Evaluate the perception of Fairtrade and the Fair Trade

Fair Trade
Evaluate the perception of Fairtrade and the
current Fairtrade presence in retail and catering
This study will be managed by Natasha Yorke-Edgell and Kate Mellor for the benefit of Karen Gallagher, Sustainability Manager
at the University of Exeter.
Introduction and Background
As two students participating in the Green Steps Program, we are conducting a research project into Fairtrade within the
University of Exeter (including both Streatham and St Lukes Campus).
The aim of our project is to establish a more accurate understanding of how the university community perceives and acts upon
Fairtrade, whilst also quantifying the current extent of our Fairtrade offering within Guild and University outlets and catering.
This is the first project of its kind so we do not have previous studies to compare our results to.
Two key objectives:
1. What is our Fairtrade offering?
2. Do people understand or value Fairtrade?
In detail:
To investigate what Fairtrade produce Guild and University outlets and catering currently offer. IS the spread of Fairtrade
equal across all outlets?
To acquire data from outlets and catering on how much Fairtrade produce they sell annually. Also, acquire data by
physically looking at range available in the shop.
To conduct survey on Fairtrade perception for both students and staff
To draw quantifiable results from each of these research channels
To submit a report to University of Exeter (Sustainability Department and retail and catering) on:
o Conclusions drawn from findings.
o Whether/how they can/should improve their marketing or promotion of Fairtrade on campus.
Problems we believe we may encounter in this study, include:
 Choosing appropriate and effective questions for survey
 Ensuring a representative cross section of users of the facility are included
 Accessing data of sales records
 Difficulty in accurately comparing to other universities
This is a low risk activity, however as we will be handling private data, we will communicate with the Guild in order to understand
and comply with their policy.
It is anticipated that the study will include both desk and field-based research.
Our research will consist of:
Approaching and meeting outlet and catering managers asking for data of both what they offer and what they sell (in
terms of Fairtrade)
o Collecting and organising this data
We will conduct our qualitative research via an online and spoken survey conducted from Monday 17th February to Friday 14th
March, including Fairtrade Fortnight. We will approach a minimum quota of 150 people
If needed, we would conduct our own survey into the types of Fairtrade produce offered in outlets.
Total Time Scale:
7 Weeks
(Commencing 10th Feb, Finishing 28th March)
Week 1: Research and Data Collection from outlets and Catering
5 hours going to 7 outlets
5 hours working on survey
Week 2: Research and Data Collection from outlets and Catering
5 hours going to 8 outlets
1 hour distributing surveys online
1 hour each of face-to-face survey in forum
2 hours collecting relevant data from stakeholders
Research Meeting with Karen Gallagher
Week 3: (Fairtrade Fortnight) Conduct Student and Staff Surveys/Data Organisation
3 hours each on face-to-face surveys
2 hours each on data organisation
Week 4: (Fairtrade Fortnight) Conduct Student and Staff Surveys/Data Organisation
3 hours each on face-to-face surveys
2 hours each on data organisation
Survey Meeting with Karen Gallagher
Week 5: Evaluating research and survey data
2 hours each doing surveys
3 hours each evaluating research, formally representing data, and drawing conclusions
Week 6: Draw conclusions and recommendations
5 hours each on final steps organising data and writing the report
Drafting Meeting with Karen Gallagher
Week 7: Finalise and submit Recommendation plan
2 hours each finalising Fairtrade report.
Final Presentation of Results