Part 1. Elected Officers
President -term one year
1. Function as the principal officer of the Academy and represent the Academy at meeting and in
correspondence with other organizations or government entities. The President may appoint another
officer to represent the Academy in discussions with specific organizations (e.g., Chair of Science and
Public Policy Committee as a liaison with a state government legislative committee)
2. Supervise all affairs of the Academy, subject to the control and advice of the Board of Directors (BOD)
3. Call and preside over BOD meetings
a. Set the time and place of each BOD meeting
b. Make sure that facilities are available for each meeting and that refreshments are provided
c. Draw up the agenda for each BOD meeting and distribute it to BOD members prior to the meeting
4. Preside at the annual business meeting
5. Preside at the general session of Annual Meeting and at other general functions of the Annual Meeting,
where appropriate
6. Coordinate efforts of various Academy committees
7. Recommend persons to the BOD for appointment as chairs of standing committees
8. Appoint standing committee members in consultation with committee chairs
9. Appoint members of ad hoc committees
10. Sign, together with any other proper officer of the Academy, any contracts, deeds, mortgages, or
other legal instruments authorized by the BOD except where this is expressly delegated to some other
officer or agent by the By-Laws, by action of the BOD, or by law
11. Appoint a representative to the AAAS and to the National Association of Academies of Science
12. Give records to Secretary at Annual Meeting.
13. Write letter of appreciation to university or college president and dean of the Past-President
recognizing leadership and service as NCAS President.
14. Furnish a list of BOD members with addresses and phone numbers to each Board member and
committee chair
Vice-President - term one year
1. Serve on BOD
2. Serve as President in the absence of the President
3. Serve on Strategic Planning Committee
4. Preside at Banquet or Luncheon of Annual Meeting of the Academy
5. Serve on nominating committee
President-Elect - term one year
1. Serve on BOD
2. Serve on Annual Meeting Committee
3. Assist Treasurer at Annual Meeting. Give records to Secretary at Annual Meeting
4. Serve on Strategic Planning Committee
5. Serve as ex officio member of
a. Membership Committee
b. Finance Committee
5. Be prepared to present choices for chairs of standing committees for coming year to BOD for approval
at BOD meeting held at Annual Meeting
6. Obtain and be prepared to present token of appreciation from Academy to outgoing president at
business meeting of Annual Meeting
Immediate Past-President - term one year
1. Serve on BOD
2. Serve on Strategic Planning Committee
3. Chair Nominating Committee
4. Give records to Secretary and President at Annual Meeting
5. Write letter of appreciation to university or college presidents and deans of officers and chairs who
leave office or have agreed to serve another term at the start of the Immediate Past-President’s year
of service.
6. Consult with Parliamentarian to review the Constitution, By-Laws and Handbook
a. Review annually
b. Consult with Chair of Strategic Planning Committee to identify inadequacies or to institute new
functions or programs
7. Just after the Annual Meeting, obtain the list of all annual meeting sponsors, supporters, and vendors
and send thank you letters.
Secretary - term three years
1. Serve on BOD
2. Maintain Academy files and records of all activities
a. Keep minutes of meetings of BOD
b. Keep minutes of meetings of members (Annual Business Meeting)
3. Provide clerical assistance to the Board
a. Ensure that copies of the Constitution, By-Laws, and Handbook are available to each new officer
and to each new committee chair on the Academy website.
b. Announce meetings of the BOD at least ten days prior to each meeting
c. Write letters for the BOD as directed
4. Handle annual proceedings
a. Receive material for proceedings
b. Prepare a report of the Board for the proceedings
c. Prepare final proceedings copy and send to Journal Editor
5. Arrange for continuity in the Academy’s affairs by transferring committee records
a. Obtain records from all outgoing officers and chairpersons at Annual Meeting
b. Give records to new officers or chairpersons
c. Transfer inactive records to the Manuscript Collection (Academy Archives) at East Carolina
6. Handle routine electronic correspondence of Board
a. Send membership renewals (until on-line membership services are obtained)
b. Generate 2nd dues notice March 1 (until on-line membership services are obtained)
c. Provide wording for 1 , 2 and 3 dues notice reminders to the Publications Committee Chair for
publication in the September, November and January newsletters.
c. Disseminate any position statements or By-Laws changes requiring a vote of the general
membership via the list serve.
