Tangible Video Editor: Designing for Collaboration, Exploration, and Engagement

Tangible Video Editor: Designing for Collaboration,
Exploration, and Engagement
Jamie Zigelbaum, Michael Horn, Orit Shaer, Robert J. K. Jacob
Tufts University, Medford, Mass. USA
{jamie.zigelbaum, michael.horn, orit.shaer}@tufts.edu, jacob@cs.tufts.edu
with many object-tracking technologies. The components
can be easily manipulated—users can pick them up, look at
them from various angles, and arrange them in their work
environment to best suit their needs.
This paper introduces the Tangible Video Editor (TVE), a
tangible interface for editing sequences of digital video
clips. The TVE features multiple handheld computers
embedded in specialized cases. It can be used on any
surface under normal lighting conditions without the need
for an augmented surface, computer vision system, or video
projector. We aim the Tangible Video Editor for use in
educational and community settings. Hence, we designed it
to engage users in a collaborative editing experience and to
encourage the exploration of narrative ideas. We evaluated
our design using a comparative study that involved 36
participants using the Tangible Video Editor and a standard
GUI-based, non-linear video editor.
Author Keywords
Tangible user interface, distributed cognition, digital video
editing, interface design, CSCW, physical interaction.
ACM Classification Keywords
H5.2. Information interfaces and presentation (e.g., HCI):
User Interfaces.
Figure 1. Working with the Tangible Video Editor.
We designed the TVE for use by novice video editors in
educational and community settings. Our goal was to
develop an easy to use video editing system that
implements the basic functionality of a video editor and is
aimed at engaging users in the editing process, facilitating
collaboration, and encouraging exploration. To achieve this
goal we applied an iterative design cycle and evaluated
multiple prototypes with users. We evaluated our final
prototype against a similar graphical video editor to
examine how the choice of editor facilitates collaboration—
the extent to which partners mutually participate in a task,
exploration—the extent to which the interface encourages
users to interact with the content and try new things, and
engagement—the extent to which users enjoy using the
interface and the extent to which they were involved in their
task. We also discuss the role of distributed cognition [4] as
it applies to tangible interaction.
The TVE is a tangible interface for editing sequences of
digital video clips. Inspired by traditional film editing
systems such as Moviola [12] and Steenbeck [19], the
Tangible Video Editor combines the benefits of physical
editing with the power of current non-linear editing (NLE)
The TVE works without a computer vision system, video
projector, or augmented surface. Instead, the interface
incorporates multiple handheld computers embedded in
physical tokens (objects that represent digital information).
The system works on any surface under normal lighting
conditions, and it avoids the latency problems associated
Case for Tangible Video Editing
In educational and community settings the process of
editing content—the discussions, exchange of ideas, and
development of mutual understanding—is often more
important than the final product. Hence, video editing
software aimed at these settings should support a
collaborative editing process. Tangible user interfaces
(TUIs) are widely cited as supporting collaboration [1, 5,
20]. Furthermore, when designing synchronous groupware,
interfaces designed for multiple simultaneous users,
designers must often weigh the merits of power vs.
operability. The physicality of TUIs solves many of the
problems laid out by Gutwin and Greenberg in their
discussion of tradeoffs between power and workspace
awareness [3]. As TUIs are more specialized than graphical
user interfaces (GUIs).they often trade the power available
from symbolic manipulation (e.g. menu commands,
keyboard shortcuts) for visibility and continuous feedback
that are particularly important when multiple users are
interacting with a system simultaneously. We claim that a
TUI is a good fit for our design goals: it enables multiple
users to work together psychologically and physically, it
provides them with a customizable workspace, and it
embodies a clear syntax for completing video editing tasks
that allows them to focus their mental energy on the content
of their work.
view and sequence digital video by arranging the blocks in
a physical device. A related interface, also from the
Tangible Media Group at MIT, is the Tangible Video
Browser [21]. With this system, physical tokens represent
video clips. When the tokens are placed on the browser
interface, they become objects that can be manipulated to
navigate through the clip iteself.
Other relevant examples include TellTale [1],
EnhancedMovie [7], and DataTiles [15]. TellTale, a toy
caterpillar whose body is made up of segments that can be
arranged in any order, is an interface for creating sequences
of audio clips. Each segment can contain a short audio
recording, and by rearranging the segments children can
create sequences of sounds to tell different stories.
