
4th grade music - Marking Period 1
During Marking Period 1, students practice identifying specific instruments by
sight and sound. They learn about tone color (timbre) – the unique sound of an
instrument or voice – and the attributes of various instruments. Students also
perform simple chordal accompaniments while other students sing or play
contrasting parts. With a particular focus on blues music, students learn to
perform the chords of a typical blues progression. Building on their music reading
skills from grade 4, students read and perform simple melodies on the treble staff
in different keys using solfeggio or a comparable system.
Measurement Topics:
Analyzing and Responding to Music
Performing Music
4th grade music - Marking Period 2
During Marking Period 2, students focus on improving their singing by
demonstrating variation of dynamics and tempi with proper breath management.
They sing a variety of songs including three-part rounds. The focus on music
reading continues from marking period one with an emphasis on solfege.
Additionally, students learn more about expressive qualities of music and
distinguish between major and minor modes. Connections are also made to
reading, writing, and social studies throughout the marking period.
Measurement Topics:
Reading and Notating Music
Performing Music
4th grade music - Marking Period 3
During Marking Period 3, students practice identifying differences in two
performances or arrangements of the same selection of music. By focusing on
various elements of music, students are able to make comparisons and elaborate
on their descriptions of the differences and similarities they hear. Students take
intellectual risks as they practice notating short melodic phrases from dictation.
Measurement Topics:
Analyzing and Responding to Music
Reading and Notating Music
4th grade music - Marking Period 4
During Marking Period 4, students bring together all they have learned about
reading and notating music to perform melodies using solfeggio and to compose
and notate music using original pitches and rhythms. The academic success skills
of effort, motivation, and persistence are applied to improving their music skills
in all areas.
Measurement Topics:
Analyzing and Responding to Music
Creating Music