
Tuesday, 30 August 2011
10:00 AM – 3:00 PM; Weatherford Tower Library
*Present: John Block, Sue Borden, David Chilicote, Carroll DeKock, Caitlin Flynn, Erin Haynes, Kathy Heath,
Carol Kronstad, Gerry Olson (recorder), Helen Polensek, Susan Poole, Gordon Reistad, Mary Ann Roberts,
Kate Sanders, Tom Savage, Terri Tower (presiding)
*Absent: Gideon Alegado, Tom McClintock, Jim Krueger
*Welcome and Introductions: Board members shared their summer highlights.
*Minutes - June 3rd Meeting: John Block moved we approve the minutes as distributed. Susan Poole
seconded the motion, and it carried.
(1) Fall Kick-Off: Golf and Games; Tuesday, September 13
Carol Kronstad reported that as of now, 26 are signed up for golf, with a total of 47 signed up for all
events. Bingo has attracted 10, and 11 more signed up for the dinner and speech only. The registration date
will be extended a bit to encourage higher attendance.
(2) Committee Assignments - Board members
Terri is committed to giving more recognition to committee members. She asked us to add names
of those we know who wish to be more involved. Sue Borden has agreed to chair the Volunteer committee,
and Erin Haynes will chair the Communications & Newsletter Committee. Mary Ann Roberts agreed to
work on this committee as well. Additional committee members were identified.
(3) OSURA Treasurer’s Report and Financial Updates.
The FY 2011 Final Report was included in the packet prepared by Terri. State Funds of $9,000 will
continue as pledged earlier, with any dollars not spent directly by OSURA being made available to the office
of University Events. Expenditure and Income Categories were reviewed and discussed. Scholarship
contributions were noted as higher this year compared to last year.
Carroll DeKock raised an issue concerning tuition funds as part of total state funds coming to OSU. The
funds are co-mingled, and Kate reported that tuition funds are 59 percent of the total. Carroll expressed
reluctance to use any tuition funds for OSURA activities. The opposing idea is to recognize the help we give
to students through our volunteer effort, and the importance of OSURA to be officially connected as an arm
of OSU. Terri noted that over time we may need to wean ourselves from this source as fiscal climates
change. However, the access of University Events to these funds also helps to justify their allocation to
OSURA.. In addition, Susan Poole has ideas for increasing contributions for scholarships as a way to enhance
our position. The question has come up as to whether OSURA is an affiliate of OSU/OSU Foundation. The
official status is still in question, but we are entitled to use the 501-(C)-(3) tax status for our contributions.
Erin asked us to express our collective opinion as to the use of any student tuition funds for OSURA
activities. Discussion ensued, and the issue was tabled for discussion later in the day. A review of the source
of funds ( “State Funds” or membership fees and contributions) used for our various expenditure categories
may be germane to our official perspective on this issue.
(4) University Day - OSURA booth staffing
University Day is September 22nd. Terri Tower will up-date our display board before that date. Times
and volunteers for the event are as follows:
Set up
Take down
8:30 -9:30
12:00 -1:00
1:00 -2:00
2:00 -2:30
Jim Krueger & Susan Poole (promo materials, brochures, committee info)
Carol Kronstad and Carroll DeKock
Helen Polensek and Dave Chillicote
Erin Haynes
Sue Borden & Terri Tower will recruit volunteers to hand out programs and raffle tickets
(5) A sheet detailing the Officer Time Line for the 2011-2012 year was Included in the packet compiled by
Terri. Highlights were noted. Mary Ann volunteered to work with Terri to update the By-Laws, also in our
Committee Reports:
Kathy Heath, Membership Chair reported that as of now, we have 253 paid members. Last year we had 324
members. The “Fall Kick-off: Save the Date” materials included a form for renewal. The Newsletter mailing
label includes membership payment information. We may catch more people at University Day, the Fall
Kick-off, etc., perhaps using just the renewal form rather than the whole brochure). John Block announced
the October OSU Health Fair and suggested it could be a place to recruit OSURA members.
Erin Haynes, Communications/Newsletter Committee chair, would like new member cameos by September
30, sent by e-mail to Erin. Send in good Newsletter ideas to Erin, any time. These could be extraordinary
people; results of the golf tournament, photos of winners of golf and bingo; write-ups of events; scholarship
winner photos & bios, etc.
Member Services
Gordon Reistad, Chair, met with his committee last week. Topics are being pursued include: nutrition &
dietary myths, in the fall, with tours at the new Linus Pauling building,; identity theft; estate planning
(perhaps featuring Jennifer Millburn, and a panel); and Globalization of the University (tour of INTO).
