June Father Francis McSpiritt Newsletter 2015

Father Francis McSpiritt June Newsletter 2015
Principal’s Message
I would like to take this opportunity to thank the many wonderful partners
who have supported our Father Francis McSpiritt School community this
year. I would also like to thank our amazing staff for sharing their gifts with
our students, not only academically, but also sharing their time to support the
wide variety of activities, clubs, sports, environmental projects, etc.
G. Sideroff
Thank you to our office staff for their commitment to looking after the needs
of our students and staff, and to our custodians who make sure that our school
halls and grounds are always clean and safe.
Vice Principal:
S. Salameh
K. Walsh
J. Carere
A big thank you to our Catholic School Council for their dedication in
supporting our school initiatives and thank you to all of our volunteers, for
without you, many events would not have been possible.
D. Oude-Reimerink
Brampton North -East
(905) 890-1221
S. Xaviour
St. Patrick’s Church
(905) 794-0486
Fr. V. Marziliano
Alongside Father Marziliano and Mr. Salameh, our Vice Principal, it has been
a pleasure serving the Father Francis McSpiritt community and I am truly
grateful for all of your support.
I would particularly like to thank Mr. Salameh for his dedication and
commitment to our McSpiritt Community. Mr. Salameh will be moving
schools for the September 2015/16 school year. We wish him all the best. Our
staff and students will miss him.
We would like to welcome Mr. MacSween who will join our fantastic
community in September. We look forward to working with him.
Please join us for the end-of-year mass with Fr. Marziliano on June 16 at
10:00 AM in the school gymnasium.
Father Francis McSpiritt
Catholic School
55 Lexington Road
Brampton, Ontario
L6P 2B1
Telephone: (905) 794-5031
Fax- (905) 794-9542
I wish everyone a safe, summer break and look forward to working with you
once again in September.
Remember that our newsletter can also be accessed by logging on to our
school website: www.dpcdsb.org/MCSPI
Kiss ‘N Ride
Lunch Policy
Father Francis McSpiritt June Newsletter 2015
Growing Together in Faith and Celebrating our Differences
Our Virtue for June…Fairness
This month, we celebrate the virtue of Fairness. We will learn that:
A Fair Person…
 Listens to all sides before forming opinions
 Shows good sportsmanship at all times
 Knows that the same rules apply to everyone
 Refuses to twist rules to avoid consequences
 Works to bring about peaceful solutions to problems
 Cheers on the successes of others
 Can balance their own rights and responsibilities with those of others
Our Prayer in June
Dear God,
You have done such a marvelous job of creating us and the world around us. You have placed this
creation, including all the people we meet, in our care.
We come to you now asking for the grace and strength to be fair.
Every day we are tempted to show that we are a little bit superior to those around us. Grant us the
strength to resist that temptation. Keep our minds and our hearts focused on your great plan for all
people instead of our own small plans for ourselves.
We ask this in the name of Jesus, our brother, who lived to show us your way.
End of School Year Mass with Fr. Vito – June 16 – 10:00 AM
Please join us in our school gym
Dear Students, Parents / Guardians, Staff, Administration and Friends of our school communities
here at St. Patrick. Greetings and blessings to all of you.
A few more weeks of school left and another academic year is over. I give thanks to God for all
that this past year has entailed. The joys that have been shared. The learning that has occurred.
The friendships that have been created. Yes, even the challenges that have been faced and
overcome thanks to the love and care of friends and neighbours.
Father Francis McSpiritt June Newsletter 2015
No doubt we are all the wiser, thanks to what the school year has provided for us. Our end of the
year mass with each of the schools will help us focus on the most important of all lessons we can
learn in life: the love of Jesus for each one of us. With a special reflection on the Scared Heart of
Jesus, that the month of June invites us to consider (especially Friday, June 12 this year, Feast of
the Sacred Heart), each child will receive a medal of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. We hope and trust
they will treasure this little gift as a reminder of how much God loves us. As the various schools
inform you of the date and time for their final school mass of the year, I hope many of you will join
us in worship.
As I wish you a blessed, joyful and safe summer, it is my hope that these months ahead will
provide for us an opportunity to enjoy family, friends, and lots of fun. I look forward to continue
seeing you at our Sunday Liturgies. For those who may not be aware of our Sunday Mass Schedule,
here it is again:
Saturday, 5 PM – English Mass
Sunday, 8:30 AM and 10:00 AM – English Masses
11:30 AM – Italian Mass
1 PM and 7:30 PM – English Masses
In July, I will be leading a pilgrimage to the shrine of Our Lady of Lourdes in France with a large
number of parishioners. There I promise to remember you, your families and your needs, in my
Blessings to all, Fr. Vito.
