Notes from PAPRN+ Network Call

Notes from PAPRN+ Network Call
Date: April 30, 2015
Time: 3:00pm – 4:00pm EDT
Administrative Updates
National Heart Lung and Blood Institute Strategic Visioning Forum:
- The Institute is gathering ideas for the most compelling scientific priorities in the four
NHLBI Strategic Goals to address over the next decade. The four Strategic Goals
include: 1) Promote Human Health; 2) Reduce Human Disease; 3) Advance Translational
Research; and 4) Develop Workforce and Resources.
- They are looking for feedback in specific research areas – Deadline is May 15th to submit
ideas and Keshia is issuing a call-to-action to PAPRN+ members.
- Jim: Encouraging people to put policy and environment and physical activity topics
on that agenda. Currently exercise physiology is listed, but does not usually include a
focus on policy and environmental strategies. “Important for us to speak up for our
- Link to submit feedback:
Reminder about CDC Community Guide Built Environment for PA Webinar:
- May 6th at 2pm EDT
- Focused on local interventions and how the built environment can promote physical
- Link to webinar:
PAPRN+ Website:
- Eric Schulman: States that a draft of the website content will be shared with the PRC
contacts tomorrow after a short period of internal review
o Website should be up in the next few weeks
o Eric will be day-to-day contact for tweaking and updating website postlaunch
Comments on PAPRN+ Bylaws:
- Keshia asking participants on the call for feedback for revision and tweaking of the
bylaws to help guide PAPRN+
Research and Practice In Progress
We are planning to reserve time on our monthly calls for Research and Practice In Progress. The
purpose of this is to allow people to spend a few minutes briefing us on their ongoing research
and/or project and ask the network for pointed feedback regarding specific things such as
methods, analysis, recruitment, etc.
- Keshia is asking for feedback from the group on interest and process
o There would be a queue and a sign up for people to get on the agenda ahead
of the call
o Jamie (UIC) states that in the network where she is doing something similar,
people are using GoToMeeting to deliver a visual presentation that can then
guide the conversation
Keshia states that we can look into platform for visual presentations,
but doesn’t want to rule out oral presentations. People can use what’s
the best for them at the stage of research they are at and what
technology they feel most comfortable with.
o Jamie and Keshia clarify that this is for funded and unfunded centers – this
will be a very inclusive piece of the Network’s agenda
This would be a good place for the working groups to use this time to talk about
something ore specific related to what they are doing, but they will also have a period
for working group brief updates.
This is not limited to researchers, this could also be used for practitioners and policy
makers who are part of the network and would like input as well
Jim Sallis thinks it would be useful to know in advance and to schedule
o Keshia has already previously addressed this by speaking to the idea of the
queue. Information would be collected and dispersed a few weeks before the
call to prep for useful collaboration.
Survey Deadline
Reminder: PAPRN+ Network Survey deadline is TODAY (May 4th). We want more
responses due to how important this is in order to create the working groups.
Link to Survey:
Working Groups
Amanda mentions that we need volunteers to lead the working groups – also part of the survey, so
your response is important.
Role of Coordinating Center is to provide administrative support, TA, and facilitation support to
the working groups, not to necessarily run the working groups. It is important that people in the
network step up to lead.
Open Mic, Q&A
Mentioned hoping to have a speaker on the call to talk about substantive topics related to the
Network in the future. We have not scheduled a speaker for this call to allow time for open
discussion and Q&A from the Network.
Jamie Chriqui:
- Open call for graduate students who are interested in the built environment and
physical activity issues to assist them with coding aerial photography for their project
over the summer.
- Keshia asked for specific qualifications they are looking for in students
o Detail oriented
o Able to handle tedious work
o Comfortable using a computer
o Must be able to use “Red Cap” data system. Pretty straight forward, but there
are training materials
o Will be providing training to interested students via webinars to make sure
they are prepared
Looking for someone who can dedicate a minimum of 5 hours a week –
ideally they would like someone who can dedicate 10 hours a week.
o Would like interested students to email Sandy
o A more detailed message was sent regarding this request on Friday.
Karin Goins:
- Looking for people with strong ties to people at the local level with access to public
planning and public transit directors in states other than the ones where the
collaborating centers are that are willing to do interviews.
o Would accept someone at the state level, but they are more focused on the
local level
o Do NOT want officials from really large cities, they are looking for officials
and mid-sized and smaller cities (500,000 and below when it comes to
 Jacqueline Epping states that next Mon-Wed in Nashville, there is a
“walkability national institute” where they may be able to recruit for
these kinds of officials for interview.
 Someone from CDC will be providing Karin or Stephenie
with those contact names
Laurie Whitsel (American Heart Association):
- Wondering if they can use this group as a “Reactionary Group” to provide talking
points when major issues come up that impact physical activity policy
o Tom (from perspective as a funder)
 Tom is fine as long as the core work gets done. He greatly
encourages it, but dislikes the use of the word reactionary
o AHA clarifies that they are looking for more like a conversation around the
underlying science behind the policy
o Keshia supports this emphatically – fits with the goal of engaging in
translational research.
o Tom mentioned that there will need to be a firewall between the “discussion”
and the “official statements” that are put out
Jacqueline Epping (CDC):
- Currently looking for metrics related to waking and walkability, including policies
and practices. Putting this out there for folks to think about because the CDC would
love to hear about them
o Keshia asks her to clarify rationale, but Jackie states that she cannot share
because of confidentiality
Chris (AHA)
- Would love to hear thoughts of researchers regarding understanding the evidence
behind the various measures of activity and fitness being used in the “explosion of
wearable technology and smartphone apps”. Wants to look at something measurable
beyond steps that would measure distance but also intensity – making it a much more
accurate measure of physical fitness.
Steve Cook (Rochester):
Looking at food insecurity and electronic medical records (EMR).
Has one project looking at the FNPA (Family Nutrition and Physical Activity) tool
(measure of family behaviors)
Food and Security questionnaire is a two-question measure
Looking for a two question surveys about family physical activity that could be
incorporated into the EMR
Date: May 28, 2015
Time: 3:00pm – 4:00pm EDT
Where: Dial-in #: 1-877-633-9737 / Code: 9908770#