EnhancedMovie features an augmented desk, which allows
users to make a movie by editing a sequence of pictures
using hand gestures. Hand gestures (such as closing all
fingers above an image) allow users grab, release, select,
and browse clips displayed as images on the table. Finally,
DataTiles, though not built specifically for editing video, is
a powerful tool for tangibly manipulating digital media.
Users of DataTiles arrange transparent tiles on a video
screen that senses their position and displays information
within each tile.
In this paper we will first discuss related and influential
work. We will then give an account of our design process
and the components of the TVE. Next, we will present our
evaluation, and summarize our findings. The paper will end
with a conclusion and ideas for future work.
Empirical Experiments
Several studies have presented empirical data to attempt to
quantify the advantages and disadvantages of tangible
systems compared to their graphical counterparts. Here we
describe some of the studies that most influenced our
evaluation of the TVE. The Senseboard [8] is a tangible
interface that allows users to manipulate physical tokens on
a grid to interact with abstract data such as scheduling
information. An experiment was conducted which
compared completion times for a scheduling task with
participants using the Senseboard, a digital whiteboard
interface, and a paper sticky note interfaces. Subjects using
the Senseboard were able to complete the task slightly
faster than with the other systems and also preferred it
slightly more.
Related work is divided into three categories: tangible
interfaces for digital media, empirical experiments, and
conceptual frameworks for TUIs.
Tangible Interfaces for Digital Media
The design of the TVE was influenced by several previous
projects which involve the manipulation of digital media
through physical objects. An early example is Video
Mosaic by Mackay and Pagani [10]. Essentially an
enhanced storyboarding tool, Video Mosaic addresses the
issue of representing time spatially by combining the
benefits of real-world interaction (in this case with paper)
and the power of digital manipulation. Another example is
Myron Krueger’s work on VIDEOPLACE [9]. This is an
early example of a computer scientist promoting the
advantages of interface design based on perceptual
processes used in the real, physical world. This theme is
echoed in the work of Snibbe et al. [18] who built devices
that delivered haptic feedback for media control. Big Wheel
and their other interfaces demonstrate the value of
designing systems that mimic the physical laws of nature.
At the University of Washington, Chen-Je Huang
performed an experiment that demonstrated a statistically
significant difference between the tangible and graphical
user interfaces for spatial tasks involving accuracy and
reproduction time [6].
Finally, Scott, Shoemaker, and Inkpen conducted a study
that investigated children’s behavior while collaborating on
paper-based and computer-based puzzle-solving activities
[15]. The study was notable for its use of video coding to
compare the extent to which children collaborated with
each interface.
Recent examples of tangible video editing include the
mediaBlocks [23] system, which provides a compelling
interface for capturing, editing, and displaying multi-media
using wooden blocks to represent content. Some of the most
interesting aspects of the system include the media browser
and the media sequencer. These components allow users to
Conceptual Frameworks for TUIs
In his dissertation [24], Ullmer introduces the Token +
Constraint approach for tangible interaction. He emphasizes
the use of mechanical constraints to perceptually encode
digital syntax. While our design attempts to minimize the
use of mechanical constraints such as docking stations and
racks, it emphasizes the use of physical properties to encode
digital syntax.
The TAC paradigm [17] uses Ullmer’s Token + Constraint
approach as its basis. It then extends the concept of
constraints, stressing that tokens (physical objects that
represent digital information) and constraints (physical
objects that constrain the behavior of tokens) are relative
definitions. Tokens can serve as constraints by mutually
constraining each others behavior. In our system, tokens
(clip holders) mutually constrain each other: two clip
holders can only be connected in a certain way and while
they are connected their manipulation is constrained.
Finally, our own work on Reality-Based Interaction [14]
provides the foundations for a design framework based on
users’ pre-existing knowledge of interaction with the real
world. We designed the TVE so that users would know how
to use it based on their existing knowledge of interacting
with objects in their ‘real world’.
The Tangible Video Editor is the result of an iterative
design process in which successive prototypes were created,
evaluated with users, and refined.
Design Process
To gain insight on video editing, we visited the ESPN
SportsCenter studios in Bristol, Connecticut where we
observed expert video editors at work. We interviewed
them about the art of video editing, the limitations of the
technology, and the improvements that they would add to
current GUI video editing systems. We also surveyed
existing NLEs for professional as well as amateur use.
Based on our observations, we built a series of low fidelity
prototypes out of paper and foam core. These early design
explorations led us to the implementation of our first
functional prototype, which employed computer vision
techniques coupled with a ceiling-mounted LCD projector.