Catholic Education Week
Thank you to all the parents and guardians who took time out of their busy schedules to visit
classrooms, workshops, and our school production, “The Wizard of Oz”. It was great seeing you all
here supporting your children and our school.
Thank you to the McSpiritt staff for providing the community an opportunity to witness excellence
in Catholic Education.
School BBQ
Once again this year, our School Council is organizing a free BBQ for our students. M&M
Meats will set up their BBQ on June 12th to BBQ hamburgers.
Permission forms have been sent home.
with signed permission forms will be able
your child returns their signed form to their teacher. Thank you in
advance to the council and the parents who are volunteering their time.
Father Francis McSpiritt June Newsletter 2015
Summer Safety
We are seeing a number of injuries related to students wearing flip-flops and open toe shoes. For
safety reasons, we ask that your children wear closed toe shoes to school.
Also, as the warm summer season has finally arrived, please remember to send your child to
school with sunscreen and a sun hat. Outdoor play is part of the school day and we want students
to be able to enjoy it in a safe manner.
Sports Corner
You may have noticed early morning practices in our school yard. Track and Field, Soccer and
Beach Volleyball season is here! The Track and Field meet is taking place on June 11 at St.
Marcellinus Secondary School. Girls’ Soccer is on June 9 and the boys’ meet is on June 16 at
Creditview Field. Beach Volleyball is taking place on June 17 at Chinguacousy Park. Six of our
Intermediate students participated in the Cardinal Cross Fit Games at Aquinas Secondary School
for the very first time this year. It has been a fantastic sporting season. Go Mustangs!
Our students have well represented our school. Thank you to all of our coaches for their
commitment and dedication as they volunteer their personal time to coach your children. We
wish our teams all the best.
Catholic Womens’ League Junior Speech Competition
CONGRATULATIONS to our Junior students for an excellent performance at the speech
competition that was held at St. Patrick School on May 7th. McSpiritt sent three competitors:
Jessica, Charlena and Natasha. Congratulations to Jessica, who received the 1st place medal.
Thank you to all our Junior teachers for preparing our students.
Music Monday
Our School Choir attended the “Music Monday” annual event that takes place at Celebration
Square in Mississauga. Student choirs from both the Peel and Dufferin-Peel School Boards –
Elementary and Secondary- enjoyed musical performances. The final performance was a song
that all schools had rehearsed and sang together. It was a great day and thank you to Ms. Huber
and Ms. Scanlon for sharing their musical talents with our students.
Father Francis McSpiritt June Newsletter 2015
Medication and Epi-Pens
All school - stored medication and Epi-Pens will be returned to students on the last day of school
along with renewal forms for next year. Please have the forms signed and submitted to the office
on the first day of school. Medications should not be stored in a student’s backpack without the
knowledge /consent of the principal. This is for student safety.
Confirmation & First Communion
Congratulations to all Grade 8’s who received the Sacrament of Confirmation on May 23.
Thank you to Mrs. Symbolik, Mr. Parent and Mr. MacNeil for preparing the students.
Congratulations to all Grade 2’s, and all other students, who received the Sacrament of First
Communion on May 16.
Thank you to Mrs. Steward, Mrs. Boland, Mrs. Scanlon, Mrs. Scianna, and Mrs. Borges for
preparing all the students.
To Parents of Students in Grades 6 & 7 – Notices went home – through the
school, St. Patrick Church, and information posted on the school website and
Twitter, regarding three information sessions that took place on June 2, 3 & 4 at
7:30 PM at St. Patrick Church. You were welcome to attend any evening should
you have been not able to attend the designated evening for Fr. Francis McSpiritt
School. Please contact the church if you were not able to attend one of these dates.
To Parents of Students in Grade 1 – Notices have been sent home – through the
school, St. Patrick Church and information posted on the school website and
Twitter, regarding information sessions taking place on June 23 (McSpiritt parents)
and June 24 at 7:00 PM at St. Patrick Church. Once again, if you are not able to
attend the designated evening for Fr. Francis McSpiritt School, you may attend the
alternate date. Please contact the church if you miss these information sessions.
Father Francis McSpiritt June Newsletter 2015
Father Vito has been able to “tentatively” set dates for the above mentioned
Sacraments with the “Office of our Bishop” – Bishop Boissonneau.
