Saint research report

Saint Research and Oral Presentation
Due: Thursday, October 31
1. Research your patron saint (or one of your choice). Take notes from a variety of
sources and organize into the following paragraphs.
*****Make sure you write it in your own words and so that you understand what you’re
writing about.
2. Your research should include:
 Paragraph 1: “I am Saint ______________.” Tell about your life as a youngster,
your schooling, your country, your parents, your brothers/sisters, etc. Write your
report as if you were the saint (in first person)
 Paragraph 2: Tell what you are known for and why you became a saint. Tell
what you are patron of.
 Paragraph 3: Tell what you admire about your saint and how you can live your
life like your saint.
 Paragraph… IF you need more length to your report, add any information that
you think is interesting. Make sure you understand what you are writing about
and write it in your own words, not those of your source.
3. Dress like your saint. Use your imagination and creativity for your costume. Mrs.
Steines does have some things you may be able to use if you can’t find anything at
4. You will be graded according to the following rubric:
Followed Directions- wrote in 1
person, included paragraphs needed,
Quality of written report –interesting,
important information, written in your
own words that make sense
Accuracy of written report – spelling,
capitalization, punctuation
Quality of presentation – voice level,
poise, eye contact
Creativity of costume