Session 6 Morphology 1 Matakuliah : G0922/Introduction to Linguistics Tahun

Matakuliah : G0922/Introduction to Linguistics
: 2008
Session 6
Morphology 1
At the end of the meeting, students are able to :
- Explain the different kinds of morphemes
- Analyze the words based on the morphemes
- Give examples of free and bound morphemes, derivational and
inflectional morphemes
Bina Nusantara University
Single Word and complex word
Free and Bound Morpheme
Derivational and inflectional morpheme
Bina Nusantara University
• Definition
– The smallest unit of language that carries information about
meaning or function.
• E.g. builder consists of 2 morphemes
build (to construct) and er (the one who builds)
boys consists of 2 morphemes
boy (a male child) + s (plural)
Bina Nusantara University
Single word and compound word
• Single word
– A word consisting of one morpheme
– E.g. table, chair
• Compound word
– A word consisting of more than one morphemes
– E.g. girls – two morphemes - girl + s
hunters – three morphemes – hunt + er + s
Bina Nusantara University
Free and bound morphemes
• Free morpheme
– Morphemes that can occur freely on their own
– E.g. boy, book, computer
• Bound morpheme
– Morphemes that must be attached to another
• Boy – free morpheme – it can be a single word morpheme.
• Boys
• S – bound morpheme - it must be attached to another
morpheme – boy in order to become meaningful
Bina Nusantara University
Derivational Morphemes
• Derivational morphemes include : prefixation, suffixation
or affixation
• Prefix or suffix can alter the meaning of words but do not
always change the class of the words.
• Examples : beauty (n) + ful  beautiful (adj)
de + limit (v)  delimit (v)
• The word resulted from the addition of derivational
morpheme is called derived word.
• The hierarchical organization of a word can be
represented by a tree diagram
Bina Nusantara University
Inflectional Morphemes
• Inflectional morphemes only occur as suffix
• Inflectional suffixes never involve a change of class.
• Inflectional morphology occurs with nouns, pronouns and
• Inflectional morphemes only have grammatical function
Bina Nusantara University
Noun Inflection suffixes
• Plurality marker
- book  books
- chair  chairs
• Possessive marker
- John  John’s book
- the men  the men’s books
Bina Nusantara University
Verb inflection suffixes
• Third personal present singular marker s
– Bake – bakes
– He bakes well
• Past tense marker –ed
– They waited
• Progressive marker –ing
– They are singing
• Past participle marker –en and –ed
Eat – eaten
She has eaten dinner
Bake – baked
He has baked a cake
Bina Nusantara University
Adjective inflection suffixes
• Comparative markers
– Short - shorter
– Long - longer
• Superlative markers
– She has the shortest hair
– Mary’s book is the biggest
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