Document 14321534

The start-up at Philip Pocock, although hectic, was very smooth. We have registered many new students and I appreciate
all the extra effort on the part of the staff, especially the guidance department and the support staff, in welcoming and
accommodating the new members of our community.
The school year started in the last week of August with an opening meeting for the staff and an extremely well-attended
Grade 9 Orientation and Barbeque. For almost 100 incoming grade 9 students, the school year began with our new Get
Ready for High School Program. The program ran for 4 days in the second last week in August. It focused on literacy,
numeracy and study skills, and an orientation to Philip Pocock.
For the third year, we are continuing the successful LinkCrew Program to help our new students with their transition to our high school.
Led by Ms. Burazin and several staff members and more than 60 senior students volunteered some of their summer to be trained in the
program. We credit this program for the increased participation (especially among grade 9 and 10 students) in the many clubs and teams
that are available at Pocock, and an increased sense of inclusiveness and community among students. The Link Leaders are becoming a
very important organization in the school. In addition to Link Crew activities, many Link Leaders have been involved in our new Grade 9
Mega-Retreat, Girls’ Night In, Boys’ Night In and our anti-bullying program.
There have been a few staff changes this year. Vice Principal Sharon Bolger was transferred to St. Joseph, and we welcome Donovan
Patterson to his first appointment as Vice Principal. Mr. Patterson has hit the ground running – organizing the Community Movie Night
in September and partnering with the Toronto Argos on a new Anti-Bullying program called “Huddle Up”.
In addition, we welcome two new staff members: George Raya (a Pocock Alumnus) in Theology and Vicenza Mazzotta in Hair and Aesthetics.
Throughout this year we will look forward to improvements in many ways: an expanded Student Success Initiative supporting continued
improvement in EQAO Grade 9 Math and OSSLT results, enhanced individual success evidenced by improved credit accumulation, progress on our Sacred Space initiative utilizing bulletin boards, display cases and wall murals, and ongoing development of our pastoral plan
and retreat program.
A major initiative this year is a focus on revitalizing our Grade 9 Applied and Grade 9 Locally Developed Math programs.
Led by the Principal, six Math teachers and the Student Success Teacher have formed a Professional Learning Team that
is focusing on increasing student success through improved classroom
instruction using evidence based inquiry.
Philip Pocock Catholic Secondary School
4555 Tomken Road, Mississauga, Ontario, L4W 1J9
Charles Blanchard, Superintendent
Mario Pascucci, Trustee Wards 1 & 3
Fax: 905-890-0888
Anna Abbruscato, Chair of the Board, Trustee Ward 4
905-890-0708 x24239
Henry Tyndorf
Vice Principals
Donovan Patterson A-K
Marija Burazin
School Council Chair Margaret Ramlogan
As part of our continuing effort to ensure that Philip Pocock remains a
safe and inclusive learning community, we will focus on issues of
cyber-safety, appropriate interaction between students, cyber-bullying
and related issues. The Caring Committee will be working on various
strategies to improve the school climate through enhanced communication, education, raising awareness and engaging parents.
This year will be one of consolidation of previous years’ goals and of
embarking on some new ones. I encourage every parent/guardian to get
on board with our Catholic School Learning Plan by finding ways that
you can participate, whether as a member of School Council, a fan at a
sporting event, an audience member at a cultural event or supporting
your son or daughter through direct involvement in the education process.
