Name:___________________________________________ Date:________________ Pre-Assessment: (Show us what you already know.)

Name:___________________________________________ Date:________________
(Show us what you already know.)
 Have you ever heard of Common Core State Standards?
No _____
Yes ____ (Write what you already know about it.)
 Try to answer the following questions the best way you can:
1. Out of 100 ninth graders, how many students do you think will graduate from high
school? _________
2. How many do you think will enter college?___________
3. How many will still be enrolled in sophomore year?________
4. How many will graduate will graduate within 6 years?_______
5. How many will find a job after graduation?________
 How do you know your child is ready for college?
 What do children need to learn to be ready for college?
 How do you know your child is ready for a career?
 How can you as parents help your children?
Name:___________________________________________ Date:________________
Reflect on What You Already Do
 Do you read with your children?
No _____ ( Why not?_______________________________________________)
Yes ____ ( How often do you do it?________________________)
 Do you review and discuss their homework?
No _____ ( Why not?_______________________________________________)
Yes ____ ( How often do you do it?________________________)
 Do you communicate with their teachers
No _____
Yes ____ ( How often do you do it?________________________)
 Do you attend public meetings to learn more
No _____ ( Why not?_______________________________________________)
Yes ____ ( How often do you do it?________________________)
 Do you learn about the standards and how they affect your child’s education and school
No _____( Why not?_______________________________________________)
Yes ____ (How often do you do it?________________________)
 Do you look through your child’s backpack each afternoon
No _____( Why not?_______________________________________________)
Yes ____ (How often do you do it?________________________)