Specifics of Field Education known as Field in a Flash

Field Education in a Flash
2015-16 - Joint Master of Social Work Field Orientation
Foundation Field Requirements
In the same agency, 2 consecutive semesters (Fall and Spring or Spring/Summer
(Lakewood students only))
200 Hours/Semester, 16 Hours/Week (400 Hours/Foundation Year)
250 Hours/Semester, 17 Hours/Week (500 Hours/Concentration Year)
Fall Semester – August 31, 2015 – December 13, 2015
o Foundation students begin their field experience week of September 14th- two
weeks into the semester, yet end at the same time as concentration students
o Final Exams Week – December 14-20, 2015
Spring Semester – January 19, 2016 – May 8, 2016
o Foundation students begin their field experience when the semester begins
o Foundation students complete their field experience week of April 18th –two
weeks prior to the end of the semester
o Final Exams Week – May 9, 2016
MSW students are required to make up all missed field education time; we meet the
CSWE minimum standard of required field hours (900); Pass/Fail Grading Method; 4
Hour blocks of field -minimum
Field Manual and Policies
Field Manual / NASW Code of Ethics
Social Work Websites
CSU Academic Calendar http://www.csuohio.edu/enrollmentservices/registrar/calendar/
CSU Social Work Website –
UA Academic Calendar - http://www.uakron.edu/registrar/dates/semesterdates.dot
UA Social Work Website - http://www.uakron.edu/socialwork/
Holiday Break
Felony Notification
Professional Liability
Affiliation Agreements
FAPE Placements – Field at Place of Employment: Adhere to each school’s deadline &
strict guidelines
P.M. Session of Program Orientation 8.15.15
Field Education in a Flash
Field Instructor (Agency-based)
Primary field learning source
Orientation to agency and personnel
Assist in developing the Student Integrative Learning Contract
Provide weekly face-to-face supervision (minimum of 1hour)
Assign appropriate tasks with gradual increase in responsibility and complexity
Provide on-going evaluation of student progress
Help students transfer and integrate classroom learning into practical application
(signature pedagogy)
Faculty Liaisons (University-based)
Assigned faculty member serves as the university’s representative to the student and
support for the agency
Overall responsibility for quality assurance of the field experience
o Ensure that the field education objectives are being met
o Assist the field instructor and student in achieving the objectives
Schedule site visit(s) per semester
o Cleveland State University – 2 site visits per semester
o The University of Akron – 1 site visit per semester- Mandatory- schedule as
quickly as possible
Problem Resolution Procedures
Always refer to MSW Field Manual (Informal and Formal pp 1-23)
Remember- you are part of a team that view problems as wonderful teaching/learning
Be proactive and practice problem resolution with field instructor first, if unsuccessful,
contact field faculty liaison, continued lack of success- immediately contact your
school’s field coordinator and/or identified university-based field contact person
No changes of assigned field placement without meeting with your assigned field
contact person
P.M. Session of Program Orientation 8.15.15