To quote a former Dufferin-Peel principal, the late Ed King, we challenge
you to “Take a risk. Get involved. Be committed.” The Philip Pocock
Catholic School community and your son or daughter will be the
Henry Tyndorf BASc, MBA, BEd, OCT
The Pocock Chaplaincy Team was busy organizing three major events this fall: the grade 9 mega‐retreat, the Thanksgiving program, and the Haitian dancers visit. Grade 9 mega‐retreat: September 22, 2011 was our first ever grade nine ‘mega‐retreat’. Every single grade nine student gathered at Saint Volo‐
dymyr Cultural Centre for prayer, reflection, an inspirational guest speaker (Ken Dryfhout), and musical guests ‘BlueVeil Ministries’. Our Link Leaders helped run the retreat, guiding their groups in a discussion about the importance of ‘standing up’ for our faith, for what is right, and for peace and respect in our school commu‐
nity. What a great way for the newest members of our student body to experience the truth of our Pocock motto: “Let this be a school with spirit!” Thanksgiving: Thanksgiving is a time to give thanks to God for his many blessings, but it is also a time of giving to those in need. This year, our Thanksgiving drive raised almost 3000 pounds of food donations for the Mississauga Food Bank. Our grade‐level assemblies (October 6 and 7) gathered us for prayer and for a special presenta‐
tion on the current crisis in East Africa. After learning more about the drought and poverty in places like Kenya and Somalia, students were inspired to get involved and raise money for the cause. Haitian Dancers: On Friday, October 21, on the Pocock stage, the Resurrection Dance Theatre performed ‘Rising from the Rubble’‐‐ a dramatic dance and drumming show that both entertained and inspired. This dance and theatre group is part of a charitable organization working in Haiti to rescue homeless, orphaned, and impoverished children. Many of the perform‐
ers were once child slaves or street children. They shared their stories and accepted donations to help them rebuild some of their schools that were destroyed in last year’s earthquake. Scott Smalrige‐Chaplain After-school Math Help: 2:15 – 3:15 in Room 318
Ms. Lila, Mr. Johnson and Mr. Kevork
Mr. Kontewicz and Mr. Kevork
Ms. Serwin and Mr. Kevork
Ms. Tran and Mr. Kevork
Math department teachers are also available in the mornings everyday from 7:30- 8:00
Please contact us for any concerns you might have @ Extensions: 69192 & 69190
Visit and Learn:
1) Purple 2) Khan 3) Patrick Just Math
4) The ILC Homework Help is available to all on
Enrichment Programs: Waterloo University Contests, Problem of the Week
Philip Pocock Gets Ready !
As part of our ongoing School Student Success initiatives, we were very excited to offer a
new program last August – “The Get Ready for High School Program”.
The “Get Ready!” Program is designed to facilitate the transition for students from Grade
8 into high school by providing them with an opportunity to review key concepts in literacy
and numeracy, as well as introduce effective learning strategies and organizational skills.
The program also consists of orientation to secondary school including an overview of secondary programs, schedules, school layout and practices.
The program itself is a 4 day (20 hour) program offered to students in late August prior to
the September start up. This past August, a total of 90 students participated in the inaugural
program. A total of six teachers from our school provided engaging lessons and activities. Each day followed a 3 period schedule
incorporating literacy, numeracy and a
school readiness component. As well the
students were treated to motivational
speaker, Eroll Lee, who combined dance
and music in his positive Catholic message
of respect for all.
Perhaps the most important advantage of
this program was the ability of students to make early connections to the school through building
relationships with new peers and teachers. There was much positive feedback from
participating students, parents and from the teachers involved in the program.
Motivational Speaker: Eroll Lee
We hope to continue and build on our early success with this program for next August.
The Pocock Safe Schools Committee is proud to introduce the Huddle Up
Anti-Bullying Program. This award-winning program developed by the
Toronto Argonauts will augment the efforts of Pocock’s very active Student Wellness team in creating a positive school climate where people
feel safe and learning is the priority. The Student–led Huddle-Up team
has already been working on a full year of activities including….
 The establishment of a Student Leadership Team
 Classroom Visits and Dramatic presentations
 A School Bus trip to an Argos Game
 A Parent Information Night
 A Student Assembly with an Argonaut Player
 A Student Assembly with Argonauts Cheerleaders
 A Leadership Team Symposium with representatives of other
schools in May
If you have any questions or suggestions, please contact the school and
ask to speak to Mr. Patterson, Mr. Coccimiglio or Ms. Taylor.
Mr. Dave Mezgec—Student Success Teacher
On Friday, September 23rd, Pocock’s students,
staff and community members came together to
kick off the new school year at “Pocock Presents…” – a movie night in the park. Fortunately,
the cloudy and wet weather did not deter moviegoers despite having to move the event indoors.
They began arriving at 6:30 for the 7:00 feature
presentation, Pirates of the Caribbean. Guests
were greeted at the doors with the warm scent of
freshly popped popcorn in the air. The cafeteria
benches were quickly filled and the movie began
playing on the big screen. It was a truly wonderful
experience. Attendees brought non-perishable
food items in support of Pocock’s Thanksgiving
Food Drive. An impressive total of 10 large boxes
were filled with donations for the Mississauga
Food Bank. Special thanks to Vice-Principal Mr.
