Photo for Auction Sales Cards. Clubs will be taking their... Market Animal Photos are due to the office July 20

Photo for Auction Sales Cards. Clubs will be taking their own photos again this year.
Market Animal Photos are due to the office July 20th (August 10th for rabbits and
poultry only). Here are the parameters you MUST follow in order to have an
attractive auction card for you buyer:
A. Be sure that the faces of the animal and the youth are in close proximity. Last
year we had some problems with either being able to show the animal or the
youth but not both. The smaller the animal, the more likely this may happen.
For sheep, goats, swine, etc. it’s best for the member to be kneeling close to the
B. Taking your photos outside will give the best lighting. Dress nicely or in club tshirts or jackets if your club has them.
C. If possible, please use a digital camera rather than a phone. Phone photos can
end up grainy if they need to be resized.
D. Be sure all photos are taken in a LANDSCAPE ORIENTATION (wider than
it is tall). THIS IS VITALLY IMPORTANT!! If you do not use a landscape
orientation the photo ends up being tiny in relation to the card and creates an
unattractive card for the buyer. So please landscape your photos.
E. Save each photo as a jpg. Please use this format for creating a file name:
SpeciesTagNumberLastNameFirstName. Here’s an example of what the file
name should look like: sheep725jonesmichelle.jpg . It is very important that
you follow this format. Below is an excellent example of how an auction photo,
i.e. correct orientation, animal and youth’s face is clear, youth in is her club
attire, taken outside, etc.
F. It is totally acceptable to email photos into the office. You can email them to . Sophia will confirm delivery of the email and
photos. If you do not receive delivery conformation, please check with her to
be sure they were received. You may also bring them in on thumb/flash (USB)