Other potential programs include a meeting at “Fitness over Fifty” as an “extension” of health related
information to the retiree population, and “What’s happening in fermentation science?” Member services
needs to consider offerings by the Academy of Life Long Learning (ALL), and coordination with the
Program committee. A suggestion was made to invite an ALL coordinator to an OSURA Board Meeting.
Two potential programs include follow-up on the future of higher education, and President Ray talking
about Higher Ed and Athletics in the Pac 12 (NCAA).Gordon also expressed a need for Member Services
Committee diversity.
Helen Polensek, Chair of Program, noted that more than 30 people attended and the Bard in the Quad
program. She will include the athletic events this year and perhaps a program on texting. She noted that
a program on social media has been done and could be done again, and some may be interested in a train
ride up along Hood River. Helen requested suggestions for additional programs of interest.
Golf Committee for OSURA Fall Kick-off
Carol Kronstad gave her report earlier in the day, but added that Joseph Spatafora, OSU Athletic
Representative, will be the featured speaker. Helen Polencek noted that the committee is garnering prizes
for Bingo as well as for door prizes.
John Block, Chair, reported that Tom Savage is now on the committee. A major issue is the centralization of
scholarship information on campus. The scholarship office uses one standardized application form, and
getting our information out to students is difficult. Mary Ann asked about a notice in the barometer. It
could be done, but may be expensive. Increasing the amount of the scholarship – or noting a broader range
on the announcement – may help draw applicants. The Scholarship theme “Promoting healthy aging” may
limited, but there are many students who would qualify. What we need are high quality applications.
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Sue Borden, Chair, will be sending out notices for up-coming volunteer opportunities.
Staff Report
Caitlin Flynn will be married in Sept. 2012, in Denver. Caitlin will be figuring out what her role with OSU will
be during the next year. Kate plans to go back to school for her MBA, in addition to her work and family
Steve Clark, OSU’s new Vice Present for University Relations and Marketing will be at our Oct. 7th OSURA
Board meeting. OSU’s theme this year will be “healthy living.” New efforts will bring speakers to OSU. At
University Day (9/22), our speaker will be Kevin Fitzgerald (see OSU Web page ) . Kate reported that the Fall
Calendar for University Events is intense in Sept. and Oct. Susan Pool suggested that the OSURA Fall
Newsletter be targeted for November.
In discussing contacts with new retirees, the HR rule is that one contact is allowed, and all information has
generally been included in that contact. HR gives us the new retirees information for that one contact. This
process was negotiated several years ago with HR when privacy laws were being tightened and enforced.
Multiple contacts are not allowed unless the retirees respond. It was noted that the Retiree Directory is an
“opt in” operation, except for OSURA members who are “in” unless they “opt out.” It was suggested that
we may wish to try different approaches for this one allowed contact.
Meeting Schedule: 2011-12
Tues. Aug. 30; Fri. Oct. 7; Fri. Nov. 4; Fri. Dec. 2;
Fri. Jan. 6; Fri. Feb. 3; Fri. March 2; Fri. Apr. 6; Fri. May 4; Fr.i June 1
Annual Meeting will be Wed. May 9 or Wed. May 16
(1) Goals and Priorities - 2011-12
Ideas mentioned throughout the day include emphasis on fund raising and scholarships, an increased role in
social interaction, recognizing the work of our committee members,
(2) Scholarship Endowment A sheet of “Talking Points” relative to forming a Scholarship Endowment was the basis for Board discussion.
Terri Tower reviewed the information that is relevant to the formation of an endowment fund, adding
information on yield (5.5%) and transaction fees (5%) going to the OSU Foundation rather than the “corpus”
or main body of the endowment account.
The budgeting process needed to reach our endowment goal includes increased membership of 68, and
additional contributions in order to cover or operating expenses. Erin pointed out that what we “lose” in
investment dollars by not forming the endowment is interest lost.
There is a “pre-endowment” account potential, but it locks funds in, and gets no interest. Erin expressed a
concern that currently Scholarship contributions are in one account that includes all funds. In reality, the
contributions are earmarked for the various goals by strict booking processes, and only scholarship
contributions are tax deductible.
Our By-laws would seem to accommodate the existence of an endowment scholarship fund, as “…service to
the University community.”
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John Block noted that he has never been a big fan of an endowment of the size we can afford. He noted
that small endowments are a “pain” as they generate small scholarships. Carol Kronstad noted that perhaps
our purposes have been re-focused away from social interaction and general University support toward
more scholarship emphasis. How far we want to go with an endowment account is a point of discussion that
should be ongoing.