This computer vision based implementation suffered from
high latency; often the projected image would lag behind its
target on the table’s surface. We evaluated this prototype
with six participants and used their suggestions and
comments to design the successive implementations.
As the latency problem associated with computer vision
crucially affected user experience, we decided to seek
implementation methods where object tracking would not
be necessary. To experiment with alternative designs, we
built two additional low fidelity prototypes. The first was
built rapidly using high-density foam and served for
brainstorming and task simulation. The second was built
from laser cut acrylic and served for evaluation with users.
Both prototypes were built with a large board to constrain
the movement of tokens and provided docking stations
where users could load video clips and play them.
Figure 2. From top to bottom: a) the first functional prototype
(computer vision implementation); b) the foam-core
prototype; c) acrylic prototype; d) design mockups for the
computer vision implementation (left) and final version
(right); e) the final version of the TVE.
We evaluated the acrylic prototype with eight participants
working in pairs. We used a wizard-of-oz technique (where
the experimenters complete the role of the computer) in
order to refine our metaphors for editing linear sequences of
video clips. The results from this phase of user testing were
mixed: users reported having a positive and engaging
experience but complained about the way the physical
design restricted them. We also observed that often users
were unsure of how to interact with the system.
physical film editing with the advantages of digital film
Physical Syntax
TUIs draw upon users’ existing knowledge of interacting
with the ‘real world’ to convey to users what interactions an
interface can (or cannot) support. They often use form and
mechanical constraints [24] to physically express digital
Following this user study we decided users would benefit
from a less rigid structure that could enable them to
organize the clips in any way they wanted. This decision
led us to our final design, which we implemented using
embedded handheld computers.
The current version of the Tangible Video Editor (see [22]
for a video of this version) features a play-controller, 10
clip-holders, and 15 transition connectors (see Figure 2).
These components operate in conjunction with a desktop
PC and a monitor for viewing video content. Each clipholder consists of a Compaq iPaq 3650 Pocket PC running
the Microsoft PocketPC 2002 operating system, mounted
inside a custom-built plastic case. After being assigned a
particular video clip, a clip-holder displays the first frame
from the clip on its LCD screen. The cases, which resemble
large jigsaw puzzle pieces, connect together to form linear
sequences of video clips. Users can also place various
transition connectors between adjacent clip-holders to add
transition effects such as fade, minimize, and rotate.
Figure 3. Clip-holders are shaped like jigsaw puzzle pieces.
The physical design of the TVE clip-holders indicates their
means of use through a jigsaw puzzle metaphor (see Figure
3). Thus, most users have a hint that the clip-holders are
supposed to connect together, and they can build on prior
knowledge to assemble them. Even users who have never
seen a jigsaw puzzle before have some cues because the
function of the pieces is inherent in their design [2]. This
metaphor also helps reduce the possibility of syntax errors.
The shapes of the parts simply prevent them from being
assembled incorrectly.
With our current implementation, users assign a video clip
to a clip-holder by keying in an ID number on the clipholder’s touch screen display. In our experiment, we gave
participants 28 paper cards representing the collection of
video clips for them to browse through. Each card displayed
a full color print of the first frame from the video clip on
one side and the clip’s ID number on the opposite side.
These cards fill the role of the clip pallet found in many
NLEs. A typical NLE clip pallet is a matrix of thumbnail
images representing each available video clip.
The metaphors for physical items utilized by GUI
applications (i.e. icons, widgets, etc.) do not always follow
the same rules as the physical world, and users must learn
their specific language of interaction. For example, we
observed in our testing that users of a GUI video editor took
time figuring out how to remove a clip from a sequence
(e.g. key press, drag and drop, menu item). TVE users, on
the other hand, simply picked up a clip-holder and moved it
out of the way.
Design Rationale
Traditional film editing systems provide editors with a rich
sensory environment that allows them to utilize enactive
(muscle) memory and haptic (force) feedback. The task of
cutting and splicing film into sequences for playback
involves the use of physical tools such as cutting arms, and
taping stations. The affordances of these tools help convey
both their purpose and their means of use. In contrast,
current state-of-the-art, NLE software such as Final Cut
Pro, Premiere, and AVID provide filmmakers with little of
the physical richness employed by their predecessors.
However, they provide editors with powerful features such
as the ability to reuse shots without making a new print
from a negative, to undo actions as quickly as they were
done, and to initiate new projects with the click of a button.
Our goal was to combine the benefits of traditional,
Case Design
The cases for the clip-holders, transitions, and playcontroller were constructed from layers of 1/8 inch thick
extruded acrylic sheets, cut with an industrial laser cutter.