7. Order honorary plaque for outgoing President and plaques for any other honorary awards established
by the Board
8. Fill orders for back issues of the Journal (until fully on-line only)
9. Fill claims from agencies and libraries for the Journal (until fully on-line only)
10. Forward checks and invoices that are received to Treasurer and maintain a separate log of each
Treasurer -term three years
1. Serve on BOD.
2. Maintain records of all Academy monies received and disbursed.
3. Handle funds received in coordination with the Secretary (or other designated representative at the
host institution)
a. Make periodic deposits of funds received.
b. Transfer funds between Academy accounts as needed or directed for Academy business.
c. Monitor all account balances (checking, savings, endowment, PayPal, or other accounts such as the
one for Author Invoicing, via Allen Press)
4. Disburse funds in payment of just demands against the Academy and as may be ordered by the Board.
a. Determine N.C. and Federal withholding tax from salaries, if any; report and pay withholding
b. Determine N.C. and Wake Co. sales taxes; report and pay quarterly.
c. Pay all bills relevant to Academy business.
d. Issue research grants funds to awardees as directed by the appropriate committee.
5. Coordinate with treasurer, or other responsible person, regarding finances of NCSAS, CANCAS,
special contracts (such as Hazardous, Waste Management), and other entities, receive their reports,
and include reports in NCAS books and IRS reports.
6. Prepare internal financial reports.
a. For each Board meeting.
b. For annual meetings.
c. Annual report for publication in Journal.
7. Prepare annual reports for I.R.S. and the Social Security Administration.
8. Present records to Finance Committee for review.
9. Serve ex officio on Finance Committee.
10. Serve on Membership Committee.
11. Coordinate with Membership Chair and JNCAS Managing Editor to ensure invoicing of annual
member dues and institutional dues through C-vent automated membership service and publishing
charges through the Alan Press PeerTrack system
a. Invoice individuals, agencies and libraries for Journal subscriptions
b. Send follow-up communication on unpaid accounts
Elected Directors - term three years
1. Serve on BOD
2. Serve on Annual Meeting Committee
3. Senior Director serves as Secretary of Annual Meeting Committee
a. Coordinates with Chair of Annual Meeting Committee to send letters of solicitation for funding of
the next annual meeting to corporations, foundations, and Sigma Xi chapters in June
b. Give records to Secretary at Annual Meeting
4. Middle Director serves on Strategic Planning Committee
5. Junior Director drafts resolution thanking the host of the Annual Meeting and presents resolution at
business meeting
Part 2. Paid Staff
In the past, the Academy has supported a paid staff member to serve as the Office Manager but the
current finances do not make this a feasible alternative; however, it is possible that this position could be
re-established in the future. The list of Office Manager Duties will be archived as a reference if the
Academy decides to reinstitute the position of paid Office Manager.
Part 3. Officers of Collegiate Academy and Student Academy
President of the Collegiate Academy of the North Carolina Academy of Science (CANCAS) - term
one year
1. Serve on the BOD.
2. Advise the BOD on all actions regarding CANCAS
3. Elected by CANCAS members at the Annual NCAS/CANCAS meeting in the spring
Executive Director(s) of CANCAS - appointed by BOD – term four years, subject to annual review by
1. Serve on the BOD
a. Report annually to NCAS Board
2. Serve as CANCAS Treasurer
a. Serve on NCAS Finance Committee
3. Oversee CANCAS activities in conjunction with CANCAS Board
a. Production of CANCAS Newsletter
b. Field trips and fall research workshop
c. Oversee and report on activities of Serve on the Yarbrough Research Grants Committee
d. Oversee and report on activities of the Lecture Program
4. Coordinate CANCAS Annual Spring Meeting with CANCAS Board and NCAS Annual Meeting
5. Train incoming Executive Director during transition year (3rd year of term)
 First year- training under old executive director
 Second year- lead
 Third year- lead while training new executive director
 Fourth year- new director leads, serve as assistant
Part 4. Ex Officio Board Members
Academy Historian
1. Appointed by BOD.
2. Serve as ex-officio member of BOD and attend all meetings
3. Manage the periodic collection and transfer of NCAS materials to the Academy archives at East
Carolina University to be considered for permanent preservation.
4. Contribute information about the history of NCAS as requested by the BOD for inclusion on the
NCAS website or for other purposes.