Susan suggested we continue to discuss this, but put more emphasis on fund raising. Terri seconded this
idea, and had the following ideas to promote scholarship dollars rather than endowment dollars:
*Using Scholarship winners in a January program for members and potential donors
*Connecting with non-OSURA “aging populations” ( e.g. Fitness Over Fifty, Alumni
Association, other venues and programs) to enhance our visibility
*Capitalize on the theme, Powered by Orange, and building on OSU’s “Healthy” theme in October
How about “Healthy Aging -- Powered by Orange”?
*Carroll suggested raising funds to bring a nationally recognized speaker to OSU- perhaps in
co-operation with OSU groups, especially as the new OSU speaker program is being instigated.
A question was raised relative to our obligation to prior boards that put forward the idea of creating an
endowment for scholarships. Discussion led to a perspective of scholarship commitment, regardless of how
those funds might be management. Carol noted that there was never an OSURA Board vote to establish an
endowment fund in the Foundation. The board affirmed the goal of raising funds for scholarships in this
fiscal year, and perhaps increasing the amount given, but not focusing exclusively on an endowment fund.
(3) Membership Recruitment
Pre-retirement workshops have been popular past programs, including choices for health insurance.
Insurance choices are especially important for pre-Medicare retirees. Perhaps we could broaden our
programs to pre-retirees. It was noted that there is very little one-on-one contact with retirees now, as
most information only on line, or a FAQs phone hotline Could OSURA provide a human contact for preretirees? Erin suggested that our Newsletter could do a Q & A column. Mainly we need to make contact
with pre-retirees at OSU.
Terri suggested an evaluation of the “one contact allowed” rule. Can we survey people to know why they
haven’t joined OSURA, or use other methods to find out why don’t people join? At first retirees may pull
away from OSU, happy to be away the workplace. We might use “Survey Monkey” to ask questions of our
members; this program is free up to 9 questions. Can we go to ALL to ask attendees why they attend ALL
and don’t join OSURA? How do we define membership? We seem to pull a very small % of classified staff.
Should we do a “delay” for our first and only contact? Can we push to get the number of contacts increased
to 2 or 3? Should we request someone from Human Resources to come to our Board? We might get hints
as to how we might get our information out?
Jennifer Millburn, OSU Foundation, will be working with retiring OSU faculty, and may be a good liaison for
us. She is knowledgeable and a skilled professional.
(4) Guests for monthly meetings
*October - Steve Clark, VP University Relations and Marketing
*November or December: ALL (why did it move from OSURA to a spin-off of Alumni Affairs?)
*A representative from Human Resources
*A representative from Alumni Affairs
(5) 10 Year Anniversary Event(s) Perhaps plan an event to give more recognition to committee workers
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(6) FY 12 Budget
Can we do more electronically to cut costs? The Retiree’s Directory & Newsletters might be on line for
those who choose that option. If this were done, how much would our savings be?
Out of Town Trips – Using a bus is the most expensive single item for these trips. Should we continue?
Charge or charge more to cover costs? What can be cut -- Member services? Promotion items? It was
suggested that we buy no promotion items such as pens or other do-dads this year.
Student Scholarships Fund --$4,000 has been committed. For this year we will drop the “endowment”
nomenclature from what is reserved for scholarships. We should consider increasing the “range” for one or
more scholarships next year, allowing the committee some flexibility to come back to the board to request
more funds.
We will need funds to send a representative or two to our Regional meeting in Spokane
(7) Committees, OSURA organization
Our work includes Increased visibility and recognition; Enhanced Communications/Newsletter
committee - editorial board; submissions; Scholarship fundraising; Membership recruitment
(8) Erin Haynes suggested that we do an OSURA survey to document our contributions to OSU. These might
include our scholarships, volunteer activities for University Events, contributions to courses, student
mentoring, providing historical perspectives in appropriate ways, etc.
Association of Retiree Organizations in Higher Education (AROHE) is a national organization that identifies
best practices of retiree organizations. Erin moved that we pay membership dues of $100.00 to AROHE.
Tom Savage seconded the motion, and it carried.
The meeting adjourned at 3:05 pm.
Respectfully Submitted.
Gerry Olson
OSURA Secretary
Items distributed at the meeting:
Board Member and Committee Roster
Talking Points for the Scholarship Endowment Discussion
Financial Report for FY 2011
OSURA Officer Timeline, 2011-12
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