主旨:本會舉辦「聽我說華語 Listen to Me」趣味影片徵選活動,邀請具國內大專校院 學籍之國際學生分享其留學臺灣經驗,徵件期間自即日起至 102 年 5 月 31 日止,優勝獎

機關地址: 臺北市大安區金華街 199 巷 5 號 202 室
來文機關: 財團法人高等教育國際合作基金會
主旨:本會舉辦「聽我說華語 Listen to Me」趣味影片徵選活動,邀請具國內大專校院
學籍之國際學生分享其留學臺灣經驗,徵件期間自即日起至 102 年 5 月 31 日止,優勝獎
項計 10 名。
「聽我說華語 Listen to Me」趣味影片徵選活動係由本會主辦,邀請具國內大專校院學籍之國際
學生參加,依指定之主題錄製 1 至 3 分鐘之華語短片,上傳至活動網站。
(一)徵選資格:於活動徵選期間,具國內大專校院學籍之國際學生,每位學生限投稿 1 件作品。
(二)徵選期間:自即日起至 102 年 5 月 31 日中午 12 時止,於「聽我說華語」活動網站報名。
(三)作品規格:符合本活動規定主題之華語演說影片,限時 1 至 3 分鐘以內。規定主題包含:我
(四)優勝名單將於 6 月 14 日公布於「留學臺灣」官網,優勝者可獲頒獎狀及等值超商禮券 10000
元 1 名、5000 元 1 名、3000 元 1 名、1000 元 7 名,共計 10 名獎項,並依法扣繳所得稅。
刊登於本會「留學臺灣」臉書粉絲專頁(https://www.facebook.com.studyintaiwan,現有粉絲約 14000
人,每週瀏覽人數約 40000 人)。
Listen to Me
Call for Mandarin Videos
Deadline for Submission
Evaluation Time : June 1 to June 13
Announcement : Announcement of the winner will be made on our website on June 14
1. Top 3 Award: A certificate of recognition and convenient store gift coupon equivalent of 10000NTD,
5000NTD and 3000NTD according to their ranking.
2. 7 Excellent Award: A certificate of recognition and convenient store gift coupon equivalent of 1000NTD.
Evaluation Standard : Innovation and Fun 40%, Content 30%, Pronunciation and Fluency 30%
Evaluation Process:Three experts will evaluate the works and decide which pieces won the Top Award
and the Excellent Award
What We're Looking for:A video clip which presents in Mandarin the fun
part, warm part or bountiful part about "Learn Chinese in Taiwan" Be
Contents:A video clip:Language: Mandarin; Length limit: 1-3 minutes
Theme (Pick One) : 1. Why do I want to learn Chinese in Taiwan?
2. My favorite Taiwanese food
3. My delightful travel in Taiwan
4. My most unforgettable memory in Taiwan
Qualification : International student who's currently studying in university
or graduate school in Taiwan. Each participant is allowed to
submit one piece only
Hosted by Foundation for International Cooperation in Higher Education of
Taiwan (FICHET)
Please Note
1. The winners will be announced at the Study in Taiwan website (http://www.studyintaiwan.org) on
June 14.
2. By submitting your work, you agree with all the policy of this event. On the infringe ment of
plagiarism, fraud or other illegal behavior, FICHET reserve the right to cancel the qualification, prize,
and certificate, and to pursue legal liability. Those who cause any harm to FICHET or any other third
parties should bear the civil and/or criminal liability.
3. The participants should provide correct personal information and bear all legal liability.
4. FICHET has the right to demonstrate all the submitted works in public for this event or other
relative activities. The award winning pieces will also be posted on the Study in Taiwan website for
people to view.
5. The copyright of the winning pieces will thereby belong to FICHET. The author of those pieces
should sign the copyright transfer agreement once the winners are announced. FICHET has th e right to
use or reproduce the submit work for all manners of non-profitable promotion.
6. The Prize may be exempted, should the submitted works do not meet the criterion, or the number of
the submitted works be insufficient.
7. If the event cannot proceed under any circumstances, FICHET reserve the right to cancel, end,
amend, prolong, shorten or postponed the event.
8. By submitting your work, you agree with all the policy of this event. All submitted work should follow
the rule of the event in order to be evaluated.
9. The award winners shall have the duty of paying income taxes in accordance with the income tax
10. FICHET reserves the right to interpret and amend the rule and regulations of the event. Other
issues not mentioned above will be subject to the rules and regulations of FICHET.