Document 14664076

Es#ma#ng the value of achieving GES for North East Atlan#c Member States: A Value Transfer Approach Daniel Norton and Stephen Hynes, SEMRU, NUI Galway 5th Annual Beaufort Marine Socio-­‐Economic Workshop -­‐ 21st October 2014 Outline of Presentation
•  Marine Strategy Framework Direc#ve •  Con#ngent Valua#on •  Value Transfer •  Conclusion Valuing benefits of the MSFD
•  The MSFD aims for all EU member states to protect or restore their marine and coastal waters to “good environmental status” (GES) by 2020 •  Ar#cles 8, 13 and 14 require that economic analysis and cost benefit analysis be undertaken on MSFD measures. •  Many of the benefits of the MSFD are either indirect or are non-­‐use benefits (Bertram and Rehdanz, 2012). Valuing benefits of the MSFD
•  Under the MSFD, GES is measured by 11 indicators Biological diversity Invasive species Sustainable fisheries Well func#oning ecosystem and food webs •  Eutrophica#on •  Benthic integrity • 
•  Marine li]er •  Marine produce is safe to eat •  Underwater noise and energy •  Hydrographical condi#ons •  Marine pollu#on Valuing benefits of the MSFD
•  Only stated preference methods can value non-­‐use value. •  This study used con#ngent valua#on method (Arrow & Solow, 1993) via a payment card which followed a choice experiment •  CVM has been widely used for valuing changes to the marine environment. –  Carson et al. (1992) Oil Spill –  Loomis & Larson (1994) Gray Whales –  Gelcich et al. (2013) MPA MSFD CVM
•  What is the maximum amount that you would pay (via an increase in income tax) for each of the next 10 years towards achieving GES in Irish waters •  Should GES be aimed for? (Yes-­‐91.5%, No-­‐2%) •  Used 412 observa#ons from 812 responses as the rest deemed to have been protest responses •  An interval regression model was used to es#mate the WTP (Cameron & Huppert, 1989) Results from survey
Characteris+cs of this survey versus Census 20111 This survey (n=812) Average Age (Years) 44.6 Gender (% Male) 49.8 Na#onality (% Irish) 90 Educa#on (% To primary level) 10 Educa#on (% To secondary level) 56 Educa#on (% To third level) 34 Marital Status (% Single) 29 Marital Status (% Married) 53 Income2 (€ per year) 33,300 1. 
Census 2011 44.8 49 86 16 53 31 27 51 36,138 Note that that values refer to popula#on aged 18+. 2. Es#mated income was only es#mated for those working who reported their personal income (n=185) for the sample in order to make similar comparison to available na#onal data which was based on average earnings for third quarter, 2012 (CSO, 2012). Interval regression model results
WTP to achieve GES Coefficent Income (€1,000's) 0.92 Married -­‐9.30 Children in the house hold 6.65 Has third level educa#on 2.03 Male 5.90 Age (years) -­‐0.02 Distance from the coast (km) -­‐0.33 Rated ocean health as important or very important 16.03 Log of popula#on denisty (ED level) 2.63 Agreed or strongly agreed with Marine Protected Areas 6.33 How competent is the government to manage and protect the marine waters -­‐2.61 Constant -­‐3.80 Std. Error (0.16) *** (4.63) ** (4.08) * (3.92) (3.52) * (0.14) (0.08) *** (4.36)*** (0.92)*** (3.75)* (1.56)* (11.24) Value transfer of WTP for GES
•  Value transfer is the valuing of a change in a non-­‐market good or service of a policy site by using values es#mated for similar changes at another study site and applying these values to the policy site (Brouwer, 2000) •  Brenner et al. (2010) & Hynes et al. (2013) have previously used unit value transfer in valuing marine ecosystems. •  This func#on VT approach is considered to have lower transfer errors than unit value transfer. Value transfer data sources
Variable PPP Adjusted Income (€1,000's) Geo. Level Source NUTS2 Eurostat (2011) CSO, INE (ES), INE (PT), Married NUTS3 INSEE, ONS (2011) CSO, INE (ES), INE (PT), Children in the household NUTS3 INSEE, ONS (2011) Has third level educa#on NUTS2 Eurostat (2011) Male NUTS3 Eurostat (2011) Age (years) NUTS3 Eurostat (2011) Distance from the coast NUTS3 QGIS -­‐ Own calcs. Rated ocean health as important or very Member important State Knowseas (2010-­‐2011) Log of popula#on denisty (ED level) NUTS3 Eurostat (2011) Agreed or strongly agreed with Marine Member Protected Areas State Knowseas (2010-­‐2011) How competent is the government to manage Member and protect the marine waters State Knowseas (2010-­‐2011) Value transfer results
Value transfer results
Member State Ireland UK France Spain Portugal Mean (Pop. Wt.) €26.66 €18.08 €8.55 €11.69 €26.34 Total (millions) €91 €899 €421 €450 €228 €2,089 Transfer error results
Interval Regression Value Transfer % Error Ireland €39.08 €26.66 -­‐32% Dublin €51.00 €36.97 -­‐28% Mid-­‐East €33.79 €26.88 -­‐20% South-­‐East €38.42 €25.53 -­‐34% South-­‐West €40.10 €25.51 -­‐36% Mid-­‐West €27.07 €33.52 24% West €36.03 €16.52 -­‐54% Midland €28.43 €2.05 -­‐93% Border €33.90 €19.69 -­‐42% Conclusion
•  Income, distance and aptudes have largest effects on WTP to achieve GES •  Value transfer underes#mates the aggregated WTP but gives a lower bound value •  Modifiable areal unit problem (MAUP) can be an issue for value transfer – Popula#on Density Thank you for your a]en#on Any ques#ons or ideas or comments? 