AP Biology Course Description

Advanced Placement Biology
Prerequisites: (1) Successful completion of the summer assignments (2) 85% or better
grade on the Living Environment Regents Exam (3) Recommendation by a Living
Environment or Chemistry Instructor (4) Must have passed or be currently enrolled in
This course is intended for those individuals planning to seek a career in the field of
science. It is the equivalent of an introductory college biology course. Living organisms
are studied and analyzed from the molecular level through the organ systems that create
the entire organism. Biochemistry, evolution, ecology, physiology, and genetics are all
covered in detail. The student will need to do extensive lab work, write college level lab
reports, take detailed exams, prepare and present information during class discussions,
and do extensive studying and assignments outside of class time. All students will take an
AP Exam in mid-May. Following the AP Exam we will cover extended areas in biology
including field biology. The final assessment will include a final exam and a project.