The iPaqs were removed from their original cases and
mounted inside the clip-holders. A top layer of acrylic holds
the iPaq in place and hides its internal components. Only
the touch screen display is visible to the user. Copper
connectors run along the outside edges of the cases where
the clip-holders interlock with transitions and other clipholders. The copper connectors are wired to the audio-out,
audio-in, and application shortcut buttons of the iPaqs (see
Figure 4). When two clip-holders are joined, an electrical
connection is formed between the audio out channel of the
right clip-holder and the audio in channel of the left clipholder. Likewise, when a transition is placed between two
clip-holders, it closes a circuit to press one of the iPaq’s
application shortcut buttons.
Clip-to-Clip Communication
A clip-holder must be able to pass information to adjacent
clip-holders about its current clip ID number and transition.
This information flows along a sequence from the rightmost
clip-holder to the leftmost clip-holder, through the playcontroller to the PC. Each clip-holder in the sequence
receives a data stream from its neighbor to the right,
appends information about its own clip and transition, and
then passes the new data stream to its left. This data stream
is transmitted in a continuous loop.
Figure 5. The three types of transitions (top: fade, middle:
rotate, bottom: minimize) and the play-controller.
Play-Controller and PC
The play-controller is a circular device that includes a
yellow play button and a jog wheel. Users connect the playcontroller to a clip-holder or the beginning of a sequence of
clips holders that they want to view. Pressing the play
button forwards the data stream to the desktop PC and
triggers an application to play the clip sequence with
transition effects. The application, written using
Macromedia Flash, dynamically composes the movie from
pre-loaded video clips.
We conducted a study to evaluate whether the TVE
provides benefits, compared to a typical graphical editor, in
supporting collaborative editing, exploration of alternative
narratives, and users’ engagement. Our study was also
designed to explore whether the TVE facilitates distributed
Figure 4. Diagram of clip-holder assembly and connections.
We use the iPaq’s audio channels (microphone and speaker
jacks) to encode ASCII data in a frequency modulation
format. This format, similar to early telephone modems,
transmits binary zeros as tones of a base frequency and
binary ones as tones of a higher frequency. The data
transmission rate with this technique is slow (roughly thirty
bytes a second) but adequate for our purposes. We
considered alternative means for transmission including
sending data over infrared or through a serial port.
However, unlike a serial port, which requires several pins,
audio only requires soldering two connections. Audio
transmissions also avoid potential infrared signal
interference problems and can be easily interpreted by
various platforms. Any device with both a microphone and
a speaker could conceivably be wired to work with the TVE
The participants’ task was to create a short movie from preexisting video clips. We provided 28 video clips for
subjects to work with. Each clip ranged from 3 to 15
seconds in length. Three types of transitions were available
for subjects to add where they saw fit. Each pair of
participants was told to work together to create a movie that
would tell a meaningful story. We informed them that we
would ask them about their story when they were finished.
To motivate the participants we told them that their movie
would be judged by an impartial committee, and that the
best movie would be displayed anonymously on the project
Experimental Design
We used a between-subjects design in our study: subjects
worked on only one of the two conditions tested, the TUI
condition or the GUI condition. We designed our
experiment using the co-discovery method where users
work collaboratively to perform a task. For us the
advantage of this technique over a think-aloud protocol is
that the subjects talk about their task naturally. We divided
the subjects into pairs, and each pair was randomly assigned
to perform the task under one condition.
The TVE uses three types of transitions (minimize, rotate,
and fade) to insert graphical effects between adjacent clips.
When inserted, a transition closes a circuit that generates a
button press event on the iPaq. Each transition type
generates its own distinct button event. The software
running on the iPaqs registers these events and inserts the
corresponding transition data into the clip-holder data
Pairs editing in the TUI condition used the TVE, and pairs
editing in the GUI condition used Microsoft Movie Maker
(MMM) [11]. MMM is a typical non-linear editing
application for home video that we chose for its ease of use
and comparable functionality to the TVE. For the GUI
condition subjects were instructed to limit their use of
MMM to viewing clips, sequencing clips and adding one of
three types of transitions that we identified for them by
pointing to their location in the MMM interface. For the
TUI condition subjects were given a few minutes to get
comfortable using the TVE before their session began to
offset the divergence in the experience subjects had with
TUIs and GUIs.
