P R E S I D E N T ’... A p r i l 1 6 , ... 9:00am to 11:00am

Office of the President
April 16, 2012
9:00am to 11:00am
Council Membership: President Maria Sheehan, Dave Boden, Kyle Dalpe, Armida Fruzzetti, Janice Grover,
Michael Hartman, Paula Lee Hobson, Estela Levario-Gutierrez, Fred Lokken, Karen Magstadt, Michele Meador,
Jeffrey Metcalf, Julie Muhle, Michelle Noel, Melanie Purdy, Dave Roberts, Pat Slavin, Phil Smilanick, Rachel
Solemsaas, John Tuthill, Barbara Wright-Sanders, Sharon Wurm, Steve Zideck
Approved Absence: Elena
Bubnova, Mona Concha-Buckheart, Toni Hippert, Ron Marston, and Inita Porter. Absent: Scott Gaddis.
Mike Hartman introduced Joan Loustalet, new DRC Director to the President’s Advisory Council.
1. Mission Statement/Core Themes (Ref#1) – Dr. John Tuthill
 In 2010 TMCC adopted a strategic master plan
 Adopted 4 core themes
 There are 3 core themes and the 2010 plan is close, but didn’t mesh
 This draft represents modest changes
 Changes are minimum, everything correlates to core themes and new budget process proposal to
ensure that all programs are specified in core themes
 Mission Statement reworded to say: “Truckee Meadows Community College promotes student
success, academic excellence, and access to lifelong learning by supporting high-quality education
and services within our diverse community.” (new wording is italicized)
o We don’t have the resources to do everything
o We may not deliver all life-long learning, however, we will collaborate with partners to do
 Core Theme I: moved Core Theme 3 to Core Theme 1 and added the italicized word to the
sentence: “Strengthening institutional infrastructure . . . . “
o Must have institutional infrastructure as foundation including all programs (budget-wise) to
ensure success as an institution with all departments, areas, etc.
 With the exception of Strategic Initiative 4, all strategic initiatives are in the current plan (see page
3 of the handout)
 Academic Excellence did not have its own section in the Strategic Master Plan
o Now Core Theme II
 Core Theme III: same strategies and goals as in the Strategic Master Plan, but now just rearranged
 The Strategic Master Plan meshes with core themes for accreditation purposes
 Propose Mission statement as is and Vision statement will remain the same
 Core Themes replace Strategic Initiatives
 Solicited input from college community, but there were no responses
 Requesting this be approved and when additions are made, a process will be set up to do that
 Evaluators concerned about continual changes to document
 Student Success is only meaningful if have academic excellence – Academic Excellence in front of
Student Success
 Have both current document and this new document side-by-side on VPAA/SS website
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Rev.: 7/9/2012
TMCC is an EEO/AA (equal opportunity/affirmative action) institution and does not discriminate on the basis of sex, age, race, color, religion, physical or mental disability, creed, national origin, veteran status, sexual
orientation, genetic information, gender identity, or gender expression in the programs or activities which it operates.
Any issues – bring back to Pat or Dr. Sheehan
If no comments re: changes – will consider final
2. Strategic Planning (PowerPoint Presentation)– Dr. Rachel Solemsaas
 PowerPoint Presentation – Embracing the “New” Normal TMCC Institutional (Strategic) Planning
 Institutional Planning Journey
o Strategic Planning
o 4 core elements
 A commitment to strengthen our core foundation
 Setting of direction, developing work plan
 Allocating resources
 Evaluating and assessing our results
o Who is responsible for planning
 All of us
o Elements
 #1 Affirmation of our Mission (core themes)
 #2 Setting Direction – Objectives and Work Plans
 #3 Culture of Evidence
 #4 Align Our Resource Allocation Process to Our Plan
 ABCs of Planning
 Institutional Planning Process FY2014 (begins July 2013 and beyond)
 Resource Budget Allocation
 Online Resource Request Form
o Series of questions will populate the form for you
o Create form
o Ready November 2012
 Catching Up – Resource Development/Planning Process for FY 13 (July 2012 through June 2013)
 Fiscal Mantra – to live within our means while/and investing in our future
 Operating Budget Status (only based on state allocation fees)
 FY12 operating budget status – savings of $3M (most from payday shift)
 Fund Balance Policy
o Why?