5. Submit a written annual report to the BOD at the annual meeting.
Web Master
1. Serve as ex officio member of BOD and attend all meetings
2. Maintain Academy’s website and incorporate annual updates provided by Board Members
3. Coordinate with Local Arrangements Committee Chair to develop links between Annual Meeting web
pages and Academy’s web page—Senior and Collegiate)
1. Serve as ex officio member of BOD
2. Attend all Board meetings and the Business meeting at the Annual Meeting of the Academy to provide
advice about the rules of order governing the Academy’s meetings, using Robert’s Rules of Order as a
3. Supervise editing of Constitution, By-Laws and Handbook in consultation with the Immediate Past
a. Review annually
b. Consult with Chair of Strategic Planning Committee to identify inadequacies or to institute new
functions or programs
c. If necessary, submit proposed changes to the Board for approval
Graduate Counselor (3 year term)
Serve as ex officio member of the BOD and attend all meetings.
Serve as a liaison to graduate schools across the state
Sever on the Bryden Research Grant Committee
Serve on the Membership Committee
Part 5. Committees
Membership Committee - standing committee with voting representation on BOD
1. Composition
a. BOD-appointed Chair
c. Chair of Publications Committee
d. President-Elect is ex officio member
e. Other members may be appointed by President
2. Responsibilities
a. Chair serves on BOD
b. Develop membership forms
c. Contact and solicit potential members including individual members; institutional, associate, and
sustaining members.
d. Coordinate with the Publications Committee Chair to increase awareness of the Academy
e. Produce a Membership Directory every three years with two supplements between revisions—was
the Office Managers job—but may not be necessary with C-vent Membership module
f. Chair serves on Finance Committee
g. Give brief written summary report to BOD at Annual Meeting
h. Give all records to Secretary at Annual Meeting
Publications Committee - standing committee with voting representation on BOD
1. Composition.
a. BOD-appointed Chair serves on Board
b. Other members appointed by President
2. Responsibilities
a. Chair serves on BOD
b. Compile, edit, and distribute at least three (preferably four) Academy Newsletters per year with
articles provided by Academy Officers and Committee Chairs.
i. September issue, which will include the first Dues Notice provided by the Secretary as well as
pertinent news and announcements.
ii. The November issue will include a call for nominations for upcoming open elected positions
and the second Dues Notice provided by the Secretary as well as pertinent news and
iii. January issue which will include materials for Annual meeting (Call For Papers, General
Program for Annual Meeting, the third Dues Notice) as well as pertinent news and
c. Oversee one-time Publications as needed with content provided by officers, committee chairs, or ad
hoc committee chairs
i. Coordinate with appropriate officers or committee chairs who provide content approved by BOD
ii. Provide layout and editorial oversight for production and publication
d. Give brief written summary report to the Board at Annual Meeting
e. Give all records to Secretary at Annual Meeting
f. Publications Committee Chair handles routine clerical communications with other organizations that
publish Academy news, announcements and board membership lists including the National
Academy of the State Academies of Science.:
Finance Committee - standing committee with voting representation on BOD
1. Composition
a. BOD-appointed Chair
b.Senior Executive of the CANCAS
c. Senior Executive Director of the NCSAS
d. Chair of the Membership Committee
e. President-Elect (ex officio)
f. Treasurer (ex officio)
2. Responsibilities
a. Chair serves on BOD
b. Determine guidelines for handling Academy funds
c. Prepare an annual budget (1 Jan-31 Sep)
d. Consult with the Board of Directors on needs for financing of specific projects of the Academy
e. Implement financing for projects, especially by writing grant proposals to governmental agencies or
private foundations
f. Coordinate with Annual Meeting Committee to develop grant proposals to obtain financial support
for future annual meetings
g. Build the endowment of the Academy by identifying and contacting potential sources of monies
h. Give all records to Secretary at Annual Meeting
i. Assist with registration/membership payments at annual meeting
Education Committee - Standing Committee with voting representation on BOD
1. Composition
a. BOD-appointed Chair
b. Other members appointed by the President upon recommendation by the Committee’s Chair
2. Responsibilities
a. Chair serves on BOD
b. Inform and advise BOD about activities and issues in science education in N.C.
c. Plan for educational issues to be incorporated into annual meeting when requested
d. Represent Academy and BOD in relationships with appropriate groups.
i. N.C. School of Science and Math
ii. Governor's Task Force on Science & Technology.