We define an alternative timeline as a variation in a
sequence of clips that fundamentally changes the
participants’ movie
We have identified measures that are associated with each
of the following components: collaboration, exploration,
and engagement. For each measure we present a definition
as well as a set of metrics. Participants filled out a post-test
questionnaire in which they answered 16 questions about
their experience on a 5-point Likert scale where 1 indicates
the participant strongly disagrees, and 5 indicates the
participant strongly agrees. We used these answers as well
as data extracted from videotapes of the experimental
sessions as evidences for analysis.
For both condition subjects were asked to arrange up to a
maximum number of clips from the 28 available clips; for
the TUI condition the maximum was five clips, for the GUI
condition the maximum was ten clips. The variation in
maximum clips for the two conditions was necessitated by
technology constraints discovered during testing. Although
all ten clip-holders were functioning we found that the TVE
was more stable when we used only five of the ten clipholders in the task.
It is important to note that many of these measures are
subjective. We attempted to minimize the error associated
with different analyst’s subjective interpretation of
measures by using one member of our team to conduct all
the video analysis.
We define collaboration as the extent to which partners
mutually participate in the task. We measured collaboration
with the following metrics:
36 subjects participated in our experiment, 12 males and six
females participated in the GUI condition. Their ages
ranged from 20 to 58 with a median age of 27. 12 males and
six females participated in the TUI condition. Their ages
ranged from 18 to 74 with a median age of 27. Participants
in six pairs (three from each condition) indicated that they
knew each other. Subjects were recruited by word of mouth
and were not paid.
C1. Mutual discussion ratio
C2. Turns per minute
C3. Questionnaire answers Q1-Q4 (see Table 1)
We define exploration as the extent to which the interface
encouraged participants to interact with the video clips and
try alternative narratives. We measured exploration with the
following metrics:
For each condition participants filled out a pre-test
questionnaire and a consent form. We then explained the
task to the participants, demonstrated the operation of the
equipment, and asked them to perform the task. Afterwards
we asked each participant to fill out a post-test
questionnaire about the task and the editing process. Each
session was filmed for further analysis.
X1. Number of alternative timelines created by a pair
X2. Questionnaire answers Q5, Q7, and Q11 (see Table
We define engagement as the extent to which participants
enjoyed the task and the extent to which participants were
involved in the task of creating the movie. We measured
engagement with the following metrics:
We have defined several metrics to be used in our
N1. Total discussion ratio
N2. Questionnaire answers Q12-Q16 (see Table 1)
We define a turn as a transition in conversation from one
partner to another (disregarding one word responses such as
“yeah” or “OK”).
We define turns per minute as the number of turns taken by
a pair divided by the total session length.
We used a two-tailed t-test to determine the statistical
validity of both the questionnaire results and the video
analysis. The results are shown in Table 1.
We define mutual discussion ratio as the amount of time
one participant spoke during a session divided by the
amount of time his or her partner spoke. Single word
responses were disregarded.
Our results indicate that partners took more turns per
minute with the TUI condition and contributed more evenly
to the discussion with the TUI condition (C2, C1). In
addition, participants in the GUI condition indicated that
We define total discussion ratio as the sum of both
partners’ speaking time divided by the session length.
*p<0.10, **p<0.05
Alternative timelines
Q5. The interface that I used (TVE or MMM) was easy to use.
Q7. I became very familiar with the content of every video clip available for use in the
Q11. I had trouble figuring out how to do what I wanted while using (TVE or MMM).
Total discussion ratio
I spent more time figuring out how to use the interface (TVE or MMM) that
thinking about our film and how I wanted it to be.
I was really excited to make our short film.
I was very enthusiastic about the editing process.
I enjoyed creating our story and figuring out which clips to use to tell it.
On the whole the editing experience was very fun.
Mutual discussion ratio
Turns per minute
I would have rather worked alone on this project.
I enjoyed working with my partner.
Working with my partner made our editing process more creative than it would
have been working alone.
Either my teammate or I did most of the work in editing our film.
Table 1. Mean results form the video analysis and questions on the post-test questionnaire answered on a 5-Point Likert scale
(1=strongly disagree, 2=disagree, 3=neutral, 4=agree, 5=strongly agree).
one person tended to do most of the editing work (Q4).
However, none of these results were statistically significant.
We observed during the evaluation that participants in the
GUI condition would most often designate one person to
operate the keyboard and mouse for the duration of the task.
Participants in the TUI condition most often shared all of
the work, including operation of the play button.
condition. The anecdotal evidence of user behavior stated
above may help explain this.
Participants with the TUI condition reported that they were
more excited about creating films (Q13) and more
enthusiastic about the editing process (Q14). They also
reported that they had more fun overall (Q16). These results
were found to be statistically significant.
