Significant People – Foundations of Democratic Rule

Significant People – Foundations of Democratic Rule
Using your textbook pages 114-117, fill out the remaining chart by identifying and
discussing some of the contributions to Greek Democracy by the following
first elected to ARCHON for the
year 621 BCE
most power still in hands of
aristocrats, who owned most of
the land
commoners had no political rights.
Main contribution = codified
Athenian laws so that they applied
to all citizens.
Code still favoured wealthy but did
offer some protection for the
common people and pointed the
way to universal legal rights.
Draco’s laws most often
associated with measures and
punishments that were extremely
severe or oppressive.
Comparing and Contrasting Athenian Democracy vs. Spartan Oligarchy
Compare the government of Athens with that of Sparta, and assess the
advantages and disadvantages of each system using the information located on
page 114-118 of your text along with the handout given.
Athenian Democracy
Key terms: strategos, ostracism,
ostraka, magistrates, basileus, archon,
thesmothetai, polemarch
Spartan Oligarchy
Key terms: homoioi, helots, Ephorate,
Ephor, Gerousia (Council of Elders)