Adebo, Bennion, Falcon, STAAR Ricks English II Prep

Westside High School Lesson Plan
Teacher Name:
Adebo, Bennion, Falcon,
English II Prep
Unit Name and #:
Unit 6: STAAR
March 23-27, 2015
What are we learning?
Daily Objective: I will be able to effectively organize and write a persuasive essay and make sure it
has all necessary content components.
ELA.10.13B Structure ideas in a sustained and persuasive (logical) way (e.g., using outlines, note
taking, graphic organizers, and lists) and develop drafts in timed and open-ended situations that
include transitions and rhetorical devices used to convey meaning.
ELA.10.13C Revise drafts to improve style, word choice, figurative language, sentence variety, and
subtlety of meaning after rethinking how well questions of purpose, audience, and genre have been
ELA.10.13D Edit drafts for grammar, mechanics, and spelling.
How will we learn it?
Learning Activities:
1. Do First: Grade Log STAAR Conversion Rubric/hand out persuasive essay prompt and
persuasive essay rubric at the beginning of class
2. Persuasive Essay Review
3. Guided Persuasive Essay Writing (32 minute essay)
1. Brainstorm (4min)
2. Introduction (4min)
3. 1st Body Paragraph (10min)
4. 2nd Body Paragraph (10min)
5. Conclusion (4min)
4. Collect the students essays to save for Friday
How will we tell if we’re learning it correctly?
Assessment Methods: Persuasive essay and ½ major writing quest
Checks for Understanding: Persuasive essay rubric, which will result in immediate feedback
What do I need to be successful?
Materials: Graded assignments, STAAR persuasive essay prompt and rubric, 26- lined paper, pen or
pencil, conversion rubric, and computer
What do I need to before next class?
Follow Up/HW: None
What are we learning?
Daily Objective: The student will write a single short answer response over a piece of literature.
ELA.10.5A Analyze isolated scenes or chapters and their contribution to the success of the plot as a
whole in a variety of works of fiction.
Analyze textual context (within a sentence and in larger sections of text) to distinguish between the
denotative and connotative meanings of words.
ELA.10.Fig19B Make complex inferences about text and use textual evidence to support
How will we learn it?
Learning Activities:
1. Do first: Revising and editing practice (7-10 minutes)
2. Trade and Grade revising and editing practice (3 min)
3. Add this R&E practice in your STAAR conversion rubric (2min)
4. Hand out SAR prompt, rubric, and short piece of literature piece
5. Begin writing SAR (Single) (30-35min)
6. Collect the students SAR (Single) for the Block day.
How will we tell if we’re learning it correctly?
Assessment Methods: Single selection SAR and ½ major writing quest
Checks for Understanding: SAR single selection rubric, which will provide immediate feedback
What do I need to be successful?
Materials: Pen or pencil, SAR prompt and rubric, short piece of literature, and revising and editing
What do I need to before next class?
Follow Up/HW: None
What are we learning?
Daily Objective: The student will demonstrate their knowledge of single and paired short answer
response (SAR) rubric and apply it to their own single and paired SAR.
ELA.10.5A Analyze isolated scenes or chapters and their contribution to the success of the plot as a
whole in a variety of works of fiction.
Analyze textual context (within a sentence and in larger sections of text) to distinguish between the
denotative and connotative meanings of words.
ELA.10.Fig19B Make complex inferences about text and use textual evidence to support
How will we learn it?
Learning Activities:
1. Do First: Write a paired SAR using the literature from Tuesday and a new piece of
literature given to you today (25-30min)
2. Grade pervious STAAR single and paired SARs in groups of 4 using the paired and single
SAR rubric on scale of 0-3 (40 min)
3. Hand out single selection SAR from Tuesday and Paired from today and trade and grade
within your group using the STAAR SAR rubric (10min)
4. If time permits, STAAR styled revising and editing and multiple choice questions
How will we tell if we’re learning it correctly?
Assessment Methods: STAAR single and paired SARs and ½ major writing quest
Checks for Understanding: STAAR single and paired SAR rubric
What do I need to be successful?
Materials: Pencil or pen, paired SAR prompt and rubric, previously graded STAAR SARs
What do I need to before next class?
Follow Up/HW: None
What are we learning?
Daily Objective: The student will apply their knowledge of writing to take a writing quest.
ELA.10.5A Analyze isolated scenes or chapters and their contribution to the success of the plot as a
whole in a variety of works of fiction.
ELA.10.Fig19B Make complex inferences about text and use textual evidence to support
ELA.10.13D Edit drafts for grammar, mechanics, and spelling.
How will we learn it?
Learning Activities:
1. Pass out ½ major writing quest
2. Begin taking ½ major writing quest (25 min)
3. Hand out persuasive essays from Monday and STAAR persuasive essay rubric
4. Trade and grade with a neighbor using the STAAR persuasive essay rubric
5. Collect essays at the end of the class
How will we tell if we’re learning it correctly?
Assessment Methods: Persuasive essay and ½ major writing quest
Checks for Understanding: graded ½ major writing quest and a scored persuasive essay
What do I need to be successful?
Materials: ½ major writing quest, pen or pencil, persuasive essays from Monday, and STAAR
persuasive essay rubric
What do I need to before next class?
Follow Up/HW: None