Justin Victa CIS212

Justin Victa
Well, first of all, I did not really like how the site looked. But I can tell it was hard
work for the web developer to develop the site all by himself. Although, I am
pretty sure that several people worked on this site. I noticed numerous
inconsistencies concerning the codes. It was mixed. When I mean mixed, it was
not just HTML5. I noticed javascript and css was implemented in the main page
source code. Anyways, I found out that the web site needed some improvements
and to be modern. In my opinion, this process would take a while, like weeks. I
tried to see what I can do in this timeframe, based on what I have learned. The
knowledge gained during exploring a solution for the project was great. I have the
ability to do what I want. I have the power to change the look based on what I
preferred. But I have to admit first, the HTTRACK web site copier was not that
helpful, in my opinion. Why? I am just working on the main page. Because when I
tried to access the main page through the Notepad++, it showed the page that
lets you choose what project to work on. It did not go straight to the code for the
County website. What I did was save the main page by right clicking and saving
the file along with the additional content. I do not sure if that can be legit, but in
this case, it worked--sort of.
I attempted to remodel most of the site, and I like it, in my opinion. I used the
Twitter bootstrap files to help with the main directory. I had to use most of the
bootstrap files such as the jquery, javascript, css, and such. I did have some
issues with the indentation/margin/padding/spacing. But I tried my best (probably
80%), to make it work. Fun. Nothing but fun. Mainly I had to remove some links,
do a lot of reorganization, implement new features, and a lot of tweaking with the
existing code. I am not surprised that there was 800 lines of code. I had to go line
by line to see what needed change. It was time consuming. But like I said, it was
fun. Nothing but fun. I had to insert the bootstrap links in its proper place for it to
work. I did tweak with the bootstrap a bit.
I tried to create a message board/upcoming events feature in the center part of
the site. It is colored white, but I will admit, it was a bit confusing for the
organization. Why? I still had problems with the Imperial County introduction
feature overlap with the message board. I do believe I had too much space at the
Anyhow, I really enjoyed redesigning the website, even if it was just the main
page itself. To sum up, I really enjoyed this project. Awesome!