Usually we would say, “Happy cold and snowy December 14

Usually we would say, “Happy cold and snowy December 14th”, but strangely it is not cold (yet!)
You may have noticed that there was not any homework in your child’s folder on Friday. That was not a
mistake! It is a gift from us! The only expectation for this week is to read the books that come home in
the bright bags! (No written work, or spelling/WTW) The class is working to earn 15 quiet cubes, so we
can have stuffed animal day on Friday. We are well on our way! (A well behaved, small to medium sized
stuffed animal may join your child on Friday.)
Food pantry graph~ We have seen lots of generous food donations inside lockers. Thank you! It’s not
too late to bring in food. Our graphing activity fits best into our schedule on Thursday. Our class is
collecting canned fruit/vegetable, plastic jar of peanut butter, mayonnaise, or jelly.
In Social Studies, we are continuing our cultural comparison unit. Is anyone interested in teaching us
about a tradition from your cultural or ethnic background? We can schedule it for after winter break.
Have a great week!