Document 15117705

: O0382 – Dasar-dasar Produksi Siaran Televisi
: 2010
Pertemuan 11
What Production People Do
In a complex television production process, there are personnel who
handle the a-z job functions. Those people perform the functions of taking
care of backstage, coordinating the talents and auditions, setting the
camera and other equipments for the show, writing scripts, to managing
budget and coordinating with advertising and station management.
In general, they are divided into 3 (three) big categories:
Non-technical production personnel
Technical production personnel
News production personnel
The next slides will discuss more details on what they actually do during
Non-Technical and Technical Production
Personnel (1/8)
Non-Technical and Technical Production Personnel
The production personnel are generally divided into 2 (two) categories:
 Above-the-line personnel: in charge of translating a script or an event
into effective television images. They are categorized into different
budget category from the technical crew
 Below-the-line personnel: concerned with operating equipment.
However, the division of above-the-line personnel and below-the-line
personnel are not always clear. Generally, the above-the-line
personnel include the no technical personnel, and below-the-line
personnel include the technical (production crew and engineering
The next 5 (five) slides will explain the job functions of each production
Non-Technical and Technical Production
Personnel (2/8)
Non-Technical Production Personnel and their functions (1/3)
Executive Producer
In charge of one or several large productions or program series;
manages budget and coordinates with client, station management,
advertising agencies, financial supporters, and talent and writer’s
In charge of individual production; responsible for all personnel
working on the production and for coordinating technical and
nontechnical production elements; often serves as writer and director.
Associate Producer (AP)
Assists producer in all production matters; often does the actual
coordinating jobs such as telephoning talent and confirming
Line producer
Supervises daily production activities on the set
Field producer
Assits producer by taking charge of remote operations (away from the
studio); at small stations may be part of producer’s responsibilities.
Non-Technical and Technical Production
Personnel (3/8)
Non-Technical Production Personnel and their functions (2/3)
Production Manager
Schedules equipment and personnel for all studio and field productions
Production Assistant (PA)
Assists producer and director during actual production; during rehearsal
takes notes of producer’s and/ or director ‘s suggestions for show
In charge of directing talent and technical operations; responsible for
transforming a script into effective video and audio messages; may often be
the producer as well at small stations
Associate Director
Assists director during actual production; in studio productions does timing
for director; also called assistant director
Performers or actors who appear on television
Actors/ actress
Non-Technical and Technical Production
Personnel (4/8)
Non-Technical Production Personnel and their functions (3/3)
Person who appears on-camera in non-dramatic activities.
Heads narration but does not appear on-camera; if on camera, the
announcer moves into talent category.
Floor Manager
In charge of all activities on studio floor; coordinates talent, relays
director’s cues to talent and supervisor floor personnel; except for
large operations, responsible for setting up scenery and dressing the
set. Also called floor director or stage manager.
Floor Person
Set up and dress sets; operate cue cards or other prompting devices,
easel cards, and on-camera graphics; help setting up and work
portable field lighting instruments or microphone booms; assists
camera operators in moving camera dollies and pulling camera
cables; at small stations also act as wardrobe and makeup people;
also called grips, stagehands, or utilities personnel.
Non-Technical and Technical Production
Personnel (5/8)
Additional Non-Technical Production Personnel
At smaller stations, or in corporate television, the scripts are often
written by the director or producer and usually hired on freelance basis.
Art Director
In charge of creative design aspects of show (set design, location, and/
or graphics)
Graphic Artist
Prepares computer graphics, titles, charts, and electronic background.
Makeup Artist
Does the makeup for all talent, usually hired on freelance basis.
Costume Designer
Designs and sometimes even constructs various costumes for dramas,
dance numbers, and children’s shows; usually hired on freelance
Wardrobe Person
Handles all wardrobe matters during production
Property Manager
Maintains and manages use of various set and hand properties; in
small operations, managed by floor manager.
Non-Technical and Technical Production
Personnel (6/8)
Technical Production Personnel and Crew
Technical production personnel are divided into 2 (two) functions:
1. Engineering staff: who are responsible for the purchase, installation,
proper functioning, and maintenance of all technical equipment. The
following are their job title and the functions:
Chief Engineer
In charge of all technical personnel, budgets, and equipment;
design systems, including transmission, and overseas installation
and daily operations.
Assistant Chief Engineer
Assists chief engineer in all technical matters and operations;
also called engineering supervisor.
Studio or Remote Engineer-in-charge
Oversees all technical operations; also called EIC
Maintenance Engineer
Maintains all technical equipment and troubleshoot during
Non-Technical and Technical Production
Personnel (7/8)
2. Non-Engineering Staff: who are skilled in technical aspects but they are
not necessarily to be engineers and they usually are technically trained
production people. The followings are their job title and the functions:
Job Title
Technical Director (TD)
Does the switching and acts as technical crew chief
Camera Operators
Operate the camera and lighting for simple shows; when in field
production, sometimes are called videographers or shouters
Director of Photography (DP)
In film production, in charge of lighting; in EFP, operates camera
Lighting Director (LD)
In charge of lighting; normally in large productions
Video Operator (VO)
Adjust camera control for optimal camera pictures; also called
Audio Technician
In charge of audio operations, works audio console during the
show, also called audio engineer.
Non-Technical and Technical Production
Personnel (8/8)
Job title
Videotape Operator
Runs the videotape machine and/ or dist-
Character Generator (CG) Operator
Types and/or recalls from the computer the
graphic material to be integrated with video
Videotape Editor
Operates postproduction editing equipment;
editing decisions.
Digital Graphic Artist
Renders digital graphics for on-air use.
News Production Personnel (1/2)
People who work in news production division are dedicated exclusively to
the process of news production, documentaries, and special events. The
job title and their functions are described below:
Job Title
News Director
In charge of all news operations and takes care of the responsibility of
all newscasts.
Responsible for the selection and placement of stories in newscast.
Assignment Editor
Assigns reporters and videographers to specific events to be covered.
Compiles all stories, reports on-camera from the field.
in the absence of reporter, decides on what part of the event to cover,
also called news photographer r shooter.
Writes on-the-air copy for the anchors. The copy is based on the
reporter’s notes and available videotape.
News Production Personnel (2/2)
Videotape Editor
Edits videotape according to reporter’s notes, writer’s script or producer’s
Principal presenter or newscast, normally from a studio set.
On-camera talent, reporting local the weather.
Traffic reporter
On-camera talent, reporting local traffic conditions.
On-camera talent, giving sports news and commentary.
Techniques/ Terms used During Production (1/2)
There are certain television techniques/ terms that are very often used during
production process. These techniques/ terms are closely related to a series
of production process from using the microphone correctly, picking and
deciding the right timing to get the show on and off the air on time, and all
‘body language’ messages used by the floor manager to direct the host and
talent during the show.
Among other things are explained below:
Television talent
All people regularly appear on television who aim at entertaining,
educating, informing, and communicating effectively with the television
Performance techniques
Techniques that all television performers must be aware of. These
techniques require the performers to know how to speak to the camera, play
host to various guests, or communicate with other performers or to the studio
Techniques/ Terms used During Production (2/2)
 Acting techniques
To become a good television actor, one must have the mastery of
acting. Actors and performers must understand their audiences,
blocking (the area where the actors/ performers are allowed to move or
to do in relation to the set, other actor’s position, and the television
equipment), the lines to be memorized, the timing, the relation of actor
and postproduction process, and the actor-director relationship.
 Auditions
Audition is one of a set of production process where the director
decides which person goes to a certain role or not.