Cordelia Anderson Transcript October 3 , 2014

Cordelia Anderson
October 3rd, 2014
The Impact of Pornography on Children, Youth, and Culture”
They are sexually exploited, sexually trafficked, as the new sexy. The new APA report, I
hope you’re all familiar with, in 2007 and 2010, looked at the sexualization, they just
studied girls and I can certainly see the impact on boys too. That’s when there’s four
factors- when your value comes only from sexual appeal, with the exclusion of everything
else. When secondly, that is a standard that equates to being sexy physical sexiness. When a
person is made into a thing, a sexual object, a thing for sexual use. I didn’t think we would
be up against the pushback of normalization of wearing sex object. So the hip pushback is
owning the oppression, owning that language, as if that’s the way to express one’s
sexuality. Well it is, in a normalized culture. And sexuality is very narrowly imposed on a
person. Now we know that even in the fashion industry, this got a lot of pushback when this
was not an adult issue, this was a children’s issue. And now it’s not only that you’re
considered sexy at 60, 40, 20, 16, you got to be younger than that. The lead model was 10.
Now there’s a lot of young people pushing back to that- speaking up. The other side of that
is the studies that are really showing the way our children are taught to be compliant
victims, which is a controversial statement, but what I mean by that is when our kids are
groomed not only by an individual perpetrator, but they’re groomed by society, they’re set
up to see themselves as supply or to be the demand. It is not children making G-strings for
pre-pubescent girls that say “girl power”. So we know from all of our research, and
Minnesota is really blessed to have the Search Institute, to talk about developmental assets
and be leaders in youth development that our kids need. So we’ve got a lot of
understanding of risk and protective factors here. And we know that kids need supportive
families and communities. We know that a big part of education is building up protective
factors, reducing risk, and we know this is doggone hard for families and they need
supports. And CDC will say they need safe, stable, nurturing relationships and
environments. All of our programs need to build that. Don Hilton will talk about the brainwe know that impulse control and long-term consequences are something that are still
developing. We know that kids are developing physically earlier ad that hormones and
bodies changing are something that we really have caught up to and can talk frankly about
with our children at younger ages to help them understand the brain development, the
physical development, and the socialization that tells them about masculinity, femininity,
gender and relationships from birth on. And it’s not only the usual ways we think about this
social norming but rather what’s going on in marketing that benefits from us needing very
different products for boys and girls. Who’s profiting from that as well. So we know what
our kids need. Let’s talk about what they get. They get a steady diet from these four areas.
And I’m going to be very quick because most of my time is on pornography. Marketing and
commercialization- If you’re interested in this, Campaign for Commercial Free Childhood,
looking at the impact of marketing to teach children to value things more than each other,
primary protective factor, caring relationships, caring connections, positive healthy contact
with caring adults in their life and peers. And yet the company message is- it’s about the
stuff. Don’t think, just do it, about where it’s bought, how it’s made, how much it costs, or
anything else, just do it. And acquire stuff for whatever needs you have. And that includes
marketing, packaging, selling human beings and sex as things to be bought and sold.
Vednita Carter of Breaking Free talks about- we’ve got to look at the linkages between
those messages, the demand for treating women and children as sexual objects and
pornography and prostitution. With prostitution being the oldest form of oppression.
[Noise interference]. Also back to this, not as harmless entertainment, but as live
pornography and prostitution. And the messages to girls, that if you want to be sexy, you
can be strippers, dancers, porn stars, that wasn’t what we were fighting twenty years ago.
And I heard on the radio on the way here, they’re talking about mom and daughter poll
dancing classes. Remember when we thought that a few years back, I couldn’t hear where
they were talking about it. So our impact of technology is huge, coming of age in a world
filled with porn. Our young people, we often hear about the divide between natives and
immigrants, but the fact is we all need to assimilate, because it’s not all bad- these speakers
are delighted when technology works. Technology is a breakthrough way to get our
information out there. It’s powerful for learning information in communication. We know
we’re also concerned about the possibility of too much too soon and about how dated this
is because most of us are hooked up all the time through our mobile phones. So that is, and
we know the risk with cell phones because we’ve got the ability, we’ve got a
hypersexualized society, we got the expectation that this is how you’re supposed to behave,
we got the technology in your hands- the mix is right there that sets the stage for sexting.
