
CabriJava :
Dynamic Geometry
on the Web
Gilles Kuntz
INRIA Rhône-Alpes
Grenoble (France)
CabriJava : Dynamic Geometry on the Web - MTCM 2000 - 11/24/00
From Cabri to CabriJava
 CabriJava choices
 Some Web sites using CabriJava
 Future directions
 CabriPublisher
 TeleCabriJava
CabriJava : Dynamic Geometry on the Web - MTCM 2000 - 11/24/00
1. From Cabri to CabriJava
CabriJava : Dynamic Geometry on the Web - MTCM 2000 - 11/24/00
Some dates (Cabri):
Informal specifications of an
CAhier de BRouillon Informatique
for Geometry (Apple)
starting collaboration with
Cabri II in TI-92 in school
CabriJava : Dynamic Geometry on the Web - MTCM 2000 - 11/24/00
Cabri in computers :
The most sold french education sofware :
native versions on MacOS, DOS, Windows
in many langages (such as japanese, chinese, arabic...)
Developed at Grenoble University and french
scientific research center : CNRS
CabriJava : Dynamic Geometry on the Web - MTCM 2000 - 11/24/00
CabriJava : Dynamic Geometry on the Web - MTCM 2000 - 11/24/00
Cabri in pocket calculators : TI-92
CabriJava : Dynamic Geometry on the Web - MTCM 2000 - 11/24/00
Cabri on the Web : CabriJava
CabriJava project started in 96
Goals :
To publish dynamic geometry figures on the Web with
minimal effort
To propose rich interaction and direct manipulation like
CabriJava : Dynamic Geometry on the Web - MTCM 2000 - 11/24/00
2. CabriJava choices
CabriJava : Dynamic Geometry on the Web - MTCM 2000 - 11/24/00
First choice : Java
object programming langage for the Web
 crossplatform support: Java on all platforms
 no plugin: supported by modern navigators
 many libraries for human interaction,
CabriJava : Dynamic Geometry on the Web - MTCM 2000 - 11/24/00
CabriJava : Dynamic Geometry on the Web - MTCM 2000 - 11/24/00
Second choice :
using same files on the Web as Cabri
direct upload on the server of Cabri figure
files without any modification
 no effort to translate figure elements in
java parameters, which is very fastidious
 small downloaded size (complex Cabri
figures can be zipped in few KiloBytes
CabriJava : Dynamic Geometry on the Web - MTCM 2000 - 11/24/00
CabriJava : Dynamic Geometry on the Web - MTCM 2000 - 11/24/00
Third choice : recording traces and
animations in applet parameters
Cabri II dont record such elements in files
 animations can start without interaction to
focus attention of the user and to distinguish
between simple images and dynamic
geometry figures
 animations are generated by threads : the
user keeps all his control on the figure
CabriJava : Dynamic Geometry on the Web - MTCM 2000 - 11/24/00
applet zone
animation spring for point A
trace of point B
<APPLET CODE="CabriJava.class" …>
<PARAM NAME=file VALUE="Pascal.fig">
<PARAM NAME=lang VALUE="en">
<PARAM NAME=spring VALUE="point 6 size 55,-16 ">
<PARAM NAME=trace VALUE="point 10 ">
CabriJava : Dynamic Geometry on the Web - MTCM 2000 - 11/24/00
CabriJava demonstrations
Graphical animations
« cabri »
 train
regular octogon
 Hjelmslev theorem
 elicoide
Spherical geometry
spherical system
 rotating cube
Poncelet theorem
 Carnot theorem
Hyperbolic geometry
 optics
CabriJava : Dynamic Geometry on the Web - MTCM 2000 - 11/24/00
3. Some Web sites using CabriJava
CabriJava : Dynamic Geometry on the Web - MTCM 2000 - 11/24/00
Some Web sites using CabriJava
 Chinese site
 Cabri in Physics
 Many others :
 in
Belgium : Images mentales
 in France
Optics in Nantes
Maths in Nice
in Canada
 in Netherlands
 in Japan
 ...
: Dynamic Geometry on the Web - MTCM 2000 - 11/24/00
New sites : day after day !
CabriJava : Dynamic Geometry on the Web - MTCM 2000 - 11/24/00
4. Future Directions
CabriJava : Dynamic Geometry on the Web - MTCM 2000 - 11/24/00
CabriReader application
CabriReader is not the final name...
 Goals :
 To
help publication of Web pages using CabriJava
applet : by WYSIWIG generation of parameters and
direct transfer of HTML files and Cabri figures to the
user Web site or to a shared common « gallery »
 To suppress security restrictions of applets and to
allow collaborative use of CabriJava
(-> TeleCabriJava)
CabriJava : Dynamic Geometry on the Web - MTCM 2000 - 11/24/00
Distance learning
is using now
special tools:
high band network
hardware : video...
capture application
Teletutoring cannot be decide on the fly...
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TeleCabriJava :
distance learning by Internet
Idea : to share a CabriJava figure with a chat
CabriJava : Dynamic Geometry on the Web - MTCM 2000 - 11/24/00
CabriJava is a free java applet for
publishing Cabri figures on the Web
 No need to program : just construct a
Cabri figure and publish them by direct
transfer to your Web site
 CabriReader application can help you
during this process
 TeleCabriJava is a distance learning
project on Internet
CabriJava : Dynamic Geometry on the Web - MTCM 2000 - 11/24/00
Thank you for your attention
CabriJava : Dynamic Geometry on the Web - MTCM 2000 - 11/24/00