Make a Scene

Make a Scene
-adapted from Janet Burroway’s Imaginative Writing
“…if the story is about a man and a woman changing a tire on a remote highway…you’ve nonetheless got to
convince me of the highway, the tire, the night, the margin, the shoulder, the gravel under their knees, the lug nuts,
the difficulty getting the whole thing apart and back together, and the smells. You must do that. But that’s not what
you’re there to deliver. That’s the way you’re going to seduce me…after you’ve got my shirt caught in the machine
of the story and you’ve drawn me in, what you’re really going to crush me with are these hearts and these people.
Who are they?” -from an interview with Ron Carlson by Susan McInnis
Your assignment is to write a scene. Your main focus is setting, rather than plot or character. Write a
scene that will pull your readers in so they want to keep going to find out about what will happen to the
characters. You don’t even have to know what will happen to them yet. You just want to hook a reader
with your vivid description. If you’re stuck, try writing the scene above, or write about two characters
meeting somewhere for a date or a business transaction. Don’t tell us where or when, but let us know
through the sounds, smells, textures, and sights when and where the scene takes place. (18 points)
 300-500 words (this assignment sheet has almost 300 words)
You must use at least four different senses.
Please circle and label one example for each of the four senses you use. (4 circles total)
Include one fitting metaphor or simile and underline it.
Type this assignment, 1.5 space it (to fit it on one page), and print it with the proper CW
heading (upper right hand corner: name, assignment title, date). It is due when you come
in tomorrow.
Make a Scene Rubric
__/3 Sensory detail 1
__/3 Sensory detail 2
__/3 Sensory detail 3
__/3 Sensory detail 4
__/3 Metaphor/simile
0=element not present
1=present, missing label, and example needs to be strengthened
2=present, missing label or example needs to be strengthened
3=present, strong, and labelled
Make a Scene Rubric
__/3 Sensory detail 1
__/3 Sensory detail 2
__/3 Sensory detail 3
__/3 Sensory detail 4
__/3 Metaphor/simile
0=element not present
1=present, missing label, and example needs to be strengthened
2=present, missing label or example needs to be strengthened
3=present, strong, and labelled