iii. N.C. Science Teachers Association
iv. N.C. Department of Public Instruction
e. Give brief written summary report to BOD at Annual Meeting
Strategic Planning Committee - Standing Committee with voting representation on BOD
1. Composition
a. BOD-appointed Chair
b. Past President .
c. President-Elect
d. Vice-President
e. Middle Elected Director
f. Other members appointed by the President
Other members appointed by the President upon recommendation by the committee’s Chair
2. Responsibilities
a. Chair serves on BOD
b. Develop and maintain a strategic plan for the Academy
i. The planning document should encompass the next 10 years of activity by the Academy
ii. A current version of the planning document should be made available to the BOD and the
membership of the Academy
iii. The planning document should include mission, objectives, plans for achieving objectives,
and documentation of the progress of plans
c. Monitor changes in the interests and needs of the scientific community of N.C. and advise the
BOD on changes in the activities of the Academy to accommodate these interests and needs
d. Advise the BOD on changes that need to be made in Academy procedures to enable the
Academy to function as successfully as possible
e. Propose changes in the Constitution and/or By-Laws to enable and implement the correction
of inadequacies or to institute new functions or programs
Bryden Research Grant Committee - standing Committee with ex officio representation on BOD
1. Composition
a. BOD-appointed Chair
b. Graduate Counselor
b. Other members appointed by Chair of the committee and approved by President.
2. Responsibilities of Committee
a. Advertise grants
i. In November of each year, send announcements via Listserv
ii. Also announce in Fall NCAS Newsletter
b. Receive proposals for grants by end of February
c. Evaluate proposals and choose recipients.
i. Announce Recipients at the Business meeting during the Annual Meeting.
ii. Notify students and advisors about award decisions
iii. Send list of recipients to treasurer and forward check
iv. Give a written summary of activities to BOD
3. Activities and responsibilities of grant recipients
a. Must give paper on research project at Annual Meeting
i. Student must be member of NCAS when presenting paper
ii. Advisor must be member of NCAS when grant proposal is submitted
Yarbrough Research Grants Committee - standing committee with ex officio representation on BOD
1. Composition
a. BOD-appointed Chair
b. Executive Director(s) of CANCAS.
c. Other members appointed by Chair of the committee.
2. Responsibilities of Committee
a. Advertise grants
i. In January or February of each year, send announcements to science department heads
(coordinate with Membership Committee and/or Annual Meeting Committee)
ii. Also announce in January NCAS Newsletter and CANCAS Newsletter
b. Receive proposals for grants (15 April deadline)
i. Send proposals to committee members electronically
ii.Set up meeting with committee members in person or via conference call.
iii.Submit recommendation to Treasurer; Treasurer will verify mentor NCAS membership by June 1.
c. Evaluate proposals and choose recipients.
i. By June 1 , notify students and advisors about award decisions
ii. By June 1 , send list of recipients to Treasurer and CANCAS Executive Director(s) (sooner when
possible so that this information can be included in the Annual Report to the Board during their
May meeting)
iii. Give a written summary of activities to the CANCAS Executive Director(s) for presentation to the
d. Follow up with recipients and collect reports on how funding was used and if work was presented
elsewhere and report to board.
e. Revise and update the call for the Yarbrough grants yearly. Submit to website manager in January
or earlier.
f. Revise application form as needed.
3. Activities and responsibilities of grant recipients.
a. May request checks from the Treasurer if they want them in the summer in which the award
is made
b. Must accomplish the research project for which award is made. Awardees who fail to begin or to
complete a project or who cannot generate sufficient data for competition must submit a report of
activities, experimental and financial, and refund unused portions of the grant to the Chair of the
Yarbrough Grants Committee.
c. Must give paper on research project at CANCAS paper session at Annual Meeting and must
be members of CANCAS when presenting paper.
