Planning and Review
Committee and the Office of Equity and Diversity. In addition, EEC representatives will
be meeting with the Provost’s Council and the Council of Chairs. EEC was asked to
bring specific recommendations and feedback from all groups to the Executive
Committee at the end of March.
Facilities Planning Update and Discussion
Colin Donahue, Director of Facilities Planning
The Senate Executive Committee had previously discussed concerns regarding the lack
of faculty input into the decision making process on facilities projects. There seems to be
a disconnection between faculty input and what comes out at the end of the building
process. It was recommended to Colin Donahue that continuous and frequent faculty
and staff participation be solicited. Matos and Donahue will discuss the composition of
the Campus Environment Planning Board, ways to improve the lines of communication
between faculty and facilities planning, and the possibility of having more faculty
participation on building project planning.
Faculty Awards Update
Heidi Wolfbauer provided an update on the number of nominees for each award and on
the establishment of the faculty award committees.
Review of Standing Committee Minutes
Academic Technology (9/8, 10/6, 11/3, 12/1 – No policies; S. Stepanek will follow up on
the Open Standards resolution.)
Extended Learning (5/17, 11/15 – No policies)
Personnel Planning and Review (12/20, 1/31 – No policies. There were proposed
changes to the sabbatical leave form and editorial changes to Section 611.3.1. re:
responsibilities of College Deans. B. Swerkes will follow up on these issues.)
Provost’s Report
Cynthia Rawitch, Associate Vice President for Undergraduate Studies
Rawitch reported the following:
1. Hellenbrand has approved three units of reassigned time per department per year for
the assessment liaisons. The funds go to each Dean to be distributed in the most
effective way in support of the College’s assessment plan.
2. President Koester has asked Academic Affairs to develop an implementation plan for
the faculty resolution on instructional course scheduling. The plan must satisfactorily
address the university’s effective utilization of classroom space throughout the week.
Academic Resources is currently reviewing the plan’s potential impact on classroom
space. The Senate Executive Committee requested to review the final report.
3. Rawitch mentioned Provost Hellenbrand’s request for the Executive Committee to
work on a resolution to set textbook order deadline dates so that instructional
materials are accessible to students with disabilities at the same time they are
available to other students enrolled in the course. Matos said that the Educational
Equity Committee has been asked to review and revise the proposed resolution and
will report back to the Executive Committee by the end of March.
Set Agenda for Senate Meeting of March 15, 2007
WASC Update
Degree Completion Planning Presentation (Eric Forbes)
Freshman Common Reading Program
General Education Recertification Update (Diane Schwartz)
Other Business
Meeting adjourned at 3:10 p.m.
Submitted by: Heidi Wolfbauer, Recording Secretary
Diane Schwartz, Secretary of the Faculty