
Spelling and Vocabulary List #1--Quiz on 4/29
262 sp08 Himes
Study how to spell the underlined words and their other forms. Also, use a dictionary to find and learn the
definitions. Next week I will dictate these words to you. Then you will fill in the blanks on a vocabulary test
using these words or other forms of them (e.g. I may change a verb to a noun or a noun to an adjective).
1. Rosaura’s wedding was ruined.
2. Tita tried to control her feelings.
3. Tita cannot stop loving Pedro.
4. Tita wanted Christmas roles for her birthday.
5. It was months before Pedro and Rosaura consummated their relationship.
6. Tita felt rejected by Pedro when he decided to marry Rosaura.
7. Tita’s cooking is quite good.
8. Pedro should quit telling Tita how he feels for her.
9. Tita had to be quiet around her mother.
10. Mama Elena heard a tone in Tita’s voice that seemed disrespectful.
11. At mealtime Chencha herded the guests into the dining room.
12. Tita emerged into this world in a flood of tears.
13. By giving flowers to Tita instead of Rosaura, he implied that he thought more of Tita than
his own wife.
14. Pedro’s gaze burned on Tita’s skin.
15. Chencha and Paquita Lobo both love to gossip.