Tuesday, January 27, 2016 @ 7:00 P.M. at St. Patrick Church
Saturday, June 4. 2016 @ 12:00 P.M. & 2:30 P.M. at St. Patrick Church
CONFIRMATION – Grade 7 & 8
Sacrament of Confirmation for our Grade 8 students – Class of 2015-2016:
Wednesday, December 9, 2015 - 7:00 P.M. @ St. Patrick Church
Sacrament of Confirmation for our Grade 7 Students – Class of 2015 – 2016:
Monday, May 9, 2016 - 7:00 P.M. @ St. Patrick Church
As a large school with over 600 students, we have many students and staff members with life
threatening peanut allergies. Please remember to abstain from sending your child to school with
any type of food containing nut products including peanut butter sandwiches, donuts, hazelnut
chocolate spread, etc.
Father Francis McSpiritt June Newsletter 2015
A Message from our School Trustee, Shawn Xaviour
Thank you for Choosing a Dufferin-Peel Catholic Education
Dear Parents and Guardians:
It seems that, all of a sudden, summer weather is upon us and so, incredibly, is the end of the 2014-15
school year. As we reflect back over the year, we can see that it was, in fact, a very successful year for
Dufferin-Peel students in terms of achievement, success and well-being. With steadily rising EQAO
scores, matching or surpassing the provincial standard and averages in most assessment areas, and
graduation rates that are among the highest in the province, this board continues to be defined, in part,
by our high levels of success and achievement. Yet, we are much more than that. Our commitment to
helping each student fulfil their potential, through the Ontario Catholic School Graduate Expectations,
means that our students graduate with the tools to become good, solid contributing members of the
communities in which they will live.
As trustees, we see the contribution of dedicated teaching and support staff, administrators and senior
management working together with trustees facilitate conditions that we can to facilitate success. We
also see, firsthand, the important role of our parents/guardians, working in concert with the school and
the parish in fostering conditions for success and well-being.
So, as we complete the final leg of the journey that is the 2014-15 school year, we thank
parents/guardians for choosing a Dufferin-Peel Catholic education for your child(ren) and for entrusting
them into our care. It is a responsibility for which we are grateful and one that we cherish very much. To
our students, thank you for all you have done to contribute to the life of your school. For those who are
graduating and moving on to post-secondary education or the world of work, may God continue to go
with you and bless you on your journey. To our returning students and families, we look forward to
seeing you in September.
Blessings and best wishes for a peaceful and restful summer.
Shawn Xaviour
Good Bye and Thank You
Good-bye to Mr. Salameh and Mrs. Balthazar who will be moving to other schools. We would
like to thank them for their dedication and commitment to our McSpiritt community over the
past several years.
We thank our long-term occasional staff: Ms. Scianna, Ms. Stuart, Mr. Toledo, Ms. Dworaczak,
Mr. Aiworo, Ms. Pimenta, Ms. Scanlon, Ms. Abello, Ms. Ryan, Ms. Lucic for providing our
students with an excellent learning environment. We wish them all the best in their future
To everyone; have a safe summer!!!
Father Francis McSpiritt June Newsletter 2015
Dates to Remember
June 2
June 2, 3, 4
June 4
June 4
June 8
June 9
June 10
June 11
June 12
June 15
June 16
June 18
June 19
June 23 & 24
June 23
June 24
June 24
June 26
Robert F. Hall SS Play on Diversity/Acceptance for Gr. 1, 2 & 3 in gym
Confirmation Info. Sessions at St. Patrick Church (for next year) 7:30 PM
St. Thomas Aquinas SS music presentation in gym – Gr. 6 & 7
Welcome to Kindergarten Night - 6:30 p.m.
PD Day - no school for students – Assessment and Reporting Day
Intermediate Girls’ Soccer tournament
Academic Competition for Junior Students
BNE Track & Field Day @ St. Marcellinus S.S.
School Council BBQ for all students
Grade 8 students to St. Patrick Church to meet the Bishop – 11:00 AM
Intermediate Boys’ Soccer tournament
Intermediate Beach Volleyball Tournament
Senior Kindergarten Celebration 1:00 PM
1st Communion Info. Session (for next year) @ St. Patrick Church 7:00 PM
Kindergarten Play day (June 25 rain date)
Grade 8 Graduation & Awards – 10:00 – 3:00 at La Fontana Primavera
Report Cards go home
LAST DAY OF SCHOOL (8:45-3:15)
Sept. 8, 2015.
- JK’s new to McSpiritt will receive a letter in August with their start date
- SK’s- meet in the Kindergarten yard
- Gr. 1 to 8- In the main school yard
If you are planning to move out of the Fr. Francis McSpiritt School area, or moving to a new
home, please complete the form below and return it to the Office.
Name of Student:_______________________________________________________________
New Address:__________________________________________________________________
Phone number:_________________________________________________________________
Effective Date:_________________________________________________________________