d. Are eligible for Derieux Award but must complete work as undergraduates
Nominating Committee - standing committee with ex officio representation on BOD
1. Composition
a. Immediate Past President is Chair
b. Vice-President
b. Other members appointed by President
2. Responsibilities
a. By August 1 , give a list of elective positions open for election at next Annual Meeting to Chair of
Publications Committee
b. Select two nominees for each open position
i. Consider suggestions from members
ii. Ascertain willingness of potential candidates to serve if elected
c. By January1st, send brief biographical sketches of at least two candidates for each open
position to Publications Committee Chair
d. Supervise elections of officers and members of BOD at Annual Business Meeting
i. Elections for all open positions must be completed before the close of the Business Meeting
ii. Prepare ballots (type & copy)
iii. Distribute ballots at business meeting and call for nominations from the floor
iv. Collect ballots as soon as voting members complete them
v. Tally results immediately
vi. Announce results immediately after tally is completed and congratulate newly elected
officer(s) and BOD member(s)
6. Give brief written summary to the BOD
7. Give all records to Secretary at Annual Meeting
Annual Meeting Committee - Standing Committee without voting representation on BOD
1. Composition
a. Chair appointed by President for 3 year term
b. Senior Elected Member serves as Secretary of the committee
c. Other two Elected Directors
d. President-Elect
2. Responsibilities
a. Recommend places and dates for Annual Meetings to the BOD; for each future Annual Meeting, do
the following:
i. Solicit meeting sites for 3-4 years beyond next Annual Meeting
ii. Make sure facilities for future Annual Meeting are satisfactory
iii. Coordinate with CANCAS, NCSAS, NC-PKAL, and other organizations potentially meeting with
the Academy
iv. Present name of Chair of Local Arrangements Committee
v. Keep Publications Committee and BOD informed about future Annual Meetings by sending
detailed information about place and date of upcoming Annual Meeting before May meeting of
b. For the next Annual Meeting, do the following:
i. Advise BOD and Local Arrangements Committee on meeting format and content
ii. Continue to act as liaison between BOD and Local Arrangements Committee
iii. Advise Local Arrangements Committee on logistics of Annual Meeting including contacts with
, Sigma Xi, ACS, and the PKAL National Office
iv. Update annual meeting guide.
Science and Public Policy Committee- Standing committee with ex officio representation on BOD
1. Composition
a. Chair appointed by the President
b. President-Elect
c. Two other members (from appropriate disciplines) appointed by the President
2. Responsibilities
a. Represent Academy in relationships with Government of the State of N.C.
b. At the request of the Board of Directors, partner with science centers, museums, and other
scientific organizations in North Carolina
c. Prepare public communications, including resolutions and position statements in accordance with
Article VIII of the by-laws.
d. Organize public forums on important issues related to science.
e. At the request of the BOD, communicate with N.C. senators, N.C. congressional representatives, or
agencies of the U.S. Government regarding scientific matters of interest to N.C.
f. Identify and study important public issues that have a scientific basis or that merit attention of
scientists across the state
g. Maintain liaison with and provide advice to local, state and federal government agencies engaged in
matters of scientific interest
h. Represent the Academy in relationships with government agencies and officials
i. Give brief written summary to BOD at Annual Meeting
j. Give all records to the Secretary at Annual Meeting
Local Arrangements Committee - Ad Hoc Committee with ex officio representation on BOD
1. Composition
a. Chair solicited by Annual Meeting Committee and approved by BOD
b. Other members recruited by the Chair
2. Responsibilities
a. Coordinate with a local NC-PKAL Network representative to offer an NC-PKAL STEM
workshop in conjunction with the NCAS Annual Meeting (this event may actually be
hosted by a nearby college or university that is not the Annual Meeting host institution)
b. Arrange for meeting rooms, exhibit space, audiovisual equipment and facilities, housing
(reserved blocks of hotel rooms), food and rooms for receptions and the luncheon and/or
banquet, refreshments during meeting breaks, poster boards. Obtain necessary meeting
services as required by venue:
i. Security
ii. Housekeeping
iii. Food vendors
iv. Insurance
v. Audio-Visual requirements
c. Organize, invite, and host:
i. Welcome address
ii. Plenary and keynote speakers,
iii. Optional special speakers (numbers determined by Local Arrangements Committee),
iv. Optional workshop speakers (numbers determined by Local Arrangements Committee
d. Prepare annual printed program
i. Receive titles from CVENT and arrange in program
ii. Develop content of Program
iii. Arrange for printing of program
iv. Circulate printed programs
e. Board Meeting Participation
i. During the year prior to the Annual Meeting, at least one member of the Local
