Document 14386679

Reference Frames - Teacher Notes
Guiding Questions:
What are the differences in reference frames?
Which reference frame is necessary for different scenarios?
1. Simulation Activity
2. Reference Frames PowerPoint
3. RAFT Assignment
This lesson is intended to be included in an introduction to science unit. It should take around 3
days depending on your class length.
Inspired by the Dawn Relative Motion RAFT Writing Activity by JPL
1. If you haven’t done a RAFT before, make sure to model it for the students first.
2. Ask students to consider the following guiding questions as they write:
R = role
Who are you as a writer?
A = audience
To whom are you writing?
F = format
What form will the writing take?
T = topic
What is the subject?
4. Depending on your students, either let the students choose their own scenario or assign them.
o Assigning the scenarios can allow you to differentiate.
o For ELLs, you can create a word bank of words and phrases that they could use.
o If your students struggle with writing, have the students create outlines for about five
minutes and then share their work with neighbors.
5. Then, depending on time, have the students work on the writing for the rest of class or finish it for