What a difference a few weeks makes. It

What a difference a few weeks makes. It
doesn’t seem very long ago that we were wondering
if the winter would ever end and we were concerned
about getting our seeds sown. But spring has arrived
with a rush and everything seems to be in a hurry to
make up lost time; it is almost possible to see the
sunflowers growing. The Toddlers stole a march on
the rest by getting their seeds in at the end of last
term – some of their plants are nearly a foot tall
already. The Nursery Unit plants are a some way
behind but what they lack in speed they more than
make up for in numbers – at the last count there
were over 40 plants.
The potatoes are growing away well and we have
planted shallots outside as well.
In the polytunnel tomatoes are well established, the
grape vine is producing flowers and, thanks to a
misunderstanding over sowing instructions, there is
an impressive crop of lettuce coming on.
Pumpkins and Patty-pan squash have just come
Taking the shallots from
store to the garden
through so we are looking forward to a bumper
harvest this year.
The shallots are well and
truly planted…………
……and given a good watering in
It’s not only the plants that enjoy the shelter of our poly-tunnel. Tidying up we discovered a
fieldmouse nest and under the wooden pallet we found a resting toad. He was not too pleased at
being disturbed and even less so at being the centre of attention for half an hour. We have put
him back and hope he keeps our garden slug free this year.
Nursery Unit – We have been
busy this term: our main focus
being ‘Growth & Change’ the
children have been cultivating an
array of vegetables in the
classroom, polytunnel and garden.
Potatoes, lettuce, tomato,
shallots and sunflowers are all
doing well and we have already
eaten sandwiches made from our
own cress.
The children have also been
looking at their own growth –
using a chart to find out who is
Another big excitement has been
watching and caring for our tiny
tadpoles change into froglets.
the tallest/shortest member of
the group.
This term has seen the
‘Buddy’ has continued to enjoy
introduction of ‘Maurice the
his visits home with the children
Monkey’. Maurice helps us learn
and has been on an amazing
about the days of the week and
variety of trips, visiting
the weather. We have to decide
Legoland, Bath, Wales and
how to dress Maurice depending
farms. He’s been to ballet
on the type of weather.
lessons, swimming lessons and
birthday parties and much more.
Do have a read of his diary if
you can – he really is a lucky lad.
The children really enjoy the
opportunity to share what they
have done with ‘Buddy’.
Over the next few weeks we are going to be learning about recycling with
visits to the recycling centre on campus, sorting the Nursery’s recycling
and thinking about waste.
Following that we will be looking at space and planets
which the children have already shown a keen interest in
Staff Change
I’m sure you will want to join us in whishing Ellen Haydon well in the future. Ellen came to us as a trainee
nearly two years ago and has completed her level 3 advanced apprenticeship in child care. She will leave
at the end of this term. Some of you will also know that she is pregnant with her baby boy due in the
middle of September. She has promised to come back and visit us all.
Parent’s Notice-board
Parents are reminded that they are at liberty to place small personal ads’ on the Parent’s notice-board, in
the Parents area, on the understanding that The Family Centre is not responsibile for the quality or
integrity of goods offered and does not endorse any services offered.
Toddler Unit – Our focus for the first couple of
weeks was ‘Under the Sea’. The children
experimented with different marks, colours, and
materials by decorating their favourite sea
creature. They really enjoyed listening to the
story ‘The Commotion in the Ocean’ where they
were able to fill in the gaps or finishing sentences.
We had two very special visitors for a week; Tiny
& Zane the goldfish. The children spent long
periods watching them swim around their tank.
We also had a focus on construction. The children have
been learning to build using a variety of resources. We
encouraged them to engage in new experiences and take
‘risks’. Our construction- site role-play was very
popular; the children had the opportunity to build using
real bricks. They surprised us with their
strength – some were able to carry
the heavy bricks with ease.
All the children have shown a strong interest in insects.
We learnt to work together to create a collage of a
large spider and enjoyed going on bug-hunts where we
found worms, spiders and snails. We will continue to
focus on bugs and are going to learn about the life cycle
of a butterfly.
Parallel Unit – The children settled back well after the short
break and are forming strong relationships.
Our main focus has been ‘Land, Air & Sea; from this we have
explored the beach and what we do at the beach. The children
made sandcastles in the sand-tray and dropped pebbles and shells
into water, then tried to find them.
We have also explored different types of transport. The children
loved going for short walks to look at cars, buses and bicycles.
Back at the nursery we talked about the types of transport that
we observed.
The children’s self-help skills are
rapidly progressing; they can all
confidently drink from a beaker
without a lid and have been
introduced to eating with a spoon and
The children have really enjoyed
small group activities where they are
learning to sing, dance complete
puzzles and thread objects.
Baby Unit – We have had a busy start to the term welcoming
back returning children and helping to settle those new to the
unit. We have had a big focus on forming relationships between
both children and adults. We have also been focusing on
developing our physical skills with the children really enjoying
being able to use the top activity complex; learning to use the
steps, crawling through the tunnels and beginning to show some
awareness of safety and rules by siting themselves down or
turning around at the top of the slide.
Summer Fete
The details of the 40th Year Fete announced earlier this year have now been finalised.
It will take place on Saturday July 6th from 2 – 4 pm. There will be lots of games,
activities and competitions, for all the family to enjoy, as well as the opportunity to
meet and talk to other parents. We are hoping for some fine weather to enjoy the
grounds but even if it rains we have space inside to enjoy the fun, as those who came
last year can testify.
Family Centre Reunion
We are hoping to have a 40th year reunion of past users of The Family Centre on
Saturday 27th July. If you are in contact with any families that have had children here
please let them know and ask them to contact us if they would like to attend.
We would be delighted to see old friends and hear what they are doing now. Please get
them to phone 01392 725416 or email familycentre@exeter.ac.uk
Donations Wanted – Children’s Clothing
Simon will be travelling to India in June and his journey will include a visit to a
leprosy colony for children.
If you have any unwanted items of children’s clothing or shoes (girls needed more than boys age up to 11 years) we would be grateful for any donations which Simon can take with him.
If you have any items that you are able to donate please can you bring these to
The Family Centre by 7th June or Streatham Farm Reception by 11th June.
Outside classroom and staff room.
We have at last got planning permission and the go-ahead for an outside classroom for the
Nursery Unit children and a new staff room.
The outside classroom will be situated in the corner of the Nursery Unit play area and will
provide a wealth of opportunities for exciting learning. It will offer a valuable cosy space,
especially on wet days, for “adult-led” or “Taught activities” where children will not be
distracted by others, as well as an area where toys will not necessarily have to be cleared
away and lego constructions, for example, can be left out and returned to later .
The new staff room will be larger than our existing one and will enable all staff to actually
have a chair to sit on - at the moment the girls often need to share!! It will be built on the
unused area outside our existing staff room and the toy shed will be moved over to allow
space for this. The existing staff room will be used as much needed office space.
Summer opening.
This runs for the extra two weeks from Monday 29th July to Friday 9th August. As in
previous years, because there are so few parents wanting their children to attend these
extra weeks, we will be grouping the children differently. The Toddler unit children will
combine with the Nursery Unit children and the Baby unit children will combine with the
Parallel unit children.
We are needing A3 paper which is clean on one side for the children to paint on if you have
access to these large sheets or know anyone who does then please let us know. We could
arrange for large amounts to be collected, small amounts will be delivered in internal mail
or you could just drop it off in the front office when you come to deliver or collect your
child. Many Thanks, Val
University of Exeter Family Centre contact details:
Phone – 01392 725416. email: familycentre@exeter.ac.uk