19th Century France

The Third Republic final brought some
level of political stability to France at
the very end of the 19th century.
Second Republic
Napoleon III
Paris Commune
Third Republic
Dreyfus Affair
Emile Zola
Boulanger Crisis
 The
Revolution of 1830 ousted the Bourbons
for good driving Charles X from the throne
and enthroned Louis Philippe who
established a constitutional monarchy
 The Revolution of 1848 kicked out Louis
Philippe and the Second Republic was
established with Louis Napoleon as
 Louis Napoleon became Napoleon III
establishing the Second Empire in 1852.
 The Franco-Prussia War ended the Second
Empire and the Third Republic was
established in 1871.
By the 1890s, a stable republic generally
supported by the public had been achieved.
 It survived two attempts to bring it down
 1889 Boulanger Affair
 1894 Dreyfus Affair
 Emile Zola’s J’Accuse
 Separated Church and State
 Provided free, compulsory primary education
 Established a social security system
 Encourage business growth
 Expanded French colonial possessions
 Joined the Allied Forces in WWI.