NEW PARADIGMS The Culture-Excellent Approach

The Culture-Excellent
Learning Objectives
1. Understand the reasons for emergence
of new organizational paradigms
2. Describe the key features of the CultureExcellence approach
3. List the core advantages and
disadvantages of Culture-Excellence
New Paradigms
From his book “ The structure of Scientific
Revolutions”, he defined a paradigm as a
universally recognized scientific achievement.
New paradigm was born in 1970s and 1980s,
because western woke up to the Japanese
A new techno-economic rationale is emerging.
This new rationale has 3 main features :
1. A shift towards information-intensive rather
than energy
2. A change from dedicated mass production
toward more flexible systems
3. A move towards the greater integration of
process and systems within companies,
suppliers, and customers.
This developments have been given variety of
names, in 1990s, they call “postmodernism”
The Culture-Excellent Approach
This approach is attempting to predict and
promote the way firms should operate in
the future.
Search for Excellence
Features : Tom Peters and Robert Waterman
Book : In Search of Excellence : Lesson from
America’s Best Run Companies (1982)
They determine 4 ‘soft’ Ss which held the key to
business success :
1. Staff
2. Style
3. Shared values
4. skills
There are 8 key attributes that organizations
need to achieve excellence :
1. A bias for action
2. Close to the customer
3. Autonomy and entrepreneurship
4. Productivity through people
5. Hands-on, value driven
6. Stick to the knitting
7. Simple form, lean staff
8. Simultaneous loose – tight properties
Post-entrepreneurial Model
Features : Rosabeth Moss Kanter
Book : When Giants Learn To Dance :
Mastering the Challenges of
Management and Careers
in the 1990s
She said : winning it requires faster action,
creative maneuvering, flexibility, and
closer partnerships with employees and
She sees post-entrepreneurial organizations
pursuing 3 main strategies :
1. Restructuring to find synergies
2. Opening boundaries to form strategic
3. Creating new ventures from encouraging
innovation and entrepreneurship
The consequences of the post-entrepreneurial
model will have a major impact on
employees for :
Rewards systems
Career paths and job security
Emerging Future Organizations
Features : Charles Handy
: Understanding Organizations (1976)
He believes the new organizations will need to
treat people as assets to be developed and
Handy identifies 3 types of organizations :
1. The Shamrock organizations
2. The federal organizations
3. The Triple I organizations
The Shamrock Organizations
Composed of 3 distinct groups :
1. The core workers
2. The contractual fringe
3. The flexible labor force
The Federal Organization
A organizations as network of individual
organizations allied together under a
common flag with some shape identity
The Triple I Organization
Triple I based on Intelligence, Information and
In future, the equation organizations will be
Triple I = AV (Added Value) and have
1. Invest in smart machines to remain
competitive and effective
2. Recruit skilled and smart people to control
the machines
3. Ensure that this group of skilled people is
rewarded equitably
1. Organizations entering new age,
where familiar themes are taking on
different meanings and expressed in
new language
2. The important in the new is brain
3. The ability to make intelligent use of
information to create ideas that add
value and sustain competitiveness