( ,而应当读作 ɿ 或

The rules of writing and pronouncing the Initial-final combinations
The rules of pronunciation
1.z 、c、s 或 zh、ch、sh、r 后面的 i 永远不能读,而应当读作[ɿ ] 或[ʅ ],如:si [ s ɿ ] 、shi [ʂ
ʅ ]、ri [ ʐ ʅ ] ;
The final ‘i’ following the initials z, c and s cannot be pronounced as , it should be pronounced as[ɿ ].
And when the final ‘i’ is behind the initials zh, ch, sh and r, it should be pronounced as [ʅ ].
For example: si [ s ɿ ] 、shi [ʂ ʅ ]、ri [ ʐ ʅ ] .
2.j、q、x、y 后面的 u 永远不能读,而应当读作[y],因为实际上这个 u 只不过是 ü 的变化形式,
如:ju [ʨ y]、 qu [ʨ‘y] 、xu [ɕy]和 yue [yɛ]。
The final ‘u’ following the initials j, q, x, and y cannot be pronounced as, it should be pronounced
as[y],because in fact this u is only the transformation of the ü . For example: ju [ʨ y]、 qu [ʨ‘y] 、
xu [ɕy] 和 yue [yɛ]。
3.写成 iu、ui、un 的韵母,实际是 iou、uei、uen 的缩写,只能读作[iəʊ]、[uəɪ]、[uən]。如:
niu[n iəʊ],sui[s uəɪ],hun[x uən]。
In fact,the finals iu,ui and un are the abbreviations of iou,uei,uen, so they have to be
pronounced as[iəʊ],[uəɪ] and [uən]. For example: niu[n iəʊ],sui[s uəɪ],hun[x uən].
The rules of writing
4.ɑ、o、e 开头的音,连在其他字音后面时,要用隔音符号(’)隔开;如“西安”xi’an。
Between two syllables in which the last one is beginning with ɑ, o or e,there must be a sound
insulation symbol(’), otherwise they will be taken as one syllable. For example: “西安” xi’ ɑn(a city
name)≠ xiɑn
5.i 开头的拼音,后面如果还有别的韵母符号,i 要改写成 y,例如 iɑo→yɑo;如果后面没有别
的韵母符号,就在 i 前加 y,例如 i→yi。
If a syllable has no initial and the first final is i ,the i should be written into y, such as iɑo→yɑo;If
the syllable has no final but the i ,it should be added a y in front of the i when we write the syllable,
such as i→yi.
6. u 开头的拼音,后面如果还有别的韵母符号,u 要改写成 w,例如 uan→wan;如果后面没有
别的韵母符号,就在 u 前加 w,例如 u→wu。
If a syllable has no initial and the first final is u ,the u should be written into w, such as uɑn→wɑ
n;If the syllable has no final but the u ,it should be added a w in front of the u when we write the
syllable, such as u→wu.
7. ü 开头的拼音,都要在前面加 y,同时将 ü 写作 u,如:üɑn → yuɑn , ü→yu。
If a syllable has no initial and the first final is ü ,we should add a y in front of the ü when we write
the syllable, and at the same time ,we should change the ü into the u ,such as üɑn → yuɑn , ü→yu.
The rules of the tones labeling
8. 声调一律标在韵母上。All the tones are labeled on the finals.
9.如果韵母中有ɑ,要标在ɑ上,如:hǎo 、biāo、tànɡ、tuán。
If there is a ɑ in the final,the tone should be labeled on the ɑ , such as hǎo ,biāo,tànɡ and tuán.
10.如果韵母中有 o 或 e 没有ɑ,那么声调标在 o 或 e 上,如:huó、dòu、méi、tiě、pènɡ、
If there is o or e and no ɑ in the finals, the tone should be labeled on the o or e, such as
méi, tiě,pènɡ, ɡēn, yuè, nüè.
11.如果韵母中只有 u 和 i,那么声调标在后面的字母上。如:huì、duì、jiū、niú。
If there are only u and i in the final, the tone should be labeled on the last one. For example: huì,duì,
12.声调标注规律(the rule of the tones labeling ) :ɑ>o & e>u i