
\TYPE {list_FOLD_CONV : thm -> conv -> conv}
Computes by inference the result of applying a function to the elements
of a list.
conversion, list.
Evaluating {list_FOLD_CONV fthm conv tm} returns a theorem
|- CONST x0' ... xi' ... xn' = tm'
The first argument {fthm} should be a theorem of the form
|- !x0 ... xi ... xn. CONST x0 ... xi ... xn = FOLD[LR] f e xi
where {FOLD[LR]} means either {FOLDL} or {FOLDR}. The last
argument {tm} is a term of the following form:
CONST x0' ... xi' ... xn'
where {xi'} is a concrete list. {list_FOLD_CONV} first
instantiates the input theorem using {tm}. It then calls either
{FOLDL_CONV} or {FOLDR_CONV} with the user supplied conversion {conv}
on the right-hand side.
{list_FOLD_CONV fthm conv tm} fails if {fthm} or {tm} is not of the
form described above, or if they do not agree, or the call to
This function is used to implement conversions for logical constants
which can be expressed in terms of the fold operators. For example,
the constant {SUM} can be expressed in terms of {FOLDR} as in the
following theorem:
|- !l. SUM l = FOLDR $+ 0 l
The conversion for {SUM}, {SUM_CONV} can be implemented as
load_library_in_place num_lib;
val SUM_CONV =
list_FOLD_CONV (theorem "list" "SUM_FOLDR") Num_lib.ADD_CONV;
Then, evaluating {SUM_CONV (--`SUM [0;1;2;3]`--)} will return
the following theorem:
|- SUM [0;1;2;3] = 6