Free REGISTRATION Texas City – League City - Galveston

Free ESL Classes – Fall 2016
The week of August 15, 2016
Texas City – League City - Galveston
needed to register:
If you receive public benefits,
please bring proof of eligibility.
Must be 18 years and older and have
a government-issued picture ID with
Proof of Eligibility means a
birth date. May be US or foreign
letter from:
(driver’s license, state ID, passport,
visa, military ID, matricula consular,
• Texas Health and Human Services
17 year old: Bring governmentCommission showing an award
issued picture ID along with school
for SNAP, Medicaid/CHIP or TANF
withdrawal papers and parent
• A school showing a child in the
permission. (see examples above)
household participates in the
16 years old: Bring your COURT
Free or Reduced Priced Lunch
ORDER along with a governmentProgram
issued picture ID.
see examples above)
Free GED Classes – Fall 2016
The week of August 15, 2016
Texas City – League City – Galveston
needed to register:
Must be 18 years and older and
have a government-issued picture ID
with birth date. May be US or foreign
(driver’s license, state ID, passport,
visa, military ID, matricula consular,
• 17 year old: Bring governmentissued picture ID along with school
withdrawal papers and parent
permission. (see examples above)
• 16 years old: Bring your COURT
ORDER along with a governmentissued picture ID
(see examples above)
If you receive public benefits,
please bring proof of eligibility.
Proof of Eligibility means a letter
• Texas Health and Human Services
Commission showing an award for
SNAP, Medicaid/CHIP or TANF
• A school showing a child in the
household participates in the Free
or Reduced Priced Lunch Program