Arrangements Committee should attend the May, January, and March meetings of the
BOD to report on the progress of arrangements for the next Annual Meeting and to
answer questions from BOD members
ii. Provide facilities for the January and March meetings of the BOD
iii. Arrange food for the January and March meetings of the BOD
iv. Be prepared to conduct a tour of facilities and rooms for the January BOD meeting
v. Submit receipts for food arranged for BOD meetings and for all authorized expenses
(approved by the BOD in advance) from the Annual Meeting to the Treasurer for payment
or reimbursement
f. Publicize Meeting
i. Prepare Newsletter promotions for June and Sep, and an article for Jan NCAS Newsletters
ii. Enter data into CVENT for publicity and registration for the Annual Meeting
iii. Email Blast to membership
iv. Arrange radio public service announcements from various university Public Radio stations
including WUNC
g. Seek extramural funding and donations for meeting
ii. Other organizations may include but are not limited to:
a. LabCorp
b. Syngenta
c. Pfizer
iii. Solicit locally
h. Prepare name badges and cover Registration during Meeting
i. Obtain Registrants list from CVENT
ii Print Name Tags
iv. Prepare Bags for Programs and Swag
v. collect SWAG from donors
vi. Print signage for meeting (Both big signs to direct people as well as signs to place at each room
indicating which talks are scheduled when)
vii. Number the posters on the boards to match the program so everyone can find their
viii. Coordinate with Executive Director of NCSAS to figure out how many students need
hotels paid and how many will come with family. Also figure out how many will have
posters to present. Include these in the program.
i. NCSAS Participants
i. Coordinate hotel rooms for NCSAS students and families
ii. Coordinate a Saturday morning brunch for NCSAS students and their families.
j. Ensure Banquet is organized
i. Ensure vendors for tables, linens, china/silver, food, beverages
ii. Hire backdrop entertainment (e.g. music).
k. Financial Responsibility
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i. Submit all quotes to Treasurer
ii. Submit all Receipts to Treasurer
iii Maintain detailed record of transactions
l. Prepare Final Report to the Board
i. Financial
ii. Narrative
Editorial Board - three year terms; standing committee with voting representation on BOD
1. Composition
a. Board-appointed members
b. Executive Editor serves as chair
c. Managing editor
c. Other members (number varies upon recommendation of Executive Editor) serve as Associate
Editors (must be Academy members at the time of appointment)
2. Responsibilities of Executive Editor
a. Appointed by the BOD for renewable, three-year term
b. Serves on BOD
c. Advise the BOD on all actions regarding the Journal in consultation with the other Editorial Board
i. recommend policy changes regarding page charges and seek final approval from BOD
ii. consult BOD about any Editorial Board staff changes and nominate new or replacement
iii. consult with Treasurer and notify BOD about any policy changes regarding invoicing or other
aspects of our relationship to our publisher
d. Oversee the final production of the journal
i. coordinate with the publisher to approve final editing and layout of each issue
ii. consult with the Editorial Board on decisions about editorial policy as needed
iii. ensure production of the Journal in a timely fashion
iv. coordinates with the publisher of the journal
e. Attend to all author inquiries
f. Write and submit journal reports to the BOD
3. Responsibilities of the Managing Editor
a. Appointed by the BOD for renewable, three-year term
b. Serve on BOD
c. Manage the production of the Journal
i. solicit manuscripts from all fields of science written by both members and non-members of the
ii. receive and assign each submitted manuscript to the appropriate Associate Editor according to
discipline and expertise.
Iii serves as liaison between authors and the Editorial Board and transmits manuscript
recommendations to the author
iv returns revised manuscripts to the reviewer promptly for final preparation of proofs
v supervises proof approval by the author prior to preparation of final copy .
vi supervise the work product of each Associate Editor to maintain timely review of all manuscripts
vii. supervises author proof approval of accepted manuscripts
viii coordinates with the publisher of the Journal to oversee issues related to advertising and
4. Responsibilities of Associate Editors
a. Appointed by the BOD for renewable, three-year term
b. Oversee manuscripts assigned by the Managing Editor
i. identify and assign minimum of two peer reviewers to submitted manuscripts
ii. contact reviewers if deadline is missed.
III coordinate reviews within their purview
iv. report to Managing Editor
v advise Managing Editor on recommended disposition of manuscripts
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5. Responsibilities of committee as a whole
a. Broad oversight for the Journal of the North Carolina Academy of Science
b. Establish detailed policies for operation of the Journal.
c. At least one member attends every BOD meeting
Last updated and revised on 3/25/2015
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