Tactile Strategies

Oral Language-Tactile
Tactile Strategies
Appropriate Grade Level: Any age student that is visually impaired.
o Select the message you want to communicate.
o Decide the best way to communicate that message through what type
of touch- back of hand, shoulder.
o Identify how you will let the student know that you are close, before
touching him or her…saying name.
o Discuss whether and how to examine an item with the student.
o Decide whether and how to use tactile modeling.
o Observe the students reactions to your tactile interactions and modify
the interaction accordingly.
o Identify how you will end the interaction-let him know you are
leaving…pat on the shoulder.
Comments and/or tips: This article explained ho teachers often us visual
and auditory information and body gestures as well as tactile expressions;
however students that are blind cannot receive these modes of
communication. We must provide other strategies. The main alternative is
tactile. This article provided some good tips.
Downing, E. (2003). Using Tactile Strategies with Students who are
Blind and have Severe Disabilities. Exceptional Children, 36, 5660.