Results from the data show that users of the TVE were
more likely to have preferred working alone on their task
(Q1). This result was not significant, and we hypothesize
that relationships between participants who knew each
other prior to the study might have biased responses to this
On average, participants in the TUI condition did explore
more alternate timelines (3.0 vs. 2.67), but this result was
not statistically significant.
Participants with the GUI condition reported that they
became more familiar with the content of every video clip
than participants with the TUI condition (2.82 vs. 1.61,
p=0.001). In analyzing the session video tapes we noticed
that pairs working on the GUI editor tended to remain silent
and view all available clips prior to discussing what story to
tell, whereas pairs working on the TUI editor began
discussion of story within the first minute of the session.
Our implementation of the TVE in the experimental
condition called for participants to enter an ID number on
the clip-holder’s touch screen with a stylus to change clips,
this took a few seconds to do, while users of MMM only
had to double click on a thumbnail of a clip to watch it.
Answers to Q7 indicate that participants were more likely
to remember the contents of all available clips in the GUI
Figure 6. Clips arranged on table at the third minute of a TVE
session. Clips circled in green (right) are being evaluated;
purple (middle) are a possible timeline; yellow (left) have been
tried and removed from the timeline; the blue clip (top) has
been discarded.
Distributed Cognition
Pairs working on the TVE began to change their
environment as soon as they started the task. This is notable
as evidence of distributed cognition, which has been shown
to aid memory by encoding information pertaining to the
cognitive process in the user’s workspace [13]. While using
Movie Maker, or any other GUI non-linear editor, users are
not given the same ability to manipulate and arrange
information as they are with physical objects and TUIs. On
GUIs users are restricted to organizing information on a
two-dimensional screen within the confines of a display
space. We found that pairs working on the TVE arranged
the paper screen shots for each video clip in meaningful
patterns in their work area (see Figure 6).
Naphtali Santa Anna for their work on the hardware and
software of the TVE, and for helping with the evaluation;
Chris Rogers and the Tufts University Future Technologies
Lab for the use of their laser cutter and workspace; Angela
Chang and Oren Zuckerman for their discussions and
suggestions; and Gene Caputo and ESPN for their
hospitality and help. This work was supported by the
National Science Foundation (grant IIS-0414389).
We observed that typically users on the TVE grouped clips
that they were considering using in their films closer to
their bodies and put clips they did not want to use farther
away. They also arranged the clips into groups on the table
e.g. religious clips in a group, nature clips in a group, etc.
This use of their workspace to offload information is a
powerful tool absent from the GUI environment.
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(Sep. 2000), ACM Press (2000), 74–80.
The TVE interface worked well during our study, and
participants were able to creatively arrange video clips with
it into personal creations. Although it is a functional
interface suitable for testing, the TVE is by no means a
polished, production interface. By limiting the functionality
of Movie Maker during testing, we were able to create a
balanced comparison between the two conditions.
3. Gutwin, C. and Greenberg, S., Design for individuals,
design for groups: tradeoffs between power and
workspace awareness, In Proc. CSCW 1998, ACM Press
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The statistically significant results from our study indicate
that users of the TVE shared the work more evenly than
users of Movie Maker as we had hypothesized, and that
users enjoyed using the TVE more than Movie Maker. We
also found evidences that the TVE facilitated distributed
5. Hornecker, E., Understanding the benefits of graspable
interfaces for cooperative use. In Proc. of Cooperative
Systems Design 2002, 71–87.
6. Huang, C., Not just intuitive: examining the basic
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Abstracts CHI 2004 , ACM Press (2004), 1387–1390.
In this paper we have introduced the Tangible Video Editor
(TVE), a tangible interface for editing sequences of digital
video clips. By embedding handheld devices in the
interface components, the TVE can be used on any surface
under normal lighting conditions and without the need for
an augmented surface, computer vision system, or video
projector. We presented results from a study comparing the
use of the TVE and Microsoft Movie Maker. These results
show that our TVE was successful as a video editing
interface and provided benefits in supporting collaboration,
exploration and users’ engagement as well as facilitating
distributed cognition.
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Y., EnhancedMovie: movie editing on an augmented
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simplicity and focused on the fundamental operations of
digital video editing. In order to truly recapture some of the
lost advantages of traditional film editing we are planning
to implement advanced features of video editing such as
video scrubbing, force-feedback temporal controls and
trimming in future versions of our TVE.
11.Microsoft Movie Maker.
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