Emily Kwong

F.3 E.P.A. Writing Assignment (1st Term)
Topic: Comments on the Chief Executive’s Policy Address
Name: Emily Kwong Class: 3C (19)
1. Summarize the policy address
The Policy Address included several topics: Economic Development, Quality
Life, Progressive Society, Democracy and Governance. Under these four topics, there
are different policies to improve our life and Hong Kong Economy, such as the
Development of our six priority industries, the conserving of Central, the Anti-Drug
Policy, and the Consultation in Constitutional Development etc. These all policies are
solving the severe problems that surrounding us.
2. Select two new policies proposals
(1) Economic affairssix priority industriesEducation Services
The Policy Address has mentioned that government will explore mainland
senior secondary students to study short-term courses at non-public schools in Hong
Kong as to internationalize Hong Kong schools and institutions. With the co-operate
of the policy about National Education, I think it is quite a good chance to improve
the relationship between Mainland and Hong Kong students, it also let us to have
more interaction and training on our mandarin. From the past until now, Hong Kong
students always have some misunderstandings to Mainland, this greatly weaken our
National heart to the country and will create problems for our next generation. On the
other hand, China has become more and more important in the world. It is necessary
for us to learn and speak fluent mandarin so as to confront the problems/challenges in
the future.
(2) Quality LifeLow Carbon Economythe Energy-saving bulb
The policy address has also mentioned that the government will promote the
Energy-saving bulb by distributing the cash coupon to the residents. I also appreciate
for the environmental consciousness of the Chief Executive, I also very support and agree
with this kind of earth-protecting schemes. But this time, the scheme is suspected by the
citizens and the Legislative members that Donald Tsang and his affinity have illegal
benefit under the scheme. Also, not all the residents use light bulb at home, some of them
maybe using the florescent tube. But the government do not allowed them to reject
receiving the coupon and said after the receiving, they will increase the power bills in the
future. It is not an excuse for increasing the power bills. I suggested that the government
can ask the citizens about what they wish for and consider reducing the power bills for a
few months or distributes the energy-saving florescent tube coupon, and let the citizens to
choose instead of compelling them to receive the coupon that they may not need.
(386 words)