o Proposed policy
 15% of budgeted revenues for operating and all self-support programs
 A capital reserve using capital improvement fees
 A 3% contingency fund on the operating budget to buffer shortfalls
o Fund Balance Status
o Use of one-time funds
 Pay off our debt (Meadowood properties – both Buildings)
 Use of one-time funds will provide annual operating fund savings of $687K
 Preserve our one-time FY12 operating fund savings (use it or lose it)
 To NSHE by April 15 then to legislature
o Setting a contingency fund
 Invest in our future
 Focused on initiatives (not a one-time need)
o Leveraging non-state revenues
 Greater reliance on indirect contributions
 Invest in programs that can expand revenue opportunities that align with our mission
 Operating Budget Status FY2013
o Live within our means
Page 2 of 4; President’s Advisory Council Minutes 4/16/12
Rev.: 7/9/2012
TMCC is an EEO/AA (equal opportunity/affirmative action) institution and does not discriminate on the basis of sex, age, race, color, religion, physical or mental disability, creed, national origin, veteran status, sexual
orientation, genetic information, gender identity, or gender expression in the programs or activities which it operates.
 Balance budget
 Use indirect at 11.79%
 Changes to meet accreditation requirements
o Formula Funding – the Latest
 Re-slicing of the pie (north to south)
 Course completion vs. enrollment
 Performance based
 Mitigation plan
 FY14 legislative approval
 Only state allocation, more autonomy
2013 Resource Requests
Operating Budget Status – FY14-FY15 Fiscal Strategies
o Managing deficits by decreasing expenditures
o Managing deficits by increasing revenues
o Seek system support
o Continue to invest in our future through reserves
o Engaging Planning & Budget Council, curricular review via PAC
o Budget road shows
o Obtain approval for our debt service
o Adopt planning cycle and timelines
o Implement online resource allocation request tool
3. Debt Payoff (Ref#3a and 3b) – Dr. Rachel Solemsaas
 Seeking consensus to pay off debt
 Meadowood Campus buildings (North and South)
o Interest rate on bond 4.8%
o Can call bond
 CONSENSUS to pay off debt
4. Equity & Inclusion (Ref#4) – Dr. Barbara Sanders
 Committee met
 Building community principles
 Title of Office not selected
 Office to serve as a resource
 Will look at issues
o Access
o Student equity
 Faculty recruitment and retention
o Continual recruitment throughout year
o Performance based incentives
o Diversity awards
o Retention
 Diversity in curriculum
o Review diversity course management
o Demystifying the diversity course process
 Student Cultural Diversity Center
o Warm welcoming place
 Compliance
 Committee to frame out these ideas – strategy, actions, stakeholders, measurements, timeline
Page 3 of 4; President’s Advisory Council Minutes 4/16/12
Rev.: 7/9/2012
TMCC is an EEO/AA (equal opportunity/affirmative action) institution and does not discriminate on the basis of sex, age, race, color, religion, physical or mental disability, creed, national origin, veteran status, sexual
orientation, genetic information, gender identity, or gender expression in the programs or activities which it operates.
Review on regular basis
To bring back to PAC for feedback
Office is not one person –it’s all of us
5. New Policies (Ref#5, 5a) – Pat Slavin
 First reading – clarification before take to constituents
 Second reading – return with questions
 Third reading – recommendations to president for approval or no approval
 TMCC Permanent Signage Policy
o Handout
o Steve Zideck and Teresa Golden to formalize policy for TMCC, however, subject to review
and approval
o Includes digital signage
o Looking for architectural standard (consistency in size, technology, etc.)
o PIO piece for signage is only for public boards
o Research possible donor-related boards
 Facility Improvement Policy (Dave Roberts)
o Formalizing facility improvements
o Code and laws
o Approval from VP and President, then to facilities
o Facilities work with department and oversee construction
o Tenants: responsible for these spaces
 Tenants must come to TMCC facilities for any changes
 Crosses all funding sources
 Even if the tenant wants to pay for the improvements
 This is replacing a current practice
o Paula Lee Hobson supports this policy
o Requested review with constituents
6. Higher Education News Update – Michelle Noel
 Aggregating information from a number of higher education news
 Michelle is currently testing the various aggregate services
 Weekly updates to PAC
 All PAC members will be included unless opt out
 If want particular website or paper in your area – will try to include
 Something ready to go within the next few weeks
 Will send out a list of what is currently to be included and can add
Next Meeting: May 14, 2012
Page 4 of 4; President’s Advisory Council Minutes 4/16/12
Rev.: 7/9/2012
TMCC is an EEO/AA (equal opportunity/affirmative action) institution and does not discriminate on the basis of sex, age, race, color, religion, physical or mental disability, creed, national origin, veteran status, sexual
orientation, genetic information, gender identity, or gender expression in the programs or activities which it operates.