INF530 Critical Reflection

Example assessment & marking criteria
Assessment type:
Subject learning
Assessment task:
Value& length:
Task description:
Critical reflection
INF530 Concepts and Practices for a Digital Age
This subject sets the foundations of connected learning within new information environments created by the social
and technological changes of the digital age. By focussing on connectivity, communication, collaboration and
convergence, the subject addresses the challenges, opportunities and emerging possibilities for learning and
teaching in information-rich participatory environments. Trends in knowledge construction, participation and social
networks will be explored, including information futures and digital convergence. The subject introduces education
informatics and the scholarship of digital teaching, and models connected learning through group discourse and
collaborative inquiry in digital environments, including the reflective and participatory experiences employed
throughout the course.
 be able to understand the evolution of the web that has led to information and knowledge sharing; cloud
computing; digital repositories and digital connectedness;
 be able to identify and critique how current and emerging trends in the creation, circulation and
communication of information and knowledge build connected learning;
 be able to discuss the connections between transliteracy, information fluency and digital proficiency;
 be able to demonstrate an understanding of how mobile and 'geo-social' relationships of learners, homes,
communities, non-formal learning spaces, regions and the globalised economy influence learning;
 be able to explore and respond creatively to the principles of connected learning as teacher and learner,
including collaboratively guiding, constructing and assessing the work of peers;
 be able to demonstrate an understanding of the importance and impact of connected learning as drivers to
re-imagine learning in schools for a networked world; and
 be able to examine education informatics from the disciplines of education, information science and
information technology.
8b. Critical reflection
10%, 600 words
Provide a critical synthesis of your reflection on how your views, knowledge and understanding of the work of an
education professional in digital environments has changed and/or developed.
This should include examples captured from your compulsory blog tasks, other personal reflections posted on your
blog, and from participatory experiences within the subject.
Study of concepts and practices in a digital world has required engagement with multimodal environments, along
with information, knowledge and scholarly engagement within the digital information ecology of 21st century
learning. The digital essay provides an authentic task to extend and present academic enquiry using digital
networked media. This authentic reflection activity is designed to further develop a student's engagement with
information processing and thinking skills and to synthesise ideas as a result of their engagement with the subject
content. The final reflection is an opportunity to complete the learning cycle of investigation of the concepts and
practices in a digital age from a personal professional perspective.
The assignment is designed to assess all the learning objectives in the subject, with an emphasis on 5, 6 and 7.
Students will be allocated a rating High Distinction to Pass/Fail as to how well you have addressed each criteria for:
 Investigate a range of ideas and issues
 Demonstrate reflection and reflexivity
 Form, present and support own opinions
Marking criteria & standards of performance
Developed by Judy O’Connell
Student investigates a
range of ideas and issues
Student applies
and integrates critical
Student is able to form,
present and support own
Reflective component in keystone and all following subjects (blog post)
Blog entry demonstrates a
Blog entry shows an
Blog entry shows awareness
Blog entry shows awareness
strong professional position
emergent professional
of key issues as discussed in of some of the key issues
about key issues as
dialogue about key issues as weekly forums, blog posts
and central course concepts
discussed in weekly forums,
discussed weekly forums,
and subject learning
as discussed in weekly
blog posts and subject
blog posts and subject
materials, and provides
forums, blog posts and
learning materials.
learning materials.
evidence of being able to
subject learning materials,
highlight appropriate facets of however, emphasis is
the issues being discussed.
disproportionate and
somewhat descriptive.
Strong evidence of
Evidence of independent
Some evidence of
Little evidence of
independent investigation.
investigation, and original
independent investigation,
independent investigation,
Original questioning and
questioning and analysis.
original questioning and
original questioning and
analysis. Independently takes Independently takes and
analysis. Takes and
analysis. Attempts to take
and understands multiple
understands multiple
understands multiple
and understand multiple
perspectives and through
perspectives and through
perspectives and through
these can provide an
these can provide an
these can provide a critical
insightful and/or exhaustive
insightful critical discussion of discussion of the issues at
critical discussion of the
the issues at hand.
issues at hand.
Incorporates own opinion and Incorporates own opinion into Incorporates own opinion into Some attempt to Incorporate
original ideas into discussion, discussion, with foundation in discussion, linked to theory
own opinion into discussion,
explicitly shaped by a strong
theory and examples, with
or examples.
however, opinion may not be
foundation in theory and
some incorporation of ideas
grounded in theory or
examples, and to promote
to promote further thinking.
examples. Little or no
further thinking.
attempt to incorporate
original ideas.
Blog entry is descriptive and
shows little or no awareness
of key issues discussed.
No evidence of independent
investigation. Original
questioning and analysis. No
attempt to take and
understand multiple
No attempt to Incorporate
own opinion into discussion,
or opinion is not be grounded
in theory or examples.