Along with the hypersexualized media. Who’s that at the far end? Jon Benet Ramsey,
remember how shocking that was? [Lost visual and audio]. Willing and able to sexually
exploit a child, and how do we end demand. Are we growing those aroused by sexual harm
and pain? Babies aren’t born this way, they learn. And when we look at the sensation of the
pimp culture- it drives my nuts- pimp my gun, pimp my office, pimp my cubicle, pimp my
bookshelves for library campaigns. Again, the norming of this language and the
expectations. And when we look at the motivation of buyers, of sexual exploiters, one of the
ones that is rising in that list is- I want what I saw in porn. I want you to say, I want you to
act, and I want to take your picture. Furthering exploitation, that furthering control over
you, I want to document this. Fifteen years ago, when one of the early busts of a child
pornography site was done in Texas, it was run by a husband and wife team, it revealed
250,000 names primarily of men that paid 29.99 a month to look at images of children
being sexually abused. Again, why is there so much demand. Parallel looking at the culture,
the expectation from nerds to pimps, get lucky, shaping arousal, interrupting development,
you’re supposed to as a “right” kind of a boy, as a right kind of a male, see children as sexual
commodities, women as sexual commodities for your use, but this has just drove it over the
edge- we’re doing this to our infants. Infant onesies, “certified muff guide master”, “I’m
proof mommy puts out”, “playground pimp”, “mother sucker”. Whose idea is this? Who
makes it? Who marks it? Who buys it? Who thinks it’s a cute gift? Who puts it on their
children? And this isn’t, none of this is the shame and blame message, as much as that
sounds like I would go to the individuals, rather it’s the normalizing of what has come to be
accepted as just cute, just funny. We’ve lost sight of the trap, and the trap for males is to be
a user and taker of pornography and a maker. That women and children are clickable and if
you get caught we’re going to register you as a sex offender. Even if you’re a child. So the
industry’s role is key in the problem and the solution and I’m talking mainstream- you’ll
hear more about the pornography industry. I’ll only mention a few things. Calvin Klein is
notorious for saying, hey we can’t get that shock value from women so we got to go to kids-
sexualizing our boys and girls. What does it take to push that shock? This was in Australia.
But this is Lee Jeans, using the images of child pornography, with a pornographer in bed
with the adults. Although they made them pose as children with lollipops and all of that, the
models were indeed eighteen. So this all sets up why, going into the porn industry piece of
this puzzle, and looking at the intersections of the development of the technology and
pornography often we hear about the power of affordability, anonymity, and access. Also
you’ll be hearing more about arousal- the expectability, the normalization, and the
dominance of very violent content. So let’s talk for a moment about the politics of
definitions. Sexually exploitive Internet material. Visual sexual stimuli. Standard terms in
research that are allegedly neutral. Let’s just visit that for a second because those neutral
terms are saying it’s just sex, porn is harmless. Is that neutral? Sexually explicit materials
intended to create arousal in the consumer, making the definition. I have no issue with
sexually explicit material. I wish we had more, we have very little of that, we have sexually
exploitive materials intended to create sexual arousal in the user. Around the world it is not
called children pornography, for that subset, it is referred to as child sexual abuse images,
or child abuse images, or child exploitation images. To be very clear that this is
documentation of sexual abuse. What if, think of the difference if we said sexual violence
images, sexual degradation images, or sexualized violent imagery. As Gail Dines says,
pornography offers people a vision of sexuality rooted in men’s dominance over women,
and women accepting their own degradation. So it doesn’t affect us all in the same way, and
that’s some of what studies are looking at- why is that? We all have different risk and
protective factors. Oftentimes people will say is religion, is faith a barrier to harm. Well I
think as a lot of you know, there are different studies that show indeed, and some would
argue that higher rates, of people that have very strong faiths, that are regular users,
struggle with the impact, struggle with the shame, struggle with reaching out for help,
because we’re talking about a mega-industry, an industry that has a huge amount of profit,
that intersects types of oppressions. Not only the sexism, but also the racism and the
violence. In “ A Billion Wicked Thoughts”, they did “neutral” research. They looked at what
they called neutral research, and without a lot of analysis of the data, just looking at what
around the world people were looking at and searching and the trends and one of the top
researched areas were youth, around the world, youth, and as Google Trend searches
shows, teen porn is up 215%, the searches for teen porn between 2004 and 2013. Now
mobile phones have transformed this even more. 1 in 5 mobile phone searchers are for
pornography. That is growing, that’s where the market’s going. This is different every day,
every hour of the day. So if you did this right now you’d get different numbers, but what at
this time when I searched porn this is how many results in that amount of time. Teen porn
versus healthy sexuality. So, there’s a lot of debate about whether or not we should show
images. The strong reason to show any images is because we need to know what our young
people see when they Google porn. We need to know the reality of the world they navigate.
