\DOC EVERY \TYPE {EVERY : (tactic list -> tactic)} \SYNOPSIS

\TYPE {EVERY : (tactic list -> tactic)}
Sequentially applies all the tactics in a given list of tactics.
When applied to a list of tactics {[T1; ... ;Tn]}, and a goal {g}, the
{EVERY} applies each tactic in sequence to every
subgoal generated by the previous one. This can be represented as:
EVERY [T1;...;Tn] = T1 THEN ... THEN Tn
If the tactic list is empty, the resulting tactic has no effect.
The application of {EVERY} to a tactic list never fails. The resulting
tactic fails iff any of the component tactics do.
It is possible to use {EVERY} instead of {THEN}, but probably
stylistically inferior. {EVERY} is more useful when applied to a list of
tactics generated by a function.
Tactical.FIRST, Tactical.MAP_EVERY, Tactical.THEN.