Soal Pert. 15 & 16:

Soal Pert. 15 & 16:
1. What is meant by “Corporate Image”?
2. What are the characteristic of a strong and effective brand name?
3. Some marketing practitioners consider publicity to be too difficult to control and
measure. Evaluate this criticisms.
4. Assume you are the athletic director of your college or university’s athletic
department. A major story hits the news claiming that many of your athletes
receive inappropriate assistance in writing term papers.
5. Faced with the rumor about bintang beer being contaminated with urine, what
course of action would you have taken if the distributors in districts had not been
identified as starting the rumor?
6. Related to no. 4, saying in other words, if the source of the rumor were unknown,
what steps would you have taken?