The other reality is, while many say this is completely harmless and just sex, you show any
images and it’s traumatizing for some people, it triggers some people, people have a hard
time getting them out of their mind. So I want you to keep that in mind that we’re up
against that battle. If you don’t want to see this next image, just turn the other way. But this
is simply what happens when you go to freeporn and you click it and I’m a kid and boom,
right away I’m at multiple images, including active images, “beautiful daughter real sex”,
“hot amateur babe gets rough anal”, “teen amateur with hot ass sex on cock”. This is the
language of pornography, and very often a blurring of lines between what is technically
legal adult pornography, and what is illegal child sexual abuse images. So the message loud
and clear for adults is you can take it, the woman can take it. And you know what breaks
my heart? It breaks my heart to hear young women say about sex, “I can take it”. It makes
me want to weep. I don’t want my daughter to learn how to take it, I want her to learn
about joy and pleasure and mutuality. I don’t want my son to learn how to take it or how to
get it. And the message to our children is that they’re secretly craving it, they’re secretly
craving you adult men, they’re secretly craving being violated in multiple ways. If you think
child sexual abuse images is a bunch of adult women dressed like children, again these preexisting frames, remember this is documentation of abuse. I cannot show it, other than in
law enforcement, because it’s recognized as re-victimization. At the National Center and
CVIP- child victim identification program- 43% of identified victims in child sexual abuse
images are boys, 57% are girls. 76% are pre-pubescent, now as they are developing earlier,
think about what that means. The types of sex acts depicted in those, oral, anal, foreign
objects, depictions of bondage, depictions of urination, depictions of bestiality, very much
nearing the content of the legal pornography marketed put on our children. There’s a
blurring of lines between legal and illegal. There’s a blurring of lines between the
mainstream pornography- the child and adult. And the fact is if our children are searching
for pornography to learn about sex, they will cross into child pornography. And we are not
talking about that. We are not talking except maybe to say- that’s illegal- we’re not helping
them understand and make meaning of what does it mean when I look at it’s like she looks
like she likes it, it looks like they’re enjoying it. There is no informed consent. We needwhat does it mean to be looking, what’s the impact on the mind, body, and soul. Where do
we have not only first and foremost, the consent and what that means at the end of those
harmed and exploited, but including of the viewers. You see this study in your packets and
it gets a lot of play as it should, because it’s not just our opinion that this is violence but
studies that show using a perpetrator action scale, 11.5 acts of aggression per scene.
Positive sex depicted under 10% of the time. And the response is rewarded, oh baby give
me more, hurt me more, degrade me more. As Rus Funk, activist in this says- slapping and
kicking become foreplay, degradation and rape- consensual- cuts and bruises signs of
pleasure, tears of pain, tears of sexual ecstasy. I found this study very interesting and I’m
interested in, Dr. Hilton, your response to this. But it wasn’t just the nudity that got people,
it was the novelty. That more and more, the click and click. And I keep going for something
different, something more. When a pediatrician, Dr. Forkey, that we were at a conference
with together, talked about that for children who are already have experienced toxic stress
from abuse, from different types of adverse childhood experiences, there at higher risk
when they’re exposed to internet porn. For them it’s the double whammy; their amygdala
is already turned on, their frontal cortex already off from the effects of abuse and neglect
and then they’re exposed to porn. So we can also think about where we can get better
strength, inoculation, from again building those protective factors. Doesn’t deal with the
whole problem. And I also want to just call your attention to part of my work is around
compassion fatigue for professionals in this field. We recognize that for highly trained
advocates, highly trained analysts, highly trained investigators, that this stuff is toxic. We
have to have safeguard programs. How can we deal with both of those realities? So what we
know about the impact on young people, we know kids are going to say hey it’s just sex. It’s
fun, it’s exciting, it’s there, I’m curious, I wanted information, I wanted to masturbate, I
wanted to be sexually aroused, somebody said look so I looked. Some kids are sensation
seeking. This is another sensation, it’s just what what kids do. I was bored so I looked. Or
it’s a way to cope with any number of feelings I may have. And we’re up against this- I saw
it growing up and I’m fine. Content is very different. Reach is very different. Age of
exposure is very different. This is a dated study- 2007- but I keep it in because this was a
non-clinical sample of boys and girls. And what she found was that for kids under age 10
exposed to porn there was even more sexually questionable acts, engaged in more varied
sex, were more aroused by violence, consumed more porn later in life, the industry likes
that, and simply viewed it as sex ed. A recent study in 2014 said that when kids were
exposed under age eleven and were also kids who are particularly more sensation-seeking,
sexual sensation-seeking, that definitely signaled that cross-over between sexual risk
taking in both boys and girls, so this might some of the variables we’re looking at with
difference in impact at age of exposure, stage of development, and how much use. Ybarra’s
study looked at the fact that kids looking at material that wasn’t violent versus what was
violent, the sexually violent material which was the vast majority of pornography were
more likely, six times more likely than non-consumers to have sexually aggressive
behavior. This other study is a more recent study for those of us doing sexual violence
prevention work, sad reality, fourteen to twenty-one year olds, and three out of four of the
teens said they had attempted or completed sexually abusive acts within the context of a
romantic relationship. We’re trying to act out what we saw, we think that’s sex, it may not
feel good doing it, receiving it, or anything else, and our education has not caught up with
this. Another study that just came out, a survey of 500 eighteen year olds, looked at the new
norms and what they said, eight out of ten said it’s too easy to get access, 46% sending
sexual naked photos or videos, it’s just part of everyday life. Another seven out of ten
percent said pornography leads to unrealistic attitudes and is damaging to our view of sex
or relationships. And you also look at the split between males and females, but certainly
enough number say it would be easier if we didn’t have this as we were growing up. And
the high percentage that say people are too casual about their relationships and sex. And
certainly a high percentage that say porn has led to pressure for girls and women to act
certain ways. I would say it’s led to a lot of pressure for boys to act certain ways. And we
have to be mindful of that. And always the shocking reality in all of these studies that say
there are differences in responses between boys and girls. Now early studies really focused
on if then, and we’re all know there’s not pause, it’s a correlate, but you’re also going to
hear some more issues about that are going to look at the very fundamental effects on brain
development. But this study was looking at juveniles who committed acts of delinquency
versus juveniles who committed acts that qualified as sex offenses, criminal. Michael Seto
did this study and one of the things that they found was that the difference between those
kids was that the kids who committed sex offenses had notably higher exposure to
pornography, higher rates of sexual abuse, and more atypical sexual fantasies than kids
that had committed other types of crimes. This study, again a new study, looked at the fact
that of child sexual abuse images, child pornography in our culture it’s called, three to
fifteen percent are juveniles, and the juveniles that they found to have downloaded the
illegal material over time had more of a collection in their that they had downloaded. So
this other study looked at sixteen to eight year olds, of diverse backgrounds in England,
three different communities. And by the way although my colleagues will be interested to
hear how you see it, seems to be more interest for research with young people in other
countries than there is in the U.S. It’s hard for us to get the support to actually ask children
and youth questions about this, to talk about sex. But this one speaks to the norming shift,
because this was looking at heterosexual interests in sexuality and the finding was that
heterosexual anal sex if not practiced was talked about and expected. That’s a shift in
norming practices that is very much related to what gets depicted in pornography. And
they said they knew it was risky to have unprotected, they knew it was painful especially
for women, but they think gee they must like it because I saw them do it on porn. They
normalize the coercion and the pressure to do it, whether it’s mutually desirable to do it or
not, they normalize the pain, and some talked about it as bragging rights for the guys. What
has happened to mutuality, a desire for consent, not coercion, to giving and receiving
pleasure, to wanting a partner to enjoy the contact, to safer and pleasurable techniques.
Mary Ann Layden said that her research showed that earlier exposure to porn the more
likely to engage in non-consensual sex. And for girls, the more you use porn the more likely
you are to be sexually victimized. She said her study did not show why. But we don’t know
why but we could expect that you may not notice as much or if you’re expecting the
coercion and speaking up against that, may not have as much sense of your worth or your
value. In “Porn, Love, and Sex”, a relatively new video from Australia that had mixed
responses to, one of the statements from one of the young men interviewed was that when
a boy starts having sex they imagine porn. Their dream is that girls can take it and boys can
have their way with girls. When our boys and girls are exposed to body-punishing violent
porn before they learn to hold hands, hug, or kiss, what’s the impact on their sense of self,
relationships, and society. There hasn’t been studies I’m aware of although they’re
probably sighted, that really show positive outcome. We know there’s also second-hand
effect, if I somehow magically protect my children from everything in our home, they’re
going to be affected by the attitudes, behaviors, and expectations of children and adults
around them. There’s a third person effect, I don’t think it’s affecting me, but I am
concerned about my siblings, I am concerned about my friends. And we know there’s an
advertising effect, advertising works but in unintended ways as well as intended ways.
Every ad that uses porn to sell a product is at the same time an ad for porn. Any of you
doing clinical work and investigators are probably now seeing things and you’ll hear it
looks right out of a porn movie. Increasingly in cases. As England was really pushing for
policy change around pornography, this case got a lot of attention. A thirteen year old boy
raped his eight year old sister after watching porn on x-box, because he wanted to “try it
out” and he didn’t really think it would hurt her. People he watched seemed to like it. And
this was also interesting, Microsoft says it has great sympathy for all involved and suggests
filters. For those of use working on campus sexual violence, if we don’t get really busy and
make sure as all of these prevention efforts we’re talking about pornography, the harming,
the socializing, the education that has come up and how that’s affecting this, look at two
statements in this case this young woman has really become an advocate after being
victimized at Columbia. And she dealt with friends who said I think many men just see rape
as kinky sex that went wrong. And the guy why he was assaulting her and she was
screaming no and struggling obviously seemed more turned on by her distress. Now as
with tobacco, part of the difficulty in measuring is we’re not all affected in the same ways.
So when I’m talking to an audience chances are there are people going I used, I’m using, my
loved one is using, I don’t see all of these things. Well again, not everyone is affected in the
same way all the time. But was Dr. Sun says in “The Price of Pleasure”, if a twelve year old
buy grows up watching a woman being penetrated by five men, what kind of sexual images
will be appealing to him when he’s twenty-five. This is something we should be concerned
about. I don’t like saying sexually oriented business because that makes it just be sex, our
sexually exploitive businesses, when we have access to sexually exploitive businesses I
believe we need to start framing exposure at a certain point if at all at any point as sexual
neglect if not outright sexual abuse. The when and how but think of that change. And what
can be done? A lot. We are doing a lot. And every speaker you hear today is going to help us
understand what we are doing, the research that helps us understand the brain, the
research that helps us understand the industry. The personal stories of the effect in our
lives. And the men who are championing change through policy and through mobilizing.
We need to first and foremost build a movement and a movement based on solutions. We
need to change the odds not just help our kids beat the odds. And treat them once they’re
harmed and intervene so that we don’t have so much to beat. We need to think about the
industry profiting at the expense of our and our children and our cultural health. We need
to have courageous conversations where we talk about the harm and we talk about the joys
and the differences between activities, messages, images that promote sexual health,
relational health, versus harm. We need to change the conversation by focusing this as to
how it affects our health, as a public health issue. I love “Fight the New Drug” with young
people reaching out to them, I’m not going to have time to show you but please go to their
website and look at how they frame this as anti-porn work as the rebellion card. And they
talk a lot about how porn kills love. They have an online treatment program for young
people. If you want during our discussion time we can answer questions about that. We can
speak up and we can talk about the industry. We need our stories about how this has
affected our lives and the people that we know and love lives because as no one has ever
marched on Washington as a result of a pie chart, we need our research absolutely, but we
also need our stories. And we have to get beyond the silos that are used against us that
don’t let us unite. The power behind a feminist analysis is critical. For those for whom this
is a morality issue and they’re working within their moral frame, it’s critically important
too. For those of us interested in how to promote sexual health and prevent sexual violence,
that’s also key. For those that are looking at addiction and the factor of harm from this,
that’s key, the links to aggression. We need all of us to be working together and we can’t be
silenced apart to work together against this industry or against the harm to reclaim our
health. That’s where the public health model, that defines the problem, that looks at the
risk factors and protective factors, that tests programs and strategies and has wide ability
to adopt those is key. We need our policies. Commissioner McDonough I’m so glad you’re
here. We’ll be hearing from you later. This policy work, these organizational practices that
we need our policy leaders to get behind. Broad coalitions that bring in businesses, faith
leaders, advocates, those that understand perpetration, along with our education. The
Gulliver Strategy, that we started talking about at Stop Porn Culture, that is the issue that
it’s not just one great big policy, it’s going to be a lot of policies that wind up taking this
giant down. And I think we might want to re-visit the early work to talk about this as a
human rights violation. To talk about the damages due for those harmed. And I’m really
really intrigued with opt-in instead of having to opt-out. This is something every
corporation should be held accountable for. I don’t want porn coming in my basics and
having to opt-out. If I want it let me opt-in. Let’s make that really clear. And I love that
Iceland said no more strip clubs and no more strip clubs based on we value gender equity.
Let’s not even get into all those other debates. I love the early work of Morality in the Media
and then our work here in Minnesota with Minnesota Men’s Action Network and what
MNCASA did in their policy to not have porn as an amenity in motels. I really love the
European model where he replaced in his 171 hotels porn with art. And I want us in
Minnesota to get the gentleman’s club and the porn out of our tourism magazine. We
should be able to do that. I want us to pass policies and look at ways that we can limit
sexually exploitive advertising of children, ideally of anyone but maybe we can start with
children. That we have standards and that we don’t hire people who use sexploitive ads.
Youth serving organizations to not allow misogynistic music. I don’t want to have to go to
my grade level activities and be called a bitch and a hoe. This doesn’t fit with having a
sexual harassment free environment. And we can call out, like tobacco did, the lies. I would
like to have that kind of money, to call out the lies because when they did it you saw how
ridiculous it was and really started taking on let’s look at the lies of the industry. Let’s call it
like it is and let’s take back our sexuality. I am so tired of “sex sells” as an excuse to sell out
our health and wellbeing. Creative people go to school to be creative. We need to know the
difference between dance and costumes that exploit our children and those that honor
their strength, their beauty, and their abilities. We need to know the difference between
honoring athleticism in females, and hypersexualizing and exploiting them and turning
them into commodities instead of athletes. We need to have a plethora of engaging artists
and all of us to identify images that counter the norms and offer an alternative. We need to
reclaim the power of our imagination. The biggest sex organ isn’t between our legs, it’s
between our ears, and it is one of the things most damaged by this porn industry. Food has
always worked, it’s not close to lunch otherwise this works better, but you can think of this
as snacks, but when I was with Illusion Theater in 1980, one of our early plays was “For
Adults Only” and one of the scenes and it was challenging what’s healthy, what’s harmful,
and how do we have a respectful dialogue to start to struggle through it. We had a scene
where all the adults sat down to eat and I would say wouldn’t it be nice if talking about sex
were as nice as talking about food. In fact, have you ever noticed how much talking about
food sounds like talking about sex? And then the cast would talk. I like to eat in the
morning, I like to eat at night, I like little snacks throughout the day, I used to be a picky
eater, my mother would be shocked at some of the things I eat now. And it was just a way
that your imagination would launch and food has always done that and that sensuality and
that joy. Early on when I treated prostituted women, and new very little about what I was
doing at that time in the seventies, they taught me a lot, and that was the first time I heard I
don’t kiss. And now I’m really going back to that because we don’t see that in pornography.
You do not see holding hands, eye contact, I see you, I feel you, I connect to you. We need
and we crave attachment and human caring connections. Men and women, young and old.
We need to see it. We need to bring back the playful joy and sensuality. We need to know
how to touch not how to degrade and abuse. And as this pornographer, this young man,
who graduated in film school, liked sex liked porn, thought I’m moving to California. The
way to get a job was in the porn industry. He realized immediately he was filming sexual
violence. And he left the industry and said, “perhaps the character of our generation will be
judged in how we react to the images that run before us on our screen. Do we wish for the
objects of our desire to be punished, humiliated? Or treated with respect? The answer is in
our collective consciousness, it is up to us.” You have an opportunity today to hear some of
the fabulous speakers throughout the day coming up. I am so excited to be part of this. We
didn’t get a chance to get this linked up, but I hope later to show you. I believe in the power
of using arts. I believe in the power of using youth voices. We didn’t get a chance to test it
so I’ll show it later. But a powerful part of using poetry to speak up about this woman’s
truth. And my daughter has educated my about fan fiction. How many of you know fan
fiction? So fan fiction has a powerful way of dealing with this, to talk about how that’s dealt
with. So we’ll talk about that later when I get a chance to show you this. We will have
questions after all three of us are finished. So think about your questions, write your
questions down. I’ve heard both Don Hilton and Jennifer Johnson before. I learn from them
every time and I am so delighted that they are here. Thank you very much. [Applause]