Archetypes in Daedalus and Icarus 1. 2.

Archetypes in Daedalus and Icarus
Present Day Allusions to the Myth
ICARUS is devoted to the publication of original contributions in the field of Solar System
studies. Manuscripts reporting the results of new research - observational, experimental,
or theoretical - concerning the astronomy, geology, meteorology, physics, chemistry,
biology, and other scientific aspects of our Solar System or extrasolar systems are
Who is Icarus Verilog?
The main compiler is written by (and copyright) Stephen Williams. That's me. In fact, I'm still working on it, and will continue to work
on it for the foreseeable future. I'm a software engineer specializing in device drivers and embedded systems, although I have some
limited hardware design experience.
Tourism that won’t cost the earth
The Icarus Foundation envisions a prosperous tourism industry that balances ecosystem and climate
health, social well-being and economic prosperity. The Icarus Foundation is a Canadian not-for-profit
policy, advocacy, consulting, research and education organization focused on cultivating a truly
sustainable tourism industry which responds to today and tomorrow’s social economic and
environmental challenges including climate change, global inequality and changing demographics .
Icarus Interstellar
The mission of Icarus Interstellar is to realize interstellar flight before the year 2100.