A meeting of the Infrastructure and Environmental Sustainability Dual Assurance was held on
Tuesday 9 February 2016 at 2.00pm in the John Usher Room, Northcote House.
Present: M Shore-Nye (Chair), P Lacey, P Attwell, A Connolly, H McCann, K Gallagher, L Moore
Notes of Meeting
The minutes from the meeting held on 15 December 2015 were AGREED.
Matters/Actions Arising from the October 2015 meeting (not elsewhere on the agenda)
Minute Action
KG to provide action plan, revised
risk register and approve
quantitative environmental
performance targets at March
KG to work with Procurement to
obtain a revised Sustainable
Procurement Strategy (inc value
chain requirements ISO14001) for
the June meeting.
C/Fwd to March
C/Fwd June
MSN queried why the ISO standard was selected. KG explained that it is both an international
standard and adopted by the HE sector across the UK.
Matters/Actions Arising from the December 2015 meeting (not elsewhere on the agenda)
Minute Action
HM to produce an overview of
plans (Master Plan, Capital Strategy
Plan etc.,) explaining what they are,
the history of why how they were
developed and why they should
now change, an explanation of the
need to commission a new Master
Plan and the relationship with these
plans and PRG.
HM presented a document to VCEG in
January, explaining the relationship
between the Master Plan and Capital
PL noted that there had been some query from Council members regarding the need for an Estate
Strategy and also the development of residential versus academic use of space.
Review of Terms of Reference
The current Terms of Reference were discussed.
Action: PA and MSN to create a final draft of the Terms of Reference for agreement at the March
Update on Estate Strategy – H McCann
HM advised that four replies had been received for the Estate Strategy and outline planning
applications for East Park and Moberly tender. The Estate Strategy will include the overall
residential strategy. Submissions ranged in costs between £205k and £623k all prices exclude VAT.
The tender remit includes the gathering of statistics and historic data, review of a sample on the
condition survey and consultation strategy. The University has indicated that we will be able to
provide staff and students numbers for 5 years and research growth over the same period. Once the
condition of the estate has been assessed options will be developed (based on strategic objectives)
and consultation will take place with Colleges and Services.
The Estate Strategy will address areas such as sustainability, IT infrastructure and Equipment
investment will cover all three campuses and RILD at Wonford.
The assessment of bids will be undertaken by HM & I Millar. MSN suggested this Committee see the
HM noted that one of the bidders has been approached, to query the price level of the bid
compared to others. The bidder has stated that they strategically priced low as they wish to secure
the business so that they may demonstrate that they have worked with a top 10 University. (Post
meeting note – Mott MacDonald have withdrawn from the tender and MACE have subsequently
been appointed for the Estate Strategy and an RFA has also been submitted for MACE to also carry
out the outline planning application for East Park, Moberly outline planning has now fallen away to
be taken forward by UPP.
HM noted that concept ideas from the successful bidder will be available for discussion with I&E
Dual Assurance at an early stage. This is likely to prompt discussions before honing down on
The need to agree ‘tolerance’ levels early on was identified, in the areas of capital financial envelope
and student and staff numbers.
It was AGREED that Infrastructure & Dual Assurance consider the bids, to provide assurance around
the consultant team selection.
ACTIONS: HM to circulate bid document to the group, with all to feedback to HM by 19 February
2016. MSN to flag at today’s CSG. HM to prepare VCEG paper.
It was noted that 3 projects exist, outline planning applications for Moberly and East Park Residences
and the Estate Strategy. AC queried whether the RFA would be for the Master Plan only.
Discussions took place as to whether the cost would fall within the capital budget (previous Master
Plan did), however AC did not believe this would be the case. It was noted that savings would be
required to offset the cost of the Master Plan, should it not fall within the capital budget. .
ACTION: AC to clarify with auditors whether the Master Plan would be a capital or revenue
PA noted that Council are quite clear that Moberly and East Park are not to be pursued presently.
The Residence Strategy Working Group will meet again on 22 February. MSN stated that the Estate
Strategy should therefore include the Residence Strategy but outline planning applications should
not be pursued.
5. Update on contract disputes – H McCann
Waites (contractor initial employed for delivery of LSI) have been pursuing claims for termination of
the pre-contract services agreement (PSCA), enabling works and commercial loss. The PCSA has
been taken to adjudication which found in favour of the University on all points. The University has
suggested mediation over enabling works. It is our view Waites failed to progress the commercial
claim within the 30 day period. Waites will need to prove costs for the enabling works; however,
the M&E contractor they used has since ceased trading.
HM noted that £500k has been allowed for financial risk and an OJEU CAN notice was used when
appointing BAM, which should reduce any reputational risk.
Midas has launched a claim for loss of profit and overheads incurred for South Cloisters. The
University are pushing back on this and some headway already made on reducing it.
6. Risk Register
Discussions took place regarding asbestos risk, which is currently scored red on the PRG2 risk
register and will form one of the top 5 risks.
It was noted that although there had been no incidents in the previous 5 years, there had been two
incidents in the past 12 months and therefore the likelihood score was higher.
It was agreed that mitigation is in place and those in charge of buildings are aware of asbestos. The
University has removed and continues to remove asbestos material from the estate, however
material does remain and in some areas it is significant such as Harrison building roof, currently this
is in reasonable condition, but as time goes the protection will degrade and it will need to
ACTION: P Attwell to amend risk score.
Date of Next Meeting: 15 March 2016
Items to carry forward for discussion at March meeting:
• LSI & ARC update – H McCann
• Direct Works Reorganisation – H McCann
• Purpose built student housing in the City – H McCann