Patterson and all the teachers who helped organize
this special evening. This event marks the first of
what will be an annual event at Pocock to kick off
the school year to support the Mississauga Food Bank. We hope to see
you next year at “Pocock Presents…”
On Thursday, October 6, 2011 Signora Polin-De Luca’s Grade 10 Italian
Class had the opportunity to visit the CHIN Radio Station. Students saw
first-hand how radio shows were done, and visited the first “Little Italy”,
home of the first multi-cultural radio station in Ontario.
After our visit, we went over to Capitol Trattoria where we were presented
with a variety of different flavours to be savoured. What a culinary treat
for our senses - the food appealed to sense of taste, smell and sight. The
dishes presented before us looked great, smelled great and tasted great!
Students also participated in a Scavenger Hunt and familiarized themselves with the rich diversity makes up College Street today. Special
thanks to Signora PolinDe Luca and Mr. Mezgec
for organizing and accompand accompanying our
Sempre Avanti…
e alla prossima…
Want an experience you will never forget? An experience that begins by boarding a jumbo jet An opportunity awaits that will change your life forever Sign up for the Europe Trip to experience this endeavor From Pisa to Paris, Venice to Bruges and Florence to France Euro Trip over the March break will be quite the chance To experience the best that Europe has to show The only thing missing will be Van Gogh Everyone is welcome to sign‐up, Come to the Modern’s Office to see more of what’s up Don’t miss these opportunities To visit these European communities Check out the itinerary and pick up your registration package from Madame Polin‐De Luca. There are still some spots available. Don’t miss out! It truly is the experience of a lifetime. Deadline for registration: November 25, 2011 On Tuesday, October 20th, 2011, several of the Core and Extended Grades 11-12 French classes had the opportunity
of experiencing French Theatre at its best. The students were transported back to 17th century France where human
interaction has become defined by hypocrisy. The main character, Alceste, is unwilling to compromise his rigid standards of honesty and truthful behavior. The themes of hypocrisy, acceptance of human flaws, the irrationality of love,
and the rationality of compromise made a definite impression on our students. In fact, many appreciated and were able
to identify with their favourite character. Many thanks go out to Madame Bruno, Madame Donahue, Monsieur Doherty,
Madame Ferrari, and Madame Polin-De Luca for organizing and sharing the day’s experience.
Madame Ferrari’s Grade 10 Extended French class topped off their study of “Cyrano de Bergerac” with various monologues “sporting the snout”! Students memorized sections of the very famous “Tirade du nez” and brought to life the “larger that than life” character of Cyrano and his “protuberance exuberante”! Capes, caps, swords and words were flashed about in dramatic and comical discourse as each student personified the famous playwright. Très bien classe! Madame Ferrari What a great semester the ESL Department has had so
far! We welcome back Ms. Sarwan who is teaching the
C/D level courses as well as Ms. Bruno who joins the ESL
team in the resource room. We also welcome back Mrs.
Carola Cuadra from the Dixie Bloor Neighbourhood Center.
To date, we have had presentations on the following topics: resume, writing, cover letters, getting to know
your school, and Cyberbullying. The ESL EO class has
just completed a "Works Consulted" module at the library
with the assistance of Ms. Dillon. Class assignments are
keeping the students busy refining their English skills.
We remind students to take advantage of the ESL
resource periods throughout the semeter. Our
door is always open! Remember to review
your notes daily and always be prepared for
class in proper uniform.
This semester, the student artists of Mrs.
Seaman’s grade 11 class are learning about
the Renaissance period of Art History. This
period of Art History is the most important
time for the religious themes of our Christian
faith. Many beautiful masterpieces by artists
such as Leonardo Da Vinci, Michelangelo, and
Raphael, depict the beauty of the Madonna
and child, the saints and angels.
In studio, students study how to achieve realism in the figures and faces, hand gestures,
drapery and landscapes in their paintings.
This level of difficulty requires much dedication to develop the skills of proportion, perspective, the affects of light on colour shading and highlights (chiaroscuro, Italian Renaissance term).
The Communication Department “Group of
Five” Art students of Mrs. Seaman have
worked on many themes in the first half of
this semester. Our group enjoys walks outdoors around the school to view nature such
as trees, flowers, cloud formations, affects of
light on colour etc. We are fortunate to have
many varieties of trees on school property
such as, evergreen, maple trees, and a beautiful willow tree at the front of the school.
We studied the structure of the trees as well as the change in colour
of the fall foliage. October brings Halloween and our students designed masquerade-style masks.
Miss McKay's
Grades Nine and
Ten Visual Art
students have been
very busy learning
the basics of drawing and shading.
They have also
created a family of
cartoon characters.
As an art appreciation exercise they
drew a cartoon
image of themselves surrounded by a page full of
random thoughts expressing freely what art is or
what it could be.
As a major assignment,
they created Chine Cole
Prints using the printing
press to superimpose
black designs on top of a
thematic collaged background. They are now
working towards a realistic self-portrait in pencil,
which incorporates
objects and symbols that
represent aspects of their
Ontario University Fair: This was held on October 14th, 15th, and 16th at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre. Many students and parents attended this annual event. Ontario College Fair: This was held on October 25th, at the Direct Energy Building at the Exhibition. Many of our students attended this event. rd
University Fair: Wednesday, November 2
, 2011, nd
Philip Pocock held our 3 annual University and College Fair. Thanks to all 24 Universities and 11 Colleges who made the evening a great success for all parents and students in the Mississauga East family of schools! University Applications: PIN numbers were distrib‐
uted to University bound students on November 1
and 2nd, during lunch hours. Students may now begin to apply to University choices. University open houses are happening this fall, and students are encouraged to begin making visits to their possible University choices for next year. Drop by Student Services or visit for the dates and times of all open houses! Application deadline to OUAC this year: January 11th, 2012. College Applications: Students applying to Colleges st
. in Ontario, may begin to do so after October 1
February 1st, 2012 is the last recommended date to st
submit applications. February 1 , is the first release of offers, and by May 1st, applicants must confirm offers of admission to their chosen programs. Open houses for all programsare in progress now and throughout the fall. Check out for more information. Many tours take place during March Break. Be sure to check them out! Last day to drop a course: The last day students in grade 12 may drop a course without having it show on a transcript is November 28th, 2011. Please see your counselor if you have concerns about a course you are presently enrolled in. Scholarships: Students are reminded to visit the Scholarship board in Student Services for new scholarships arriving daily! See Mrs. Saddlemyer for more information during your lunch hours! Sign up at Grade 12 University Presentations: September 29th, during period 1, counselors met with all Grade 12 students who were potential University or College bound students, to review the process of applying to a University in Ontario or a College in Ontario. Grade 11 Assembly: On November 2nd, counselors assembled all Grade 11 students for an information meeting regarding course selection for next year, and University and College applications. It is our hope that early knowledge about courses will make the transition to post‐ secon‐
dary education a smooth one for our students. Community Services Hours: Any potential graduates are reminded that 40 hours community service must be completed by April 2nd, 2012. Please hand in a record of your hours to Ms. Metallo in Student Services as soon as they are completed. Check the community service bulletin board, or the Pocock website, for more information. OSAP (Ontario Student Assistance Program): Information is expected to be available in early spring at the following website: th
Grade 8 Feeder School Visits: During the week of November 28
through until December 2nd, Philip Pocock guidance counselors will be visiting our feeder school students. We will highlight our school programs, community and extracurricular opportunities. The Philip Pocock Cooperative
Education department is off to a
great start for the 2011/2012 school
year. Students are all placed and
are now being exposed to real work
experiences. Placements are varied and offer worthwhile opportunities in such areas as: Teaching, Automotive Industry,
Culinary Arts, Computer Technology, Heating and Air Conditioning, Pet Retail and Early Childhood Education. Our
department would like to welcome the following businesses
who are new to our program: Beechwood Retirement Home,
N.J. Style Cut, Urban Behaviour, Bluenotes, Jack & Jones,
Taurus Auto Collision, Healing Centre, Montreal Dobuk and
Taekwondo Supplies, McDonald Auto Service, Hollymoon
Detailing Services, Basic Package Ltd., Rivergrove Veterinarian, Aldo Shoes, Starsky’s, and AW Mechanical.
This semester we have a number of students who will be
registered for the Ontario Youth Apprenticeship Program
OYAP. The benefits of this include, post secondary funding
for college and training, grants for tools and a head-start on
accumulation of apprenticeship hours. OYAP students are
eligible for College subsidies and grants worth 80% of their
tuition fees. As well, all Coop students have received CPR
and First Aid Level 1 certification through Lifesaver 101.
As an educational community, we recognize that almost 50%
of our students enter the workplace after high school. We,
therefore, need to equip them with entry level skills and work
experience to be successful. The Cooperative Education
Department is working together with our
business community to make sure that
these students successfully transition into
the workplace. Please contact the Philip Pocock Cooperative Education Department @
905-602-6172 for further details.
Traffic in front of the school both on Tomken and on our
driveway has improved with the new traffic flow pattern that was
introduced last year.
The traffic flow has been designed with the idea that parents
would enter the grounds at either the North or South entrance,
drive to the rear of the school to drop off students and then exit
through either driveway.
However, some parents choose not to follow this pattern.
A major traffic bottleneck is caused by those parents who stop
short as they enter school property. Please don’t do that. Young
people can do with a little walk in the morning and
other parents can do without the aggravation.
We ask parents to exercise a little patience and
show consideration for all by following the
traffic rules on school grounds.
Grade 8 Information Night: Thursday, January 12th, all parents and students of our family of feeder schools, are invited to an in‐
formation evening and tour of the school. Mark this on the calen‐
dar if you have siblings who will be attending Philip Pocock in 2012 – 2013. More information to follow. November 23, 2011.….School Council Mtg @ 7:00 pm November 26, 2011……......Last Day for Level Changes November 27, 2011……….….……....Santa Claus Parade November 29, 2011……….…..Gr. 8 Registration Begins December 21, 2011……......…….…………...….Civvies Day December 23, 2011………...…….…….Last day of classes Dec. 25, 2011‐Jan. 6, 2012……….…….. Christmas Break January 9, 2012….…….…...………...……….Back to School January 9‐24, 2012…Exam Preparation (No activities) January 9, 2012……………....Option Sheets Distributed January 12, 2012…… ..…….Grade 8 Information NIght Janurary 25, 2012.……..……...Semester 1 Exams Begin January 25, 2012.……..School Council Mtg @ 7:00 pm February 1, 2012 ……...………………...Exam Review Day February 2, 2012……….D Day—Semester Turnaround February 3, 2012……… ..…….Semester 2 classes begin ● Great recipes donated by staff, students & parents
● Great gift for ANY OCCASION
● Only $10.00 (Available in the Office)
● Proceeds go towards the school sound system
From the School Library Information Centre Staff: Check out this recipe...and there are many more…
B. Dillon ‐ Teacher‐Librarian E. Solayman ‐ Library Technician HENRY’S LOBSTER PASTA
Hours: Monday – Friday – 7:30 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. (Wednesdays – 7:30 ‐ 2:45) graphic courtesy of OSLA
Another Staffing Change! 1 can frozen, cooked lobster
Please join me in welcoming Mrs. Solayman as our new Library Technician. She comes to us from the Mississauga Library system’s Courtney Park branch, and has plenty of experience working with teenagers. 500 g thick pasta (papardelle
1/2 tsp. sea salt
large rigatoni,/shells, linguine)
1/2 medium onion, chopped
1/2 tsp. white pepper
What’s happening @ your library? 500 g asparagus, chopped
Into 3 to 4 cm chunks
3/4 cup heavy cream
It’s been a busy first two months, with a variety of classes booked into the library for lessons and research. So far, both the Communication and Planning for Independence classes a as well as the grade 11 Biology classes are working on different projects in the library. Ms. Stoneman’s period 4 grade 9 GLE class is participating in The Orca Challenge, which challenges students to read a certain number of novels during the semester. This challenge is designed to help students improve their reading skills and develop confidence in themselves as readers. Our White Pine books have just arrived, so, by the time you read this, our White Pine Award Read‐
ing Program should be underway. Resources @ your library We were able to renew our subscription to EBSCO, so students will continue to have access to this excellent collection of online resources. This year, our subscription also includes a new database: the English Language Learners Resource Center. . 2 Tbsp chopped garlic
1/2 tsp dried oregano
1/2 tsp dried oregano
1/2 tsp onion powder
Defrost lobster (3hours). Cook pasta al dente. The next 3
steps tak only 10 minutes maximum, so if you use a thick
pasta, wait until the pasta is 1/2 done before continuing
with the rest of the this. The idea is to have the pasta hot
when sauce is finished. In a skillet, sauté asparagus,
garlic and onion in olive oil with all of the spices.
When asparagus is just beginning to soften, add
lobster and heat through. When lobster is warm
enough, add cream. Bring cream to a boil and let
boil for 5 to 10 minutes to thicken, stirring
Pour over pasta and serve.
In Closing… Please don’t hesitate to contact me if you have any questions about the School Library Infor‐
mation Centre. and please do drop by if you’re in the school. written by B. Dillon, Teacher‐Librarian Newsletter Coordinator & Layout Person: E. Polin-De Luca
Editors: T. Bruno, E. Polin-De Luca, S. Popowich