How long does it stay in the ocean?

How long does it stay in the ocean?
The environment works to break things down into pieces so small that they become part of the earth again. This process is called “biodegradation”.
In the image below, you can see a length of fishing line stretching from the hull of a boat and winding its way through a beautiful underwater scene. This
fishing line represents a timeline – from weeks, to months, to years – of biodegradation.
Now, think about all the different kinds of litter that you see here, and about what materials they are made of. Try to guess about how long it would take for
them to biodegrade if they were to end up in the ocean. Then, make a guess by drawing a line from each picture to a spot on the timeline.
Regular Nappy
Biodegradable Nappy
Tin Can
Milk Carton
Natural Fibre Rope
Styrofoam Cup
Untreated Wood
Aluminium Can
Apple Core
Cigarette Butt
Nylon Fishing Net
6-pack rings
Glass